Empty parking spots in the garage

I missed this one in the banter. Great suggestion taco!

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I started a new topic in light of some of the concerns expressed here. Please feel free
to give your thoughts.

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thanks Caedus. this one is hard to sift through the noise.

Bumping this to get more input

Alright i read most of this topic now.
Thereā€™s 1 important thing you missed.
Reward for selling ship = Buyer getting HWS Connect notice.

This means if a faction bought many of some ship, the creator would know an attack is coming. Thatā€™s not a good idea, and a unfair advantage.

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again, this topic is for ideas on how to fill the empty slots in the garage. not a debate on what is fair and unfair, not a pool for political drama, or a battlefield for the builders vs marketeers. I am only trying to see what incentive would get new names in the garage and fill those spots. I would be happy to debate the other topics (other than the pointless political drama) on another post. I donā€™t see your name in the garage Dark. what would help u to want to fill those spots?

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Iā€™m not trying to start a discussion, or continue the one above. Iā€™m just stating that getting direct reward for building ship can cause trouble.

First of all, iā€™m not playing anymore, but iā€™m pretty sure there already is a reward. I think you get your ship for free(once) if you get a accepted ship. Maybe some donā€™t know that. Maybe iā€™m wrong, but if i am then that should be the reward.

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You are correct, for a successful garage submission the player will receive a copy of the craft as a thank you. If the player desires a finical gain then they could easily sell the item below market value and still receive millions of credits for their time.

The other point here is many players enjoy building and submitting for fun and thatā€™s how it should be not for out and out finical gain or as a tool to get the upper hand and dominate your opponent.

then why are you disagreeing with things that do not matter to you? if you donā€™t play here anymore, it shouldnā€™t matter how things are run. im not saying donā€™t come back, actually the opposite. come back to HWS and see what changes are there for yourself.

yes i 100% agree but the empty spots are telling me this is not the case. there are a lot of things that ā€œshould beā€ but never pan out. if itā€™s not the reward keeping the spots empty, than what is? that is the entire point of making this topic.

When the garage sales/ show room was first implemented (I think it was back in 5.0) the area had both the sv, hv and cvā€™s within this area. When the cvā€™s where moved to space it left the area looking a litel empty and on this I agree but whether this is due to a lack of submissions or JU being busy working on other areas idk but I am sure if any are submitted that meet the high standards they will be looked at for implementation.

Iā€™m not playing ā€œEmpyrionā€ anymore. I still really enjoy all HWS that isnā€™t empyrion. For example iā€™m constantly reading the discord, and the forum.

And this might not affect me no, but i still have lots of experience, and clearly nobody had thought of what i wrote.

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if you do not participate, itā€™s hard to judge how things should be. lots of things have changed drastically with each update. come back to the verse and see how it all plays out. yes you have insight from past experiences but the universe is constantly evolving. hop in and test out the garage ships for yourself. rex put an awesome garage event that letā€™s us fly them all at no cost.

Iā€™m not following anymore.

What does this have to do with anything.
All i said was:

This i know for a fact, and it will probably be like this for a very long time since itā€™s a good system.
I still check HWS Connect sometimes. Like i said. Iā€™m not playing, but i still enjoy the HWS part.

This i know as well. I read what PvPā€™ers write, PvEā€™ers, and all announcements.

I donā€™t want a discussion or anything(regarding this at least). But this has nothing to do with anything though O.o

not necessarily. there is no way to predict an attack based solely on how many ships are purchased from the garage. also no way of knowing who will be attacked. i really feel sorry for the creator of a fighter that watches the sales board in anticipation of an imminent attack. just because several ships are purchased, does not mean an attack will be happening right then and there. the idea of PVP zones is that an attack is ALWAYS imminent. the whole reason for the sales board is to see which ship is the most popular. ships that sit and donā€™t sell at all should be removed from the garage making space for new ideas. we canā€™t just dismiss an idea due to the potential abuse by trolls. if the Wright brothers worried about the bad uses of flight, we would have never left the ground. we canā€™t ignore the good ideas because the bad usages of that idea. we can only evolve the idea to keep up with the times. either way this can be discussed on another topic. as I have repeatedly said, this topic is to get ideas on boosting the desire to build garage ships. the ideas collected here can be put in another post and voted on.

was in response to:

You are rewarded with one ship when published. People who sent the garage blueprints was not for having a stable income but to have his work published in the biggest empyrion server and all people can see their creation and maybe fall in love with it. I recently sent a garage sv but didnt read the new rules (i was missing 2 seasons) and it wasnt accepted and now i will try to make a new submission when i have spare time because i want my creation to be there. I created The Prism in Phoenix and everytime i see it and people try to beat it make me feel good. (and i assure you that creating that monster didnt take 30 hrs). Greedy Boyz

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as i have said many times. yes i totally agree that having your name in the garage ā€œshouldā€ be incentive enough but it doesnā€™t seem to be the case. how would u suggest we fill those empty slots @Paxxo1985

We can put there ships that people spawn and sell instead of overcrowding ecc parking spots.

great idea! yes that would fill spots. i also think there should be a time limit on how long the ship sells for. if not sold in X days then warped out of the sector to avoid complaints of deleted ships. this should be possible with scripting.

Maybe just build a smaller shipyard. No more empty spaces :wink:

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