Empyrion Feature Requsts

I would prefer heat management, if you use device a lot or over its capacity, it takes damage until it explodes.

i’ll keep it succinct and keep adding to this post to try to keep it clean. If you’d like more details on any one item, feel free to ask!


  1. HotKey mapping – Weapon groups, enable/disable, access, etc. Would be nice to access a warp tank or drill turret without Control Panel, or disable turrets, for example
  • Stay attached to ship while moving - Would be nice on those long deep space journeys to be able to move about the cabin, do things like harvest, paint, etc.


  1. Large Size! - I like the new 5.1 universe – Would love to see more planets and systems though! There are some choke points and we should keep those to force interactions, but exploration and the risk of finding some cool stuff and also perhaps stumbling on someone else finding cool stuff, with more options, would be great. lots of ways to keep it performance optimal
  • More Donor Planets/Planet Lottery - Understand why we have only a few - but would love to see them go up for lottery or something to allow others the opportunity to get in. for example, every season all planets go up for lottery, a ticket is real money donation, and then the winner can also pay the new reduced donation for the planet. etc. Just one option.
  • Complex paths - i am loving the one way warping – Would love to see this lead into more complex pathways, lending to the above bullet even more options. Taking an easy path to a target rich in resources may lead you back through a very hostile string of systems, etc.


  1. Chat functions - Would be great to have more than 2 chat rooms. Ideally, chat boxes like other MMO games work fantastic with whisper and reply functions included. But at the very least, additional channels that you can opt in/out of (Trade/Auction, Faction, Origin, Planet/Playfield, etc.). We really need more chat functions to avoid getting out of the game to talk!
  • Events!! – Would love to see more support for events, Racing, Skydiving, etc. More of a server/community enhancement, but would be cool to have official support for games! Not competitive pew pew, but more fun, social stuff. Bring your grog, your favorite bully and a mini-bike!


  1. Better trade mechanisms - i.e. a trade window, accept/reject, etc. We’re currently forced to stash stuff in boxes and hope nobody grabs it or we accidentally drop it, or trash it instead of drop it, etc. a safe trade mechanism, please!
  • Courrier function - If the market place remains as is and you must pick up where it’s been posted, an ability to assign a code to a pickup or somehow allow another agent to pickup and deliver the goods would introduce a new role to fill and also make the marketplace more useful.
  • Better balance of Goods/Supply/Demand - Currently not much in the way of economy for a trader. It’s just a class with restrictions on who we can engage since everyone else can do exactly the same as a trader, for example. But with some tuning on what can be made by whom, and force that to be exchanged, this could bring a better balance to the origins and their roles. many ways to skin that cat.
  • Lottery - Wouldnt mind seeing some improvements on the lottery – such as integration to HWS Connect, announcements on who won, what the jackpot was on HWSC, etc. Its a cool thing and i think it’s underutilized.

Will add more as i think of them!

  • Hops
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@RexXxuS This is actually a really good idea - the lottery was never very popular but maybe if a faction could win access to a planet for a week it would be.

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I like the spirit of the idea, But i also kind of like that if you are trying to loot during an active battle, that there’s some risk to it. Alternatively, wait till everyones dead, you have a clear winner, and to the winner go the spoils. Otherwise, you want to sneak in, core one of 5 and warp out, ok, but there’s some risk.

Just a bit of opinion :slight_smile: Love the popup idea in general though, for any cores.

We need the option to transfer a grid without setting it to public.
Easiest way I can think of is having a lock code for the core. You give the code and the new owner sets the core for himself.

Also, the suggested chat enhancements are good, but dont forget about this:
A way for the server to NOT broadcast text commands to the entire server!!
ie any chat text that start with / is kept at the server and not broadcast. Then you modify your commands to require /.

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Yes! That’s what i was hoping to convey with the MMO reference, as it’s common practice to be somewhat of a console shell when prefixing commands with /. Also allowed a fair bit of command usage and thus macro-magic. Opens the door to possibilities for sure. also no more global spamming for chatbots (love the Chatbot tho!) :smiley:

What I really want in 6.0 is to be able to set targets for my weapons, I want to be able to tell my cannon to only shoot SV, my artillery to shoot only at CV and my minigun to shoot at predators and player, it is past the time of We have this in the game, it is already time for eleon to implement this and 6.0 seems to be a good time, this would even contribute to the decrease of the lag, because we could select which weapons shoot at that, and in the future even define attacks on external modules such Such as thrusters and weapons.

I also want to be able to select the same way I do with the Cv handguns, that can select my towers without the need to access the control panel, so if I want to shoot with the plasmas just select them in the cv hand slot and Shoot with the four at a time, where the shots accompanied the sights in third or first person, but on another occasion I want to shoot only with my flaks and shoot down an SV, all this with the roll of a button, and if the tower is occupied By someone, it just does not appear in the available weapon count, ie if they are 6 you will only shoot with 5, this way I could even fly with weapons off or a READY mode, in which they only fire if I fire first.

Yeah i get the point… but thats often how many folks play style as well… … the ultimate endpoint though, even in non combat situations… spawn a new BP near any of you or your friends and alot of times you will be spawning back in your medbay as well…

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This isn’t a feature but:

Why is ramp double top a 1k hp block? It makes no sense. Is that on purpose?

an option, checkbox or similar, for “auto sprint” or “always run” that will aid in moving faster unless we WANT to move slow. Im so tired of always holding shift down when walking around… why when i could set it as a default option ?

I’m sick of turning the suit light everytime I exit a cockpit/seat. it should be remembered or ON by default at exit…

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Not sure if anyone has posted this here yet.

HWS taxes based on class size.

Speed limit based on class size.

BA turrets should out range all other turrets.

Longer range on repair pad.

Repair factory - Like the blueprint factory but damage ships can be sent there along with materials to replace missing parts. Once the time is taken to make the repairs you spawn your ship back in. This could also be used to upgrade a a ship. or scrap other ships to build a different one!

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Taxes are based on device count at the moment. But the main concept is to keep core count down. To that end, it actually is a bad idea to have less taxes for many objects than you would for one.[quote=“DoctorDiscord, post:72, topic:3376”]
Repair factory - Like the blueprint factory but damage ships can be sent there along with materials to replace missing parts

Surely I am not the only one who sees that people will just pocket their ships at the beginning of a fight, right? As it stands, the f2 factory is already incredibly game breaking. Making it two way would make it straight fantasy. I would rather see an implementation similar to Space engineers’ Hologram emitters that can auto build objects off of a pattern.

So legacy ships are ment to be cheaper? I don’t think you know how class is figured

Surely I am not the only one who sees that people will just pocket their ships at the beginning of a fight, right? As it stands, the f2 factory is already incredibly game breaking. Making it two way would make it straight fantasy. I would rather see an implementation similar to Space engineers’ Hologram emitters that can auto build objects off of a pattern.

Pretty sure you are… I know I wouldn’t want to fight a CV on foot.

Bah. I was gonna respond to all of this, but whats the point. Insult away little buddy. I was just providing a counter argument.

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All -

I have cleaned up the original post to add many of the suggestions posted here.

I will be taking a break from the game. The PvP lag paired with the upcoming changes in 5.3 have killed all remaining desire to log in.

Someone else please take ownership of maintaining this list - as in start a new thread.


So it’s been a few months…and it seems many of these actually got added.


Unfortunately 2 pints of milk doesn’t go into a 1 pint jug.

not really, the netcode is still total crap…