======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======
Well, it has to do with my garage ships, and it’s kind of my fault, but it was definitely an accident
I was passing through lawless on my way to pirate space, but I had to get off in a hurry, so I stopped in Lawless, (I made sure to check the ship limitations, saw that I was good), and logged off.
I had forgotten that I had spawned in a tiny taxi earlier that day that was on my CV, and so when I logged back on, HWS had taken my x7
Player(s) with issue: Ninjorman
Server: NA
Time (cb:time): March 26th
Playfield: Lawless HW
Structure Name(s): GutterRunner
Structure ID(s): Unknown
How can we help you now: Hoping to get ship restored. Though it was my fault, it was an accident.
After that whole fiasco I decided I’d like to try the new Raider gargage ship, so I used the aforementioned Taxi and warped to ECC, where I purchased the Raider and destroyed the Taxi. Warped the raider back to my CV, where I decided to throw a layer of armor around it’s more weak areas. Through one of those annoying little lag spikes when using the MultiTool, I accidentally took out one of the thrusters, and now it won’t hardly even move forward!
Player(s) with issue: Ninjorman
Server: NA
Time (cb:time): March 26th
Playfield: Lawless HW
Structure Name(s): Raider
Structure ID(s): 4946909
How can we help you now: Hoping to get the ship restored. Though it was my fault, it was an accident.