HWS 4.0 Universe - Sneak Preview

Now that’s a problem of the game, it needs a better guide.
People that tend to quit fast, are people that can’t put their mind to something and expect instant satisfaction. This game is not instant satisfaction for cod kiddies, that’s simply not the type of game it is. A server will always be more complicated than single player, it has rules and all kinds of things implemented that single player does not feature. If anything, people that don’t take the time deserve it and shouldn’t have bought the game too quickly. If Empyrion devs can do anything, then that would be to implement a warning message that multiplayer has a steep learning curve that varies extremely per server when not having played single player for at least “x” amount of hours.

Last night I literally saw a new player say the following.

“I can’t mine this iron ore it’s next to a base”
Turned out to be a deposit within 250m radius of a playerbase.
Next thing he said was.
“don’t see any other ores, can’t mine this. USELESS >> ragequit”

People expect something to hold their hand, the admins can only code extra things that they will never check out because they are limited to their website or the PDA. The game doesn’t feature a mechanic called “hand holding”. It’s a game that’s about patience and knowledge and that’s exactly what it should be. If new players can’t bring up the effort for that, then that’s their own fault.

i dont talk about these kind of beginners, ppl who didnt play singleplayer proper at first.
if you are new it takes a while to get your first credits. having to pay for your base in the beginning will make this more complicated. but if the plans are to reduce server load with less connected players, go for it.

There is still a pve starter zone where this new players will be able to setup for a week. So that doesn’t change. The transition changes and maybe the new Phobos needs less orbit wipes so people can stay on pve starter for two weeks before heading out into the dynamic world


Or a second Phobos system that has a 10-14 day wipe but jascha programs it’s so no one with more than 50 hours server time is allowed to be on there. As a secondary transition

So if i’m right the next update is 4.0???

or am i wrong?

Based on 2.0 - 3.0 update schedule we should be looking at between 1-2 weeks for 4.0 :smiley: hopefully 3 max

1.0 - 2.0 (21 June 2016)
2.0 - 3.0 (11 Aug 2016 - 52 days between)
3.0 - 4.0 (currently at 50 days)

As for me… This project is TOOOOOOO large for our online. And its simply useless. Looking on this map, I see the same problem: no reason to fight. Rly, we need 2 sides, and some Middle-system between them, to fight for it. Not 100500 systems with PvPvE change system, but 2 const PvE worlds (for 2 sides) with simple resources and all other PvP worlds with rare resources (2-4, not much). This make some sense to fight for something…

Alexkvm arent you the guy always whining about making things more pvp and the peacekeeper issue. You were crying at the thought of More pvp and less pve

Yet even in your post your asking for constant pve resources LOL. ELIMINATE ALL PVE RESOURCES(cept starter). Now you have a reason To fight.

I talk about SUCH system - ALL the time. And Im not crying, Im posting some feedback about world. For some PvP-mad guys, which see “fun” in laggy-PvP fights, this was like “cry”. I understand that. But idc about such people) If u see fun in lags - thats only your problem, not my…

But any way - if we want create world for ALL (PvE and PvP), and ,make some reason for people to fight (even in lags) - we need 2-side system. I thought it was obvious.

To be honest this was my first draft and concept before I went the “back to the roots” track with DNA and dynamic PvPvE. The problem with that system is again:
You have finite PvE planets but infinite people joining the server. Since the game progress is going more and more in a stable one you will reach after some months following scenario:
Forum -> Get Support -> “Ship missing”… “lags”… “where is my ship”… “we need more PvE planets”… “can’t build on Destiny2000”… “add more PvE planets FFS”… and so on.

This system can work but with high amount of work and rules. My goal for 4.0 is to reduce the rules amount and allow more freedom.

In such cause, better dismiss any possibility to create building at all. That looks stupid, but: survival game without any chance to create own BA - …

If we speak about lags and lost ships: we could lost it EVERYWHERE. Ye, most of them lost in PK-systems, BUT PK systems had 50-90% of all our online. Ofc it would have more missings and lags.

I see this “freedom” consists only on “living in CV” far far far in deep space… As some live, in 200-300 km from nearest planet. I didnt see any “freedom” in such game.

what software did you use to make the diagram Rex?

We will see how it goes with all the new great stuff implemented in 4.0.
It is still a damn lot we need to do for 4.0 and if everything works out I think it will be good.

Which diagram?

Blender 3D

Awesome, Just putting together some feedback after letting this 4.0 universe sink in…i do love a good diagram haha

hello rex looking at pay per cv per device lol mmmm i think it should be one limit all for everyone and ocd cool down should be the same for every faction or you will have just traders everywhere lol i got to be honest i wouldnt mind going lawless but like ding dong am i waiting over 3 months to get every thing out of my ocd lmao so i go trader and get every thing out when i want lol and still act like lawless minus the ROR lol :wink:

Now that its been a few weeks since this preview its had time to sink in, so i thought id give some feedback and raise a few things for the admin team to consider…just so things don’t get missed :slight_smile:

Faction planets

  • What type of restrictions? can Alliance visit a Trader planet or visa versa or any other factions visiting etc?

  • what happens if someone breaks the rules and try to build/visit on faction planet?

  • what happens when you cant make rent?

  • Do the planets have the names, Alliance faction, Hunter faction, If not whats stopping some new guy not reading the rules trying to build on as planet he has no idea is a faction one?

  • will all the planets have the same Biome, breathable? water? Crystals? I don’t fancy living in a barren or lava world? is it fair for each faction?

  • What will the restrictions be for the faction planets, 1 x base per faction? as many as you can afford? CV allowed on planets?


  • Will there be rare planets that have all the rare resources? if so where will it be, i mean If its next to pirate world that is a massive disadvantage for Bounty hunters and Traders as it will cost them maybe 75 Pentax for the trip and pirates just 25?

  • Does the PVE rotation hit these rare planets? Seems a pretty easy way to get the best resources in an unrealistic way? where is the threat? why go mining when its PVP, Just wait and know you can mine for two days straight untouched.

  • Will there be a HWS campaign or some kind of PVE battle playfield, If so how often will it wipe? will it be a planet wipe? is it still a buggy space orbit where bases spawn no enemy and are easy to break into or arel there just loads of POI on a planet/planets no orbit?

*Looking at the system there is potential for particular factions to have a huge adcantage in terms of placement or is there like a mirror system so perhaps 2 sat fed, 2 Erestrum fed…if so why bother going over the other sid e of the universe?

*are players likely to see each other? where does all the fighting happen, where is the ‘hub’ of the universe? EM is at the centre but thats PVE right?

Ok now they some considerations for the admin, i don’t want actual answers at all just questions you guys could ask yourself when making the new universe

now for my opinions and to purley build on what Rex has already created with the great DNA and back to roots idea please head over to…

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What will happen to BA, if I wouldnt pay? It gonna be delete, or it goes to Admin-fraction with possibility to pay tax later, with getting it back???

For now it will just take your money until you are bleeding out and starving… as tax collectors are intended to do :imp:.
In the future we will implement something that you get a “few” days the possibility to get that money, otherwise it would be taken to HWS faction.