HWS 6.0 | Teaser Road to Release | Reputation System & Origins | Part I


you assume too much - just wait for the other parts / release :slight_smile:

Indeed I thought about it while sleeping and adjusted it to fit / boost more their purpose. Will be looked at during the saison but changed it to +3 RP for a Black Market Trade per day now.

They don’t have much special abilities to get RP except doing their job. Killing the “bad” guys. It is with intention. But see below.

That is a wrong logic you have. It is same as now the warp system. One warp per day = 3 RP no matter how often you warp at the same day too.

Your RP math is not accurate all I can say.

Yes, they deserve it!

It is written. Just read good and don’t assume things.

Not changed from 5.X: at 9AM. But again: only with the proper Origin Epic Weapon.

Next time use a color + bold font to tell me you didn’t read my post…

As you said - it is a survival game. All what guilty brings into the game means 107% survival.

You guys also think guilty is like the weather. It is YOU who decide to become guilty or not. It is not a random thing.
If you play the way you become guilty: well then.

Everything else will be explained in the Teaser Part II. Be patient!

Last but not least it is maybe too fancy / new but you forget the crucial thing:
the *Alien Sacrifice RP gain

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Problem with guardian is you are either 1) guarenteed to become guilty if you leave turrets on all the time - because pirates, and accidents happen, or 2) turn them off and die to pirates because its already too late when the game identifies who you are facing, or have been ambushed with turrets off.

As a current guardian, i see no reason to return as a guardian, and multiple reasons not too.

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You only have to worry about other guardians and traders. And for that you have the Alliances system.
If a Trader / Guardian tries to play Pirate this only works when you are online. And if you are online they mostly want to kill you / you want to defend your stuff.

We will see if true Defender / Pirate Killer will play their role. At the moment there are a lot out there but maybe under a different tag.

However we will see how it turns out as mentioned.
I can imagine a super ability of Guardian will become to set people guilty (with proper ways).

And once again: only because it is on the paper “worse” it has no affect of the reality. It is all balanced out in the universe with Missions. But well - there is always a cb:reset :wink:

Stay tuned for Part II at the evening!

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How does the kill registering work with ships? How about multicrewed ships? Is it always the pilot who gets the kill? player closest? etc.

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It works ®

Only the pilot gets the reward.

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My best advice during this next week: Have an open mind, and reserve final judgement for actually picking your origin.

These teasers are meant to provoke thoughts, guesses, assumptions and spark your imagination. We certainly dont epexect you to have the information you need to determine your path in life just yet… But wait it out, you will see more.

You dont think balance isnt a part of this whole thing do ya? :wink:

We Agree!! :smiley:

Swiss - Read the teaser carefully – Guardians lose rep and become guilty by killing other traders/guardians. You can ragdoll pirates with your pew pew all day long and gain RP for it. :slight_smile:

The point I didnt state well enough is that a guardian who has turrets always on (which is a must to survive) will eventually, by accident kill a trader or guardian. Has happened to me, been killed and I have killed others by accident in current session. Impossible to ally with everyone and turrets will fire before one knows what they’re firing at. Oftentimes, alliance occurs after someone has already died this way and apologies offered. So, that doesnt solve problem of getting on guilty board by accident.

Only other option I see is to go around with turrets off. Doing so, might as well volunteer to lay down on the alter for pirates, hunters, etc. to cut ones heart out.

I understand and admire the efforts being made to put this together. Just pointing out what I see as implications. If these are intended outcomes, then ok, all part of the plan. Just want to ensure this is the intent.

As is, its a conundrum causing me to have no interest in returning as a guardian.

It may not be possible to address this in the framework of the guilty board system. Therefore something else may be needed to off set the risk. I dont see the ability to assign someone to the guilty board as a significant benefit. Pirates and Hunters already want to be there.

No worries - it will be announced additionally but Bases do not count for that mechanism.
Only flying structures or handheld weapons.

Your base can shoot at anything and you can watch them dying :sunglasses:

Not bases, I understand. Its CV and HV where the risk lies. Try mining Homeworld or Blackhole with turrets off. Mining in an hv requires one to be piloting it.

Or, say ones base is cv in space. You’re in cockpit and a trader or guardian stumbles on it and dies to turret fire?

To put an entire factions assets at risk as a result is not acceptable to me. Either I play as a loner, or something other than guardian. Almost nothing will make this risk acceptable. I see only huge factions welcoming this scenario and daring anyone to try to come kill their guilty member because there is very low risk to them.

Well it stops there.

  1. on PvP it is your responsibility to take care of your surrounding. Attacker or Defender.
  2. you will get color code detection if friend or ally
  3. your HV / BA / CV can’t kill people “accidentley”. The kill / guilty system works ONLY if you pilot this structure.

So if you are sitting in your structure and ignoring all of this - well then.

Curious question about the Penthouse for donators. As that planet is said to be PVE, will that prevent pirates from getting their +3 a day for living in PVP?
I have no interest in the pirate life, just curious.

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Players dont ‘own’ penthouses. HWS does. :slight_smile:

This has to be announced yet.
Since a massive core logic rework has to be done still.

After that we can tell more.
But in general they are excluded from any RP gain ability


With each glimpse into some answers, new questions will come, which in turn have more though provoking questions behind them. All will become clear.

We/Eleon cannot address every single probability with game mechanics – Just as life cant prevent the random crazy. However the general baseline is accounted for.

Ohhh I like the ‘giult’ system. It reminds me of the good ol’ days of Lineage II, all people chasing the red name guys (PK).
I know you guys have planned it all, and also need to see the system ‘live’ to adjust it. But just a few thoughts:
Will Giult be comulative? I.E. you killed 5 allies, so you need to die 5 times for it, or one death will clear out all your sins?. Or maybe increasing…i.e. first time you die just 1 time for clear, second offense you need to die 2 times, and so on…
Now we need to have a ‘safe house’ away from our bases prepared for going ‘Guilty’ .D

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One strike is one out.

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Currently its a 1 or a 0 if i recall. Although there are always possibilities to expand this stuff based on how well it goes and how feedback comes in. Keep it comin’

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Thanks for the replies.
Well I guess we will set a ‘safe house’ somewhere for when we can’t return to our faction base due to ‘giult’.
The one request I have is maybe we can have our delete timer refreshed each time we log in, only for the base we set as ‘home’. This way we could have just 1 cv/ba we don’t need to visit constantly to keep it.(unless we stop logging on).
/Edit oh I see you DO have an increasing cost for the ‘no giult’ EGS command…this is looking good .D

Half the fun of a “system” for the bad guys is learning how to beat it. :slight_smile: