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Love setting down HVs for combat loggers myself, and coming back to a backpack.

Makes me happy.

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oh manā€¦ wo dit thei heir to rite englisch. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Engrish prz

i concur

Taco, for people like you i never go without a stack of large walls in my factory :-))

Rexxus, yes indeed i prefer space stations to planet bases. Met soooo many griefer/exploiter planet bases that i lost all motivation to raid these.

And yes, my space stations will fall faster than in 30 minutes, although they have maxed out defence parameters and firing arcs.

So, just following your argumentation, you really like factions with 30 guys squeezing single players ?

Nope, but solo player have a massive advantage over 30 guys in a faction.
For a single guy it takes just a click for the OP. For 30 guys it takes a lot of communication and coordination all over the universe to get the OP active.

And since you persist in ignoring it one last time: you have to make sure 30 minutes BEFORE you logout that you are at a safe position. Then you can sleep tight.


Stacks of walls in the factory will not keep you from getting killed when you log back in.

Tell ya what, from now on Iā€™ll keep some drop down towers in factory, just for you.

Butsā€¦ I want immediate OP when I logā€¦ /sarcasm

Begs the question yet again, why build in PvP at all if you donā€™t like the potential for conflict at your doorstep?

Iā€™m sure there will be happy land where rainbows, teddy bears and lollipops will be aplenty in the next season if you donā€™t want conflict.

Hey Taco,

the time window is sufficient to place a wall between me and your HV before it starts firing.

Please leave me some Graffitti on my wall like ā€œTrump was hereā€, ok ? :slight_smile:

AFAIK turrets donā€™t have timers.

Log in + turret = death


Been playing a bit on Eleon Test server now (rexxus) and i wonderā€¦
Will it be that all factions in the same category is auto allied in hws7 as well? If so, i love it =D =D

This feature has pros and cons and we had it active straight at the beginning (5.0) but some PvP gurus showed the real cons and game breaking pros of it.

  1. Be a pirate
  2. Fly to a PvP planet
  3. Checkout your other pirate enemy structure (doesnā€™t shoot because auto ally)
  4. Build nice turrets around that base
  5. As soon as you are ready revoke the alliance
  6. profit

That is the reason why we said: you have to proactive ask for alliance so you know whom you trust or not.

Auto Alliance is the little brother of spionage and sabotage.


I agree, seen it happen with Colin as he was flying over an ā€œalliedā€ base for them to cancel the alliance as he was flying over.

Needless to say, they lost everything afterwards. Better off asking for alliances than automatic alliance.

Player log is one of best features on HWS site.
Thank You for this. :+1:


You keep touting this strategy as so effective, same as your claims about auto fire macros. I cant wait to see what happens when you combat log and someone puts a 10 block base with sentry gun on it, and you cant magic place a wall because of anti grief distance. Or uses more than one turret, or I donā€™t know, doesnā€™t HAPPEN to place it directly in front of you when you log in.
Long story short, your posts amuse me, keep em coming :slight_smile:

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Post was removed due to opness

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Actually gave me a better idea. Instead of wasting combat blocks, will build a concrete box with sentry guns lined up in 8 positions around it.

Iā€™ll even put a door on it to get to that backpack easier. Good luck with that wall!

This I will build and bp tonight.

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Will make it even funnier while your sitting their clicking and your building is in red and making canā€™t place noises while your getting shot :stuck_out_tongue: false hope is a lot worse than just getting your ass shot, but yea there is a way easier solution wonā€™t diverge it thou xD

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that sounds greatā€¦ 7.0 i canā€™t wait

Canā€™t build it tonight, got a thing going on.