HWS 7 Teaser II | Automatic Garage Sales | Better OP | Universe Sneak | New admin | HWS Connect Player Log

Yeah… Did not think about that one :-/

To bad, as long as all races are the same on the map, or marked enemy… The alliance will automatically shoot at other alliance…

Not sure if it will be the same setup, but when this rolled out initially, the starter planet is PVE, so no risk of shooting other noobs. But the faction restricted planet was PvP, so you had to make sure that when you left safe space, you had your alliances in order, or you faced a lot of turret fire.

Really helped weeding out the players that didnt pay any attention, and should prolly not be on a MP server, lol

it would be good to reverse the player log. to have new events at the top, so you do not need to scroll down every time.


Thanks for the suggestion, indeed I try to optimize it


I agree

Reminder to the POLL

Tomorrow the poll is closing.
For now it looks like

10 minute OP delay
38 hours OP duration

After one year without OP this is a big comeback everyone needs to get used to it first.
Later we can adjust it along the way until it’s good for almost everyone.

Thanks for your participation.

10 minutes op delay is way too less. That allow massive abuse use of it unfortunately. there is still 30 min 39% and 20min 12 %, so overal more people will hope more than 10min

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Ah, yeah, it was misleading. I just copied the highest value.
From a poll we take the best average possible which will be 20 minute OP delay time and 35 hours