HWS 7XX Full Wipe delay | Sorry | Worth it!

Hey @everyone,

with full regret I have to announce that we have to delay the Full Wipe for about 24 hours.

If some people know me it is one of the worst I do normally but under the current circumstances, the responsibility to such a high expectation of hundreds of players I just can’t do a “50%” solution I did almost the previous Full Wipes.

This time we are in a great position to not have Eleon knocking on the Door and cancel the Party so please bare with us and enjoy your final 24 hours in a good way! I see here that some OCDs are still not full :wink:

Longer explanation:

As some know I am doing 99% by my own in terms of content. @xwert1 helped me this time with some cool starter POIs so I’m sure you will like them.
But since it is a different universe, tons of new missions and overall update of almost everything it was just too much for me to do until now. Even though I started quite early this time…
To be clear: I updated and changed EVERY POI you will see. Over 400 POIs we have in HWS went through my hand. Also the PDA got a massive rework with (hopefully) not a single bug!
I’m exhausted but I am really sure it is worth the wait!

Last but not least let me give you more insights for tomorrow:


Some cool new missions are waiting for you and PvE guys will love the brand new possibilities to do Missions for sure!

And more…

Golden Globe and Homeworld PvP POI

These two hotspots got tons of feedback and I went a middle road. A new one. Who knows how it will turn out but we will see!

You WILL want to conquer these POIs for sure!


The new Origin is a Prototype. Not much known yet and only the beginning but it is a brand new Start experience especially for the veterans in Empyrion / HWS designed for.

  • it is a SURVIVAL challenge you (won’t) regret
  • you can use OCD there
  • you have to CHOOSE who you wanna be at the end…

And much more…

Sorry once again but I really think it is worth it when I spend now the whole night again on it to finish the last few steps on my list to provide a flawless new season!

Thanks for your understanding!

Your HWS Team

P.S.: As a bonus we will activate PvP on almost all Playfields and turn off Offline Protection with the 11PM restart! :popcorn: (PvE still: ECCs + Peacekeepers + Donator + Penthouse)


Take your time Rexx. I hope it comes out great. Cheers


Any chance for an ETA tomorrow, Rex?

How abour CSW zone - PVP?

24 hours @roboo 5pm is the call for now!

The orbit is quite empty

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Rex, if you activate PVP on all playfields, we wont be able to pull stuff from OCD. Maybe allow pull from OCD on PVP if doable?

He already said ECC and peacekeepers is PVE

PvP in game and PvP for OCD are 2 different things.
We could technically allow OCD on Golden Globe. It’s an internal thing so it won’t change.

Anyways as I said, not all. ECC + Peacekeeperes for example stay as they are

Omg,… Madness…

I’m guessing we’re going down the Arma route like suggested on the previous thread Rexxus? If-so i’m up for trying that.

I just hope that GG and HW are still rewarding for those brave enough to visit and set up there, as i know many new players were getting mad when of course HW and GG was NEVER meant for them. Hopefully all of my posts made it very clear that HW and GG are highly successful PVP playfields that you should be proud of in their current form Rexxus. :slight_smile:

Best regards

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Maybe I missed it but any further info on the prototype origin? Its difficult to decide when we dont know the RP benefits, supply packages etc.

Or is it just a way of bypassing the usual starter level grind I wonder?

The way I read it Daddystu is we all start there as prototypes rather than clones and at the end we choose a side. I could be wrong

thanks for the hard work.


I have read everything but have also more insights than you.
It was successful and “never change a running system”.
But in this case it was not a perfect running system and in emergency we can revert back.

But the change which is coming got my support regarding “resources / richness too easy to get”. So we go the meteorite + POI road now.
We will see and do a final setup with HWS 8.

Yes and no. Clones are still available but Prototypes are a bridge of full hardcore survival mode and a decision you have to make after you played a while now.
More planned with them later.

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Will base-building/spawning be a thing still on GG/HW?


It was the most-successful running system we have had, i can safely say that since i started in either 3/4 (think it was 4)! Have had the pleasure of fighting on Golden Globe, Homeworld and many other spots since then so plenty of insights and ideas :slight_smile: I just don’t want you overwhelmed from poor ideas from newer players that don’t realise we’ve tried half of our ‘fixes’ before which is why i’m very protective of our current META! :slight_smile: I’m sure you understand and appreciate that :).

Your own survey results vindicate you on this point :slight_smile:



I mean 70% support the config! That’s INCREDIBLE! You should be VERY VERY Proud of yourself, you’ve done a great job so far and we’re advancing ever forwards! I just post to ensure that newer players don’t drag us back to previous ideas :slight_smile: .

And even a lot of the new players enjoyed this season despite their greviances in some areas (justified and unjustified).


EDIT: I’m willing to try something new and won’t shy away if i think it is a positive or negative change :slight_smile:

Best regards

Does this mean GG will be 12hrs PVE, 12 hrs PVP? More gold meteors during PVP. I know you mentioned something about having a planet being something like this. Will HW also take on the same rotation? Or is there going to be a totally different planet for the PVP/PVE rotation idea.

I think i found the mentioned post @Ryan :

Yea, I just dont know if armageddon is confirmed or if that idea is being implemented into GG and HW.

Me neither, i hope it is with this new meteorite spawning toggle, that in my opinion in the great middle road that Rex is on about, if it’s not that then i don’t really know what’s going on ahah :slight_smile:
Best regards to ya mate!

Personally I think the meteor idea is ridiculous, especially combined with the possibility of a PvPvE rotation. The ability to do the floating Prof. Void POI, farm other planets with meteors, gold deposits, etc… on already existing PvPvE rotations is a solution to those who desire gold. The idea of running down the exclusive and highly focused PvP playfields for the most high end gamers (and most loyal and contributing demographic), in favor of attempting to allow the loudest voices willing to decry their lack of privilege is not, as I see it, a valid solution. The onus is on an individual to have merit and accomplish what they can. The massive PvP engagements of this season past, the burgeoning political environment, usage of garage ships, etc. will all be effected negatively. Not to mention, most of us that compete over GG, especially the ones of us who have lived there are already extremely wealthy. While this will effect the PvP of GG, and certainly the overall interest in the process of gathering gold to an extent, it will only truly effect the ‘have-nots’. Even with a possible PvPvE rotation on these key planets… unless there are further alterations to increase the ‘equality’.