Server restart changelog
• fixed / activated playfield limits for the Homeworld Elemental World planets
• fixed descriptions of them
HWS+ Creative Scenario changelog
• further mass changes to weapons and Strangelet Blocks
• first iteration of Elemental Ammo mass balancing. Finding the sweet spot of agility and enough ammo for a fight should be back.
Server restart changelog
• all changes from above are live
• HWS Origin XP or HWS XP or HWS RP or whatever is now and forever HWS DNA. The next one that steals this name will get destroyed with my bugs knowledge.
HWS+ Creative Scenario changelog
• Added new Chaos Blocks (Small and Large). [not fully integrated into HWS+ yet]
They can be almost seen as Easter Egg. Ultra rare, no OCD storage and spread out in the universe in limited quantity per player.
Chaos Blocks are superior to all other blocks, even Strangelet Blocks. Every form of weapon or element only does 10% damage to them.
The goal is to hunt and use them as protection for your most important vital devices in your structures.
Server restart changelog 17:00
• all changes from above are live
• fixed / cleaned up Timetable. That means we have a new consistent behavior of playfield / deposit / POI / terrain wipes.
I’ll update the forum about this information and also gonna move our HWS playfield info data to the PDA (Empyriopedia instead of (M)ap descriptions)
• fixed Homeworld Elemental Planets regarding wipe times / wipe logic: Everything
Monday 17:00 Aquaworld will be wiped, so you can enjoy a clean Event at 19:00.
For other planets it’s equivalent…
Sunday 23:00 Aquaworld will be wiped, so you can enjoy a clean Event at Monday03:00.
For other planets it’s equivalent…
So to be precise, EU can have an Elemental world for 7 days minus 2 hours.
NA can have an Elemental world for 7 days minus 4 hours.
**POI **(all except Metropolis related)
Individual timer, multiple times per day, you have to figure out
Every week before the Event starts, see above.
HWS+ Creative Scenario changelog
• bigger rebalancement of player weapons
Pistols short range defence weapon.
Shotgun - short range powerful weapons - reducing damage with range
Pulse rifle - common rifle (like M16 AK47 in IRL). Fast presicion and have good ammo
Assault rifle - heavy rifle with powerful rounds… Like .308 weapons in IRL… Like Mk-17 or FN-FAL. Have more range. More accuracy more power. Less mags less ROF.
Sniper rifles - deadly ranged weapons. Epic sniper have mediumHW damage group (new)
. And penetration to 2 blocks.
Miniguns - deadly medium ranged weapons. Can kill creatures and NPC at easy. Also can be used to attack small vessels and POIs light defence (sentry) also have new MediumHW damage group.
Sorry for the long pause of things. Kinda depressive for myself. I’ll do it tomorrow… RE here… bugs there… tomorrow… life now… and boom 2+ months passed by. Concentrating myself more now to finally bring it to an end.
This changelog includes bunch of WIP stuff and the config rebalances require hopefully good feedback from you.
We went through a lot of things and changed stuff - for the sake of good balancement between vanilla and elements.
For example the change of the 200% Strangelet and Obsidian and Nox Meta ability.
all of this is only available in the workshop scenario and not the live servers. All those changes coming with the next season.
• CV BA Shield minor tweak based on more complex tests
• Fuel managment balance tweak
• Fix for shield dmg mult info
• HWS Logistics Dialogue finish Loca + display example
• Fix for CV chaosshield idle energy
• Shield Gens and extenders energy logic rebalance to match it purpose. Shield cooldown timer tweaks
• BA shield extender balance tweak
• Minor balance thweaks for shield warfare BA CV weapons and BA shield extenders
• Mtool time to retrive balance tweaks
• Increased damage to shield for energy SV\HV weapons with area damage
• Energy weapons damage to shield tricky fix\balance. It compensate blastshielddamage. Test release for next shield testing.
• SV\HV Fuel Tank capacity increased
• Shield balance tweak. Less gain from extenders. rework power and pent consumption. Tweak for all BEAM weapons damage to compensate some delays coz of micro lags and target change.
• TEMP remove the blastshielddamage
• Corrections for damage to get integer numbers at 25 and 50% damage multipliers.
• BA damage info fix. Minor tweaks fro SV tropedo. Blast particle effect tweak.
• Info fix for SV T1weapons also working now. Just need to change ALL weapons\ammo info at once.
• FIX for HV T1 info weapon about Damage and EntityDamage - FOR SV WEAPONs IT NOT WORKING!!! BUG!!!
• Railguns balance tweaks. small combat hull balance test
• Hull Block HP buff. Railguns GUN and Turrets balance. HV T4 turret HP buff. Multitool balance to match to new blocks HP. Blocks HP BUFF - for TEST.
• SV\HV Cockpits HP rebalance.
• Elemental weapons DPS rebalance tweaks depend of it type.
• BlastDMG rebelance for all Elemental weapons guns. Turrets HP fix
• BlastDMG rebalance for ALL Vanilla weapons turrets hand guns
• smaller beam for Hand Aqua gun
• Cv turrets HP monor tweak. Blowup damage separate for elemental blocks
• Device BLOW UP damage groups optimization
• HAND Elemental weapon BEAM fire mode beta version. HWS skeleton damagebuff.
• Fix for DRILL damage group (weapon material was missed)
• New bundles for Asteroids
• Working on HWS content
• Working on HWS Asteroid Drills
• Working on HWS Universe
• Working on HWS NPCs
• Elemental hull blocks balance tweak. CPU extenders and Crew tweaks. Mtool multiplier tweak
• HV SV Elemental weapons HP tweaks (buff)
• Elemental SV turret\weapons material changed and info fix
• Elemental HV turret\weapon material change and fix for INFO
• Elemental CV turret\weapon material change and info fix
• Elemental BA turrets material change and fix for INFO
• Weapon element material add for localization. Aqua and Terra BA turrets material and info fix
• Weapon materials applied to Vanilla and NPC Energy and Kinetic weapons and turrets
• Added weapons material for damage group config
• Minor damage tweak for some creatures
• Minor tweaks and fixes for vanilla turrets and weapons blocks
• Faction update and Element Voxel Asteroid polishing Updated EWS Graphic 150%
• Localization of Group Limits
• CV HV Mulltitool beta balance
• Hull Blocks Info fix. STR LUX mass fix
• Fix for elemental blocks mass info and LUX STR mass
• HAND Multitools balance tweaks (BETA)
• HAND multitool Alpha balance. Fix for some blocks material
• Explosive device balance tweak
• Pipe fix OBS
• noob Fix for OBS meta pipe
• Fix for NOX meta
• Fix for OBS meta
• OBS and NOX meta buff changed to 150%
• !AHTUNG! ALL(vanula and elements) ROF precise rebalance. ROF values +25% (in the middle) what reduce overal DPS.
• SV Elemental weap balance tweak and railgun ammo weigth (to match the railguns rebalance).
• HV Elemental weap balance tweak and railgun ammo weigth (to match the railguns rebalance).
• CV Elemental weap balance tweak and railgun ammo weigth (to match the railguns rebalance).
• BA Elemental weap balance tweak and railgun ammo weigth (to match the railguns rebalance). Terra hull blocks HP fix. Damage STR to chaos blocks fix.
• Shield Rebalance for separate shields. STR weapons now deal x1.5 damage. Bullet spread for STR weapons x1.1
• Fix missing int type for MaxCount
• Merge remote-tracking branch ‘origin/main’
• Show max count in info hover
• BA CV Max count limit and groups. HV SV max count and groupd minor tweak. CV and SV guns max count limit as a test. Possible will be changed.
• Pulse laser and beam weapons damage balance tweaks. To match it role and more balance vs other weapons
• HV Guns Turrets max count limit and group
• some test/fixes
• Ranged weapon tracer speed rebelance. Added block group limit for SV weapons-turrets.
• Fix for POI shield
• POI shield gen. Sentry guns rebalance
• Alien Sentry GUN test
• BA\CV Railguns NEW damage and bulletspread rebalance. Rebalance bullet spread for all rainguns. Added bullet spread to T2 (pulse laser) to balance it to BEAM (T3)
• SV\HV Gen buff. CPU incresed at 5K. RAILGUNS NEW damage rebalance - added bullet spread to avoid very deep penetration. It is aplha version of new railguns rebalance.
• ONLY FOR TEST SERV! Shield changes and fuel capacity for f-tanks. Shield extenders more valuable. More basis shields and more shield for blocks.
• Entity damage and blast dmg for SV\HV elemental weapons
• Vanilla HV\SV, HandWeapons added Enity and EntityBlast DMG - rebalance of damage and balance tweaks.
• Structures miniguns and cannon damage balance (entity damage added) New weapons (torpedo etc) balance tweaks.
• SV\HV Energy weapons rebalance. Other weapons balance tweaks
• BA\CV: Energy weapon rebalance. Used blastshielddamage now. Other weapons balance tweaks. Plasma HW beam gamage rebalance.
• Rework energy weapon damage. Roll back normal damage to energy weapon and use blastshielddamage to compensate damage to shields. For HAND weapons only as a TEST!
• Add damage mod to projectle ammo. Change % of the buffs
• FIX for HW skills to match it max 10 lvl
• Hand Weapons Player skills buffs - beta balance
• Fix for damage groups
• NPC handweapons damage group to balance head damage
HP fixes and balance tweaks. Plasma weapons beam balance change. Tweak HV plasma turret homing
BA CV Elemental turrets\gun damage minor tweaks.
SV\HV ALL weapons and turrets HP balance buff. For better weapons survival.
DMG multipliers kinetic energy placeholder just in case
Fix for materials
Shield extenders craft balance tweaks. SV shield buff small blocks shield bonuse balance tweaks. Added weapon materials for large and small for vanilla.
HWS+ update
Fix for SV antimatter weapon damage group
Minor blast damage tweaks for some rockets.
Fix for drills and tool damage multiplier (legacy)
The config is now in “feedback mode”, which means there won’t be any big changes to it anymore unless required based on your feedback.
What is currently consuming a lot of time is creating hundreds of unique planets to make exploring exciting and creating hundreds of new POIs.
Hundreds?! Yes.
With the new Blueprint Part Snap Point feature and Ju’s construction sets it’s possible and currently in the process… (a construction set for almost all elements that have their own puzzles, challenges and great reward)