Changelog MK85:
Buff: Handheld Drill T1 damage from 26 to 35
Buff: Handheld Drill T2 damage from 35 to 45
Buff: HV Drill T1 damage from 25 to 40
Buff: HV Drill T2 damage from 50 to 60
All of the drill boosts were needed imo
Change: Kavae Coffee requires now 3 instead of 4 beans
To be able to craft them at the beginning in the Clone Chamber and overall better imo -
Buff: Player and Alien Sentry Turrets damage increased
To make it more fun in MP
Change: EVA Boost from 190 to 110
Change: Insulation Boost (heat) from 5 to 75 (possible to survive lava planets now)
*finally Insulation Booster make sense and Lava planets are more interesting. You get some sideeffects like -15 cold, more food consumption and slower movement) -
Change: 2x Spoiled Food requires now Dead Plants (1x small and 1x large)
Seaweed should be required for Sushi not for rotten Food IMO. Dead Plants were currently not used at all -
Buff: AutoMiner Devices HP (T1/T2/T3) from 200/400/600 to 5000/6000/7000
to make the Auto Miner Wars on Armageddon and Homeworld more real -
Buff: Rate of fire of Alien Laser turrets
to make them not that of a joke as before and forcing you to dodge more (training for PvP) -
Buff: Faster Homing of green and red Alien Turrets and bit more damage
Buff: Almost all HP from SV guns and Structure Turrets are increased.
too many values to list them here. Just check ingame -
Nerf: SV Homing gun damage 450 to 400
I still want to see more use of other SV guns -
Buff: HV Turrets have a slight higher range
to make them fit more into their role imo -
Nerf: SV Gatling damage
to reduce lag shots -
Buff: SV Pulse gun damage
to see it more used -
Nerf: Increased Bullet spread of bullet projectiles for Turrets
Buff: Increased SV Plasma gun damage and range a bit
Buff: Icreased Rocket damage a bit
Buff: Damage, range and homing speed increased for Base Artillery rockets
Buff: Damage, speed and range increased for HV Plasma projectile.
Change: HV Plasma projectiles do more single damage to Bases but less splash damage to them and SV/HV
Nerf: Base Flak projectiles do less splash damage to SV/HV
Nerf: Base Plasma projectiles do less damage to ships