HWS Easter Event 2021

I think the Admins changed the code on the Blue door from last year, but forgot to change the clue, as the old clue is still on the bunny. It has already been confirmed by the Admins, that this is not the correct clue, but was left on the bunny anyway. And with the massive number of hours wasted trying to find the new clue, I don’t believe it is currently in the game. Without a clue, none of us have the hours needed to guess the one code out of 10000 combination of numbers. Any help by the admins would be appreciated, otherwise this is just an exercise in frustration. Admins, please at least confirm that the new clue is actually in the game.

Wrong. Rumor.

The question and answer this year differs a bit compared to last year.

Last year the question was: “what does Yondu do to kill his enemies?” (answer ‘pipe’)
This year the question is: “What does Yondu use to kill his enemies?”

The word for the code can be found at the English Wikipedia site about Yondu.

Since Ju is a sadist and loves it to make difficult puzzles, the answer is not that obvious. But with the hint from above, you really should find it. :partying_face:

In the end please don’t “waste” your time on our hard work and only do it if you like hardcore puzzles.

thanks for the core on RE, JVI will find a good use of it :slight_smile:

But even if you solve the puzzle at the end, only 1 person gets the Advanced Core. And it has already been solved. This is a massive disappointment to everyone else that solves it afterwards.

Not that my opinion matters, but I think everyone that solves it should get an Advanced Core. This has been extremely demotivating.

Massively Disappointed Patron


Ok, i will give honest feedback for the event from my experience.

Usually, when you start an event, there are rules and a clear idea of a prize. Weather is for everyone or just one person, it is made clear from get go. And for some reason, in this event, like the other event i experienced in here with the Halloween one, i fell in the trap of thinking that “everyone” will get the prize at the end of the puzzle. Nowhere was it said “Ok, prize been found, now do it only for the passion not for the prize”.
We are all here to play this game, and in RE, everything about it is brutal. From mat gathering, to the infernal grind for better equipment, is just insane. So when the word of this event with a possible great prize at the end was given, everyone took a break from the grind and focused their energy into this event. Even after, from what i understand someone got the unique prize, nobody bothered to say “Hey, past this point, you do it for the love. The prize is gone”.

And that is where the huge disappointment comes from. Because we beat our head against the wall of this puzzle for many more hours, neglecting the grind that we need to do in favor of it. Because we were chasing the prize, not knowing there was none. We simply did not know we had a choice at that point.


I haven’t seen this many role players upset about an event since the Anniversary…

good :+1: keep it up guys :grin:

if u experienced it u would understand the frustrations. but i guess sideline cheerleaders will have all the answers…

nope, been there done that with bad events, no point in crying over wasting time with puzzles especially when you can buy the codes [if you have no friends on the server]

not sideline nothing bub, just amused by the fact an added event which far as I see, has stayed the same for years yet still role player cry…

at least you didn’t lose 50k xeno, epic armors and drills, 20k ingots like in the anniversary.

you wasted time doing pve puzzle…

for anniversary we was just rounding up all the pve player and got rich doing next to nothing no exp waste here :expressionless::pray:

again u know nothing of the struggles many of us went through for this. just poking at other’s misery. all aside from one person now knows how a cat chasing the laser pointer feels. amusing for everyone but the cat. our frustrations are due to an event that was designed for a different universe and needed much more planning to make an enjoyable experience here in RE. mocking our pain does little to nothing helpful here. thx for the input though.

You started an event made for HWS, but on an entirely different cutting board… what did you expect ? 100% rainbows and high fives and happy go go cheers ?

RE is years old, while it’s still being updated by creators it’s nothing at all close to HWS universe

which is partly why I questioned even having the event on RE to begin with… what use would it be?

point is doesn’t matter the scenario, or game mode or base scenario… we’ve seen bad events come and go, and by the sounds of this one… this didn’t even compare to how badly most other events played out…

oh you wasted hours to get a code that gave you only an epic armor ???

you’re ‘greedy’ and should be happy you got to play the event… thats what we were told

why should these new role players get any better treatment ? cause they don’t cause “drama” simply by existing??? hardly the issue here…

“In the end please don’t “waste” your time on our hard work and only do it if you like hardcore puzzles.”

since u can’t seem to get past gameplay style shaming, i will put it in an example u may understand.

1V1 PvP event: main prize is 1million 1v1 battles if u jump through hoops X, Y, & Z.

u spend hours building and testing a ship, jump through all the required hoops, and find out someone else won the prize already once u get to the entrance. oh and btw there is only one prize. sry we forgot to mention it was 1st come 1st serve in the beginning. u were able to enjoy building the ship and jumping through the hoops though right?

many of us were left with false hopes and disappoinment. doesn’t seem like something that promotes a positive experience. those who actually went through the process and provided feedback do not need to be insulted by those who have no clue of the circumstances. but I guess u have to collect ur salt from somewhere so i will stop feeding it to u now :frowning:

You really don’t have to ‘dumb it down’ simply because i point out the difference of the 2 types of players. i get it, you worked really hard and put big brain power to figure out the next steps to go, and got C#$%blocked before you even knew what hit you…

we’ve had this happen many times before … so much so that to expect otherwise is either pure ignorance or naivety

also from the looks of this thread , JVI took the reigns and now have an advanced core , proving even further that, in pve or pvp large groups will have a huge advantage over the rest regardless

it was feedback on an event that needs adjusting. ur the one insulting us for participating in a broken event and not providing any positive feedback on anything. just seems u want the last word so i concede to the victor of this pointless discussion and hope those that matter will get the information needed to provide a better experience next time.

every other event was fine and working as intended??? I haven’t seen this happen before ? weird…

I have provided positive feedback if you read…

don’t play a HWS event on a RE server , that would of been a good start, would of avoided most of these issues discussed here…

I get it the main servers are dead in population, but who knows how many would have logged in just for the event , as we all love playing the events, not one has went ‘perfectly’

not much other feedback to be given other than the obvious, host HWS events on… you guessed it, HWS…


all in all the event itself is great fun for those that enjoy the puzzle aspect HWS has to offer. many things need to be adjusted for it to be more enjoyable in RE. the spawned ships are very beautiful but lack storage capacity and flight stability. the loot drops would be better with a token based system of sorts allowing collection then turn in where a cargo hauler would be available. the event last year provided an alien core to everyone that participated and a second one to a lucky individual (or a POI reset camper.) personal lockers seem the best way to combat this.

yeah can we just get admin priv aswell? i hate actually doing work to put loot from point A to B.

great “feedback” as always :-/

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