HWS Easter Event 2021

I feel I have to respond here.
First of all, I’m very sorry that some are disappointed and yes, Ju and I learned our lesson to improve our communication and level/puzzle design to make it more enjoyable for all.

As little detail I can only say that this Easter Event was the second time we hosted it.
Last year we, especially Ju got very positive feedback. Some players even said, she can make it even more difficult, because they enjoyed the challenge.
So Ju changed the Yondu puzzle a little bit, made it bit more harder cause “wave” is not a first guess for many, the Alien Core got removed because of what I will write below and everything else, stayed the same.

Look in my first post above, my P.S.:

P.S.: Who finds my Easter Egg?

Nobody cared but the easter egg was, that I almost copy pasted the whole Announcement from last year 2020.

So if you followed that track, you would have seen that I wrote 2020 “first come, first serve”.
I mention that because most of veterans played the Easter Event in 2020 already, so it would have been no “surprise” and it was just a time compressed event, hunt for the easter egg loot in Yondus Head.

Yondu’s head for example was a whole Easter Egg in itself (I wrote there is the Adv. Core as reward but I did not write it is in Yondus Head).
It was not even the main attraction of this whole event. The whole Easter Event was about the Eggs, a fun hunt and the puzzles they contained. About thousands of Gold you could farm in the Shoot Me boxes and Eggs. Well, nobody cared about that at all!?! Why I wonder…
If we would have designed the Yondus Head reward in form of personal container, then we would have massive family shared account users, who don’t give a thing about the event in the first place and just straight farm the advanced core non stop (already happened last year). Of course it’s first come, first serve at that point. I thought about a better Dialogue puzzle in the future though. Where everybody can get the loot but must do the puzzle themselves. I am no fan of lock code based puzzles in the first place.

Then the fact that because of busy times we only wanted to host it on RE. But due negative posts I stayed up late and implemented it also for EU and NA. And guess what? The ones who complained the most not even played it on EU/NA anyways! So frustrating.

On top I must read pure toxicity from a dude saying “to expect otherwise is either pure ignorance or naivety” and other shit.
Like wtf why should we invest time anyways in events in the future? It’s not like we intentionally try to fuck up. We really try and hope some appreciate what we do, have fun playing it. Creating Events take days, weeks to prepare.
But then there is this dude who spit us in the face with such a crap. I know it’s the loud minority but it demotivates me nevertheless.

IF we do further events in the future, we will really improve next time, communicate first come, first serve better (I doubt the outcome would be different in this case here though) and we will make secret loot really secret so no expectations will come up. But also respect the time = reward in a better way (but then again, nobody even mentioned all the other loot from the eggs and shoot me Patreon boxes in the event they got).

All I’m saying is that this went horrible bad for all of us.
Miscommunication. Misunderstanding. Disappointment due expectations. Good intentions but bad executed. Hate.

I’m just sad and very sorry.
All is said in the end, will reflect and close it.

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