HWS Garage / Trade Ship (TS) Commands

Chat Command Description
ts:? Provides you with useful information regarding Ship Trading in the Elemental Garage Zone.
ts:price Shows you the current price of the nearest ship to you in the trading zone. *
ts:pricelist Prints a list of all current prices of the ships in the trading zone. *
ts:buy Buys the nearest ship to you. *
ts:buy:id Buys a specific ship with the given ID. * PRO TIP: you can use HWS Connect for all of that too.
ts:sell:PRICE Lists your nearest ship for the desired price for others to buy. Use ts:sell 0 to cancel your sale.
ts:sell:PRICE Lists your nearest ship for the desired price for others to buy. Use ts:sell 0 to cancel your sale.
ts:sellcredits:ID Sells the structure for a price calculated by block/device market price. See here for more information about it

:information_source: Read more about this feature here: HWS Garage

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