HWS+ / HWS RE Announcements

Dear HWS Community @everyone
I have few announements for you:

  1. :medal_sports: I remember on the pinned message in here - the HWS Garage Contest. Since we got unexpected few submissions, we will extend the runtime for another week (26th). Here is the link again with all details: Discord
    Overall please note, that submissions are open again and you can work with the <@&256187358603378690> together on your ship, until it’s ready to be integrated.
    For more information click here please: https://forum.empyrion-homeworld.net/t/hws-garage/4643#hws-garage-ship-submission-4

  2. :man_factory_worker: We (still) need a HWS Garage Master for HWS RE. If you love to build, maintain and review submitted ships from others, please apply here: HWS Garage Master vacancy (max. 2 positions)

  3. :money_with_wings: Today, I started a 20% (up to 90% for Patrons) discount sale for HWS+, since the full wipe is on coming Friday, 23th. We appreciate any support for the whole HWS : https://empyrion-homeworld.net/hws-connect.html#page-support-us
    The HWS RE discount sale starts next week, Monday

  4. From <t:1663776000:F> to <t:1663783200:F> *I’ll host a party with the Aliens in the ECC Sector on HWS+ EU and HWS NA. ** If you are brave enough, come join and try to kill us :smirk_cat: Great rewards inclusive (some may remember our Party Truck?). ||I’ll set my truck and myself to Alien faction, so you can kill me in PvE||
    I’ll host the same event next week on HWS RE EU and HWS RE NA, too.

  5. :warning: The new feature, selling structures for credits, is very popular and generated by now over 9 929 676 209 credits on HWS RE EU alone. This influx of credits needs to be balanced. Especially since RE already suffers from inflation due configs that were balanced with Singleplayer in mind.
    Since I won’t touch the RE Configs, the best way to balance the economy is in adjusting our features. So please be aware that there will be changes coming to our prices for upgrading the Elemental Bank levels, EGS Recycle levels, EGS Stealth levels and the OAM levels. As well as OCD:get fees (On HWS+ and RE). For EGS Recycle it’s for example time to finally make it consistent and implement 10 levels, instead of the current 5.
    I am still in the process of calculating everything and hope I’ll be ready before the full wipes with it but just for you as information to prepare for it already, eventually.

  6. I’m currently working non-stop on the new seasons for HWS+ and HWS RE. It’s quite a lot and stressful, so please bear with me, if I can’t answer/resolve tickets timely for the next 2 weeks.
    I’ll try to release a proper Teaser for some of the highlights for HWS+ before the full wipe, same next week for RE. :v:

Thanks for your attention, for all your support and have a great start into the week! <:hwsstar:535932728886034439>


Thank you for your work!!! I thank you for each of your advances and your experiences. Nothing can"t be perfect in the first test but, everything is better and better!!! Long live to HWS, the best server of empyrion!

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