HWS Merch | HWS Halloween Event 2022

Good evening @everyone,
I have 2 announcements for you!

  1. Thank you very much for your ideas and feedback about my Merch question here: Discord
    <@276067901637656576> was so nice and spent all the days on our own HWS Merch, your suggestions.
    Some players asked me over the last 6+ years, if there could be a HWS Merch, because some invested thousands of hours in HWS and having something in real life of HWS, is something very special.

So here we go, after almost 7 years, our first HWS Merch opened, by coincidence even with a 30% discount right now at redbubble:
There are a lot of products (click on the “Shop all products” link) and we hope our printed stuff is what you would like for your own product :blush:

  1. It’s Halloween time again! :jack_o_lantern: :bat:
    2021 we had to pause it but 2022 it’s back for the fourth time!
    If you want some impressions, go check it out from 2020 here:

I had to convert it to RE of course, since there is no Halloween armor on RE but you still get a very special reward at the end :slightly_smiling_face:
Lots of Trick or Treat :ghost:

The event starts on coming Saturday 18:00 and runs for a week - on all 4 HWS servers.
We wish you a great time during the holidays in advance!

Thank you so much for being part of this great community! <:hwsstar:535932728886034439>

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I will try to be there for it.