HWS Patch Announcement | New Structure Limit system | New Tax system | HWS Marketplace %SALE% feature

I second the auto-kick. Our faction have 2 players, now 3, and it seems it has 12 to 15. For the equations to really work, we should be able to manage factions despite people logging. The math is solid, but the faction numbers are decieving, either for fake accounts or the offline kicking not being able.


“This was with 5 factions in a single alliance. and it still got attacked on mutliple occasions” And how many people in each of these factions? Sounds more like abusing cap mechanics. Complete disregard why there are caps in the first place. No one should be able to hold GG for an extended amount of time, period.

Well let me get the numbers now:

GMC: 25 members (about 10 active as-of-now)
AAA: 12 members.
ACM: 25 (about 15-20 active)
ROR: 23 members (had more until it split off)
UST: 26 members.

This was not abuse. This was one EU faction wide alliance countering another EU faction wide alliance. Not sure if you’re NA or EU but on EU nobody holds GG for extended periods of time. Their presence is constantly challenged by either faction greatly adding to the fun. You’re more than welcome to join in on either side!

TL:DR This is a natural result of several seasons worth of escalation in the conflict, and right now it is bundles of fun for both us and for our Russian opponents. We both had an utter blast on GG (literal and figurative) and by attempting to reduce or disable the ability to have bases next to one-another would have resulted in no factions at all having any bases for more than a couple of hours on GG. By playing smart and forming alliances in order to maintain our competitive PVP edge. :slight_smile:
Best regards

To be honest you’d have had to have been there to experience it, it was a great fun and some of the best fighting we have ever had in the eyes of many of our members. Also i made a mistake assuming that all 10 bases were firing at once. When in reality the enemy would normally approach from a single arc of fire, allowing them to demolish bases in isolation.

We have some video of the fighting, i’ll try and find it for you.


Be warned that there is REALLY loud music in this video (and it is more of us attacking than defending) but it’s still a pretty fun watch. We cost RED+OPG+UMB+SWP+IMP a couple of garage ships that night and it was GLOOOORIOUS action! :slight_smile:
Best regards

Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Olp_ymzmEAQ&t=501s

Oh man… The irony of us being accused :stuck_out_tongue:

And oh man… I can feel the burn from this reply from here - well played, Mr Wiseman. Well played…

(I’d make a bigger post, but I’m busy working on code)

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Wait isn’t that really bad for solo players like me?! I’m ok with the fact that big clans are stronger than me (naturally mimics real life) but I should be allowed to build more bases if I can afford to to defend myself. This way if I have a pad and a base on some pvp planet, I’m basically out of capacity. Hmmm… or am I missing something?

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Yes this is one issue with solo-play i’m not sure how to solve other than the generic ‘join or ally with the big-boys’ or the ‘play smart’ answer. TBH tho a lot of us big factions have several members that act as independent players which is actually really good as they act as scouts/gatherers and are normally some of the most hardcore and capable players in the game.

But I have no solution there to what your suggesting as-of-now.

That’s one for Rexxus.

And now i’m going to leave this thread be as i’ve posted enough. I’ll only dive back in again if i am forced to due to people needlessly ranting about big factions; which is what Rexxus specifically warned against.

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At a quick glance the new system of structure limitation could work quite well. I do think that being able to throw up bases as a form of attack could be stopped. Preventing the spawning of bases on GG and HW (and any other hotly disputed playfield) would mean that bases would have to be built the old way. This would prevent bases being used as part of a blitzkreig type of attack with overwhelming power. Having to build bases on those playfields would limit the number, sizes and placement of them.


I’m from NA and really perplexed with the numbers on EU lol. Here a 10 people faction looks huge :joy:

Small semantics feedback, when I first looked at that picture I thought it meant ‘Max structures over all Playfields for all factions across the entire server’. Maybe change it to say ‘Max structures over all Playfields per faction’ would sound less confusing.

How about faction PvE base 1.0x multiplier for active players in the last 5 days, and 0.5x multiplier for players in the 6-10 day range…a lot of players will login once every 9 days to refresh their structures but I really wouldn’t call that ‘active’ per say.

Correct me if I’m wrong but if you have a private 10k block CV with 400 devices and you have say 70M bank credits and 200 RP you would get:
100004000(70000000/200)=100004000350000=14 000 000 000 000 credit tax

A bit excessive maybe? Poor chap falls asleep and accidental leaves his CV in ECC one night and he’s completely wiped out and in debt for life.

Yes I think I briefly discussed this with you one day. It would be nice to be able to stealth multiple ships individually, instead of having to stealth them all at once in the same location at the same time.

Hm, I thought the context is clear… can add it in the text.

That is a technical addition, makes it too complex, sry.

Ok, correction: he would pay 2,35 million. Dunno where you get your numbers from.

Sleep and driving / flying always results in death.

Will CV be back to GG and HW? Almost lost a badger to a dc (lost the cv anyway, but ok) the other day, got back thanks to a friend from another fac. With the change on the limits wouldn’t be time to reconsider having CVs on the most resource rich planets?

or maybe an increase on the time limit, so we can get things from and deploy to a little better

Okay the HTML calc I was using had an extra zero in the device count, I used desmos calc now:


So 1.4 trillion credits.

I looked again at the formula to see why i was getting a different number than you and I see the ship price equation is dependent on tax factor, but tax factor is dependent on ship price. Isn’t that a circular equation that can’t be solved? A typo perhaps?

Maybe you could just limit CVs to 500 blocks and up the timer to 30 minutes instead. Can’t tank anything with only 500 blocks.

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@Booyah, you’re doing it wrong.

for a Private structure:
(Blocks * Devices * TaxFactor + BankCredits) / RP

The location of the parathesis is vital, order of operations must be maintained.
Multiplcation is always done before addition.

Tax Factor is set, not something to be solved for. It is not an unknown.

For your example, I get 2,035,000 credit tax, or 2.035M in the shorthand format.

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Nvm, I didn’t see that note below: Tax Factor will be now 100 instead of 1000.

Thought tax factor was the 2nd equation, makes sense now.

@Rexxus, since you understandably want people to NOT park in ECC, but there are times when it is necessary for a short time (like when I am working a contract in PvP space)

Perhaps add a multiplier based on time in playfield, if that is possible?

So it would become: (BlockCount * Devices * TaxRate + PlayerBank) / RP * (TimeInPlayfield)

Then parking for a few hours would not be an issue, but leaving it there for an extended period of time would break anyone’s bank, constantly running Constructors notwithstanding.

Just a thought.

Or just move it to a peacekeeper/origin orbit or planet, and save yourself the hassle. He is not saying “don’t park here”, he is saying “park here and leave it and I’ll tax the hell out of you.”

Think of it another way; new people join the server all the time. After they get off starter, one of ththe missions is to get to ECC. Not everybody has a mid range gaming computer, let alone a high end one. Now imagine how shitty their approach to ECC as it’s littered with everybody’s garbage, now it’s a lagfest shitshow, so why would I play on a lag-tastic server? I bet the rest will be more of the same…

See the point now?

Well I hate to break it to you but all the other servers I play on, their starter planets are more laggy than ECC on a bad day :wink: