HWS Police - not running currently

[quote=“Achilles, post:2, topic:2011”]
Server: NA

Type of Offense Committed: Racism

Time/Date of offense: Now

Player/Faction accused: See Pics Below and add KKK faction to the other three.

Player Faction reporting: KBT

What happened? Faction names are inflammatory / racist

Why did it happen? Ignorance


The outcome: factions if inactive will be deleted, or edited. All structures destroyed and a warning message the next time they log in. Clear disregard for obvious sever rule/life rule.


Server: NA
Type of Offence Committed: Underground Turrets
Time/Date of offence: 11-21-2016
Player/Faction accused: 5ap
Player Faction reporting: TSA
What happened? TSA and SFA have both observed the use of underground turrets at 5ap base after Achilles had warned them and destroyed there underground turrets on 11/20/2016…in the image my ship was landed with the nose touching ground to try to destroy turret and could not do it no matter what weapon or angle I attacked from…the turret never became visible.
Why did it happen? 3 alliance factions were attacking 5ap on gold planet, and TSA lost many HV and a CV to underground turrets

The outcome: due to already being told to change and given 1 day to do so. No changes were made. 26 turret bases destroyed


Server: (EU/NA) NA

Type of Offence Committed: (Offensive Language, Grieving, Trader on Trader etc): Glitched Turrets

Time/Date of offence: (Roughly/Date ofc accurate) 9:23PM MST

Player/Faction accused: (Offending Faction/Player name) RAT

Player Faction reporting: 5AP

What happened? Using buried turrets, I actually got close enough to destroy some of them, but then they finally spawned an art turret that I just couldn’t get close enough to destroy without dying.

Why did it happen? They were trying to establish a base on Gold, we destroyed their initial towers so they proceeded to use glitched ones to defend against us.

I advised RAT that they were illega, and asked him to unbury, he said he was aware and to go ahead and report to admins.

Evidence: (Screens/Video/logs)


The outcome: False accusation. Benefit of the doubt this time. Next time RP will be taken and credits.

Crime Reporting

Server: NA

Type of Offence Committed: Grieving

Time/Date of offence:22 nov 4h50 pm

Player/Faction accused: Spa

Player Faction reporting: Kin Lindenn

What happened? underwater base i cant shoot at it or its killing me

Why did it happen? i passed by it in jagal


The outcome: Base was destroyed. +20 RP for accusing faction

Server: EU

Type of Offence Committed: (Offensive Language, Grieving, Trader on Trader etc)

Time/Date of offence: 11/23/2016 roughly 0900 GMT

Player Faction reporting: PKH/Muniin

What happened? We’ve been noticing turret fire coming from the lake under UH’s bases on Jagal for the past week. Figured i’d get some footage of it. Kept taking fire from under the lake, Turned recording on to catch some of it, you can clearly see turret fire coming from underwater. I then hopped out and you can see the turrets aren’t even right there under water. I have further video I can upload, they tunneled under the lake down to bedrock, and have turrets down there, in tunnels, under the bottom of the lake.

Perhaps their original intent was to defend their tunnels with base turrets, I couldn’t guess at whether they intentionally do this, but its been at least a week of it. Either way it leads to them firing through the ground and the water at ships flying.

Why did it happen? Nothing to do with me causing it, I was taking out their surface turrets, as its fun to come by and shoot their turrets and anything they leave around. Its a PvP planet, so no issue there.


I have plenty of further videos showing where turrets are in tunnels down at bedrock, will take time to upload/edit them to reasonable length. Lost a SV while going in and exploring, but figured id like to get to the bottom of this turret exploit I’ve been seeing for awhile and find out how it was being done.

If you’d like videos of the turrets themselves down at bedrock let me know and I can upload. They are at the location where you see the motorbike and backpack icon on the screen.

The outcome.:the base was fully investigated and although underwater no turrets were seen to be able to shoot through the water (internal turrets) which is allowed as they cannot shoo through terrain anymore.

Server: (EU/NA)

Type of Offence Committed: Exploit

Time/Date of offence: 11:45pm Eastern Standard Time

Player/Faction accused: 5AP

Player Faction reporting: 1FA

What happened? Mining for gold and I was all of a sudden shot down out of no where. I didn’t see where the fire was coming from until it was to late. When I noticed where it was coming from I tried to take a snap of it noticing the turrets were in direct violation of server rules being killed three times before I could successfully snap a picture.

Why did it happen? I am totally innocent in the crimes committed against me.

Evidence: (Screens/Video/logs)

The outcome: The structure was not there when i want to investigate, all 5AP turret bases were checked and they all fall within laws. Perhaps they realised this one did not so resolved the problem themselves. +10rp for reporting.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Have damaged base on a PVE (Allianceworld) to the planet

The outcome: Player RP + Inventory wiped, As these were low The blueprint factory was also halfed.

Server: EU

Type of Offence Committed: Grieving

Time/Date of offence: 8:00-8:50 UTC0 (before server restart and 30 min after server restart)

Player/Faction accused: SWP / Akulkin, sAnchous

Player Faction reporting: NvA / A.F.T

What happened? After killing my sv they sentry me 20-25 minutes after i logout. Then Build base near my logout point. Then kill me 4-5 times (i have nothing in backpack)

Why did it happen? SWP is morrors


The outcome: 9:00

Outcome: This is PvP. Only because you logout it doesn’t mean you are save. You had options like Start Fresh to escape this situation. Please check the rules (slide 15).

Server: NA

Type of Offence Committed: Warp entry camping

Time/Date of offence:11/24/2016 1:30am MST

Player/Faction accused:Darkwulf and Stormwynd/TFL

Player Faction reporting:Alliance/ TBA

What happened? I warped from Earth to Jagal, and not 10 seconds after I entered Jagal’s entry point. I started taking fire from 2 different ships. I tried to run, but they got my thrusters. Now I am new to this game and server. I’m not really sure about everything in game, but I know this is crap. I spent hours on building my first CV just to have these dummies destroy it. You can look in one of my screens shots and see there is another player that got attacked by them too. His name is Pumpula, and you can see him warning people about it in global chat.

Why did it happen? I didn’t do anything but warp to the zone and turned to go 50k out in space for the night.

Evidence: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=805828836

The outcome: (Our Verdict, within 24 hours-Check back to see this updated and what action was taken)

Further Evidence:


We had moved our fleet to the jagal system about and hour earlier. eyeless logged on to move his ship from milkyway to jag. a player pumpalu begain saying someone had attacked him on warp in from milkyway to jagal. the players who attacked him from TFL where told to leave the warp in at that time and what they where doing was agaist server rules. they only replied in chat that its pvp get over it. A few minutes later eyeless jumped into system and was met at the warp in point by the same player who attacked him. His gun where disabled as we follow server rules as to not attack other players on warp in. we informed them in chat to leave and stop the attack and where told it was pvp get over it. I left the planet jagal to try and recover eyeless with my SV and was also destroyed. multiple players on the server warned stormwynd and darkwulf what they where doing was agaist the rules ans where told to get over it its pvp.

Both these players then returned to the milkyway and continued farming after being told it was against server rules also.

The outcome:Both players had Bank/Credits/RP wiped. Inventory wiped and for returning several times to earth have been placed on PVP starter planet and this is now their starting planet. As the logs show more than one player was effected by this. They have also lost some of their BP factory

as the victim of warp in multiple deaths, I can confirm that l lost everything i worked on in the past 13 hours (new to server, was trying to avoid wipe after just starting) about 5-10 seconds after i jumped into Jagal from Milkyway last night. The persons ships has a TFL Victory and TFL Skytower name as seen in the screenshot…

I died multiple times after trying to revive nearby, eventually respawned on someone elses clone bay in deep space to avoid death looping. As a new player to the server, this was NOT a fun moment after a long day of grinding to get started on this server. If anything can be done I would appreciate it. I did have Samellas from ]LET] give me a hand, but it was not close to what i lost in this situation. My SV was called Rustbucket… the CV was a bare minimum warp buddy BP just to get out before the wipe.

Server: (NA)

Type of Offence Committed: (Offensive Language, )

Time/Date of offence: (11/25/2016)

Player/Faction accused: ( Dennybo & Perdition363)

Player Faction reporting: (Psyc420)

What happened? (Dennybo and Perdition363 saying personal insults on global chat towards Gamerglitches after he simply asked a question about ocd not working. )

Why did it happen? (Because they want to troll?)

Evidence: (Screens/Video/logs) http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/97220919354574234/C8EE218D955094DFA6699212D773018DD590FE97/

The outcome: Both players lost 100rp and a generic message to players about respecting one anouther. Thanks for the report +20rp

Server: (EU/NA)

Type of Offence Committed: (Offensive Language, Grieving, Trader on Trader etc)

Time/Date of offence: 2016-11-26 12:00 gmt+1

Player/Faction accused: Look in the screenies of no English language. NvA,SWP, are only a few of the accused.

Player Faction reporting: BOT/Dr_Dasslock

What happened? No ENglish in Global Chat

Why did it happen?

Evidence: [Screens/Video/logs)](

The outcome:I will remind players this, Please in future do not feel the need to report this as a crime. Just ask in-game.Thank you :slight_smile:



they been reminded several times about this offence, but still no change.
So why have a rule if nothing is happening after several reminders of the offence.

Edit: Achilles

I will monitor the logs, if it keeps happening we will employ an auto kick after an amount of none English is said in chat. Thanks

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Server: NA.

Type of Offence Committed: Rule 2.3 - Grieving

Time/Date of offence: 2016-11-26 12:30 CST

Player/Faction accused: 5AP (Ranzeth, Perdition363, apocshadow, Mosago)

Player Faction reporting: SFA (GamerGlitch)

What happened? 5AP continually harassed and killed Gamerglitch while he was on Gold Planet. They intentionally followed him and hovered over him with their CVs even though he didn’t have anything on him and was just trying to get to his sv to escape. They followed him for over 30 min and continually killed him even though he didn’t have anything on him. he was naked and they followed him and stalked him and even went through the trouble to rename their ship “die gameglitch”. I didn’t realize they had been reported less than 24hr ago, I just am seeing that now. Maybe they were upset about losing 100rp, I don’t know. You can see in chat they say “if it were anyone else I would let them go.” Their actions are inexcusable.

Why did it happen? Becaue 5AP has a history of blatant disregard for the rules of this server and make a habit of breaking them. First it was underground turrents. then it was underground turrents - again, then they were medbay exploiting, then they harassed in chat, and now this. This is just another in a long line of offenses by 5AP that make pvp on the server toxic environment. I’ve spoken with many guild leaders who have same experience. Luckily we were able to catch this one on video, because they’ve done this before, but this time they got caught. SFA welcomes honest pvp that is healthy and non exploitive. We’ve got in plenty of fights and have a great time doing so. Unfortunately when people do stuff like it detracts from the game for others. I know several groups have had this problem with them before and have just decided to play other games for now, which is a shame. I think harsh repercussions are the only way they will learn the lesson unfortunately. As requested by Kptn, here is the video

Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URpN-4N9Poc

Result : gamerglitch your where ammo draining as your could of spanwned at home , either its a pvp planet and gold is yea heavy , for 5ap those baiting and cv name changes are unacceptable , there for gamerglitch your bein losing 20 rep and a fine of 200,000 credits , 5ap were going seize your Cv as impober names you can get it back after paying fee

Server: NA.

Type of Offence Committed: Rule 2.3 - Ammo Draining

Time/Date of offence: 2016-11-26 12:30 CST

Player/Faction accused: SFA - GamerGlitches

Player Faction reporting: 5AP

Why did it happen/Details - GamerGlitches has a history of trying to ammo drain our bases. In the first 2-3 minutes of the Youtube video he posted, you can clearly see him spawning over and over again underneath a CV that is close to one of our bases protecting it against any other potential SFA guys in the area.

Law 2 seems to state that anything over 5 deaths is considered Ammo Draining, and it appears to be CV turrets killing him, so in order to protect our base assets we stayed on guard.

GamerGlitches once attacked us in his old faction with 5 CVs, and SFA also once attacked us in 5 CVs, and since GamerGlitches is now part of SFA we went on the assumption we were entering some kind of large scale invasion.

From watching Glitches video, it appears he did not have a base to spawn on, so even if he managed to spawn at a safe distance away from our base/cv turrets he had no way to recover, I honestly am not sure why he didn’t spawn at his home base on Alliance World.

Some evidence showing that he has done it in the past, knowing what he was doing -


Right at 1:06 - you can hear him saying “I’m spawning and dying.”

1:08 - “Waste their.”

1:09 - “This is a nice way to exploit”

As for this video, it shows him spawning over and over again when he knows theirs Base and CV turrets hanging above him. He had nothing left, no base, and no way to recover and could have gone back to Alliance World at anytime.

I want to be clear, between Glitches old faction, and SFA we’ve been attacked by 5 or more CVs when they come around so we have to be cautious when one of their members is around.

Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URpN-4N9Poc2

Roughly 60 - 90 minutes after all this happened, I logged into the game and flew around and found Glitches still hanging around one of our bases. When I offered him a ride he logged out, and he proceeded to login and logout so I finally dropped a base and left since I didn’t have time to deal with him.

It’s difficult for a faction to gauge what’s going on, when someone sticks around to die to turret fire when they have other options. What muddies the waters further is I logged in only to find him still hanging around our bases, he had made no attempt to leave, he simply bought a drill and started to mine gold around our base… which meant someone was going to fly around and shoot him again.

We can’t properly defend ourselves if he just sticks around our base and never leaves.

Server: (na)

Type of Offence Committed: hacking/exploiting)

Time/Date of offence: (nov 27th)

Player/Faction accused: (lbp/all)

Player Faction reporting: (Rat)

What happened? (Engaged lbp )

Why did it happen? (na)

Evidence: (video starting at 0:45 you will see the ship rebuilding itself live this is not the first time)

The outcome: retracted

Retracting. game bug


Server: NA

Type of Offence Committed: Grieving : Rule 2.1 in HWS Guide
Time/Date of offence: 16:43 11/27/2016

Player/Faction accused: Player: Taridium Faction: TuT

Player Faction reporting: ETT/Theristis

What happened? Was working on a ship with a friend from another faction, had ship set to public for teamwork, server went down for backup, logged back in, and ship left without me.

Why did it happen? Did nothing to Provoke or Incite the act.

Evidence: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2-PC48lOtuqQlBDRnNpeVg4SEU

The outcome: Retrieved stolen ship, Due to player having no RP and Credits, Police seized his 2 prized CV as payment. Player received his property back(as this all happened in PVE)

Server: (EU)

Type of Offence Committed: Being on starting planet EARTH!!!

Time/Date of offence: (nov 28th)

Player/Faction accused: (SHP)
Player Faction reporting: ()

What happened? (Being on planet earth!!)

Why did it happen? (na)

Evidence: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=808173873

The outcome: Rep points taken for the players ship it was as they were not a noob. The ship was moved when investigating so no further action.

Server: (NA)
Type of Offence Committed: Offensive Language, Racism
Time/Date of offence: (Nov 28th)
Player/Faction accused: (Godparties, Krad)
Player Faction reporting: (nauttdog)
What happened? (Goldparties hurled a racial slur in chat, and krad went too far and advocated suicide.
Why did it happen? (na)
Evidence: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=807958594, http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=807958581

The outcome: Both players had credits, RP, wiped, Godparties also has his inventory wiped due to having less credits. Inappropriate/Racist remarks even out of context will never be tolerated. Next instance for players if they commit the same offence will be 1 week ban, again will be perma ban.


Type of Offence Committed: CV design is in violation of the design rules.

Time/Date of offence: Nov 29, 2016 2100 CST

Player/Faction accused: iMP

Player Faction reporting: [RWH] Proud

What happened? Just warped into Talivea Orbit and found [iMP] Service Station obviously breaking the rules on CV design (Floating Guns). No iMP players online at the time… di info at the top.
I was with my [RWH]Pitbull CV.

Why did it happen? Only warped in and saw it. Pretty close to the warp point.

I have more pics if needed.

The Outcome: Everything about this ship is wrong but its not about to beat a player with exploits, it wouldnt last 2 seconds in a fight. No action taken.

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