@RexXxuS Something needs to be done about starter planets i have seen factions sit there since the start. Just a thought make sure the systems contains all resources needed and wipe daily.
If the servers were full I would absolutely agree with you but seeing as how they aren’t I’m not sure who they are hurting sitting at starter.
well too much in one playfield will cause problems
I want your POI bps so much, I’ll be glad to tweak them, I’m exploring different designs for a POI, I want to make one with different paths for each style of player, I want the drone to be a useful tool in POI (use it to explore other rooms through vents, you can activate some sensors with drone) What kind of bp the server needs?
I disagree with this statement, as a Veteran number 1 priority is to find pvp, engage in pvp, succeed in pvp and come out as top dog, pvp is expensive so no matter how full your ocd is you will empty out quickly. As an example in 5.0 i started with 800k iron it all disapeared in 2 weeks of pvp while living on (5) planets, if you live in space then obv its going to last a lot longer. If you have the resources then live a little more dangerously your game play will be a hell of a lot more fun and then when you get low again play safe build up and keep the cycle going.
Iv been wanting to make a space poi that uses switches and grav gens to throw people all over the place but damn real life getting in the way lol…
The day after wipe the play field has to many structures that not normal
I don’t know what to think about anything anymore. I don’t know if they are just more bugs in the game and devs are just building on top of the bugs. Or if this server is stressing. The last few days I have been on not been more that 100 people on. But I have had several time consuming bugs. I am not convinced about these changes. I first thought donators planets on another server be good idea but to be honest. I am not going spend my time doing everything in EU and then CSW where all I can do their is park. its a lot of hassle. Might as well just live in deep space. Don’t get me wrong Rex and crew are working their nuts off and I love them for it. But it all seems to have spiralled out of control.
I would be happier going 2 or 3 seasons everything just seemed simpler. Yes we had lagshots then so cv’s bigger etc. What if we took all the plus points from now and just put it on the old map. the universe was smaller and more battles etc. Sorry I am just rambling.
A lot of good points in your comment. ️
I like the part where it was like find the enemy, kill the enemy, kill the enemy, kill the enemy!
Sure. but think of it this way the newest patch has built up the game a lot its a lot bulkier in content and now focus is on slimming it all down to a manageable size again, its a normal process of design. Have faith once everything is up and going it’ll be amazing
what is EGS recycle commands ?
edit : found
I think people are staying on starters so long because the resources are hard to come by in the current build and the orbits don’t wipe so there is nothing pushing them to advance into the verse. They don’t have access to to mats out there to put into an decently leveled up ocd via gold or donation. So smart players who are starting out will favor the most favorable environment to get their foothold and ‘hoard’ resources before setting out later in the season, or the next. So that they do not loose all their progression on the first outing or pvp rotation of the origins. Some may do the math and decide its just not worth it to move away from starter at all, and to simply run ships out and die to get back in when they need to jump up into orbit. Established players with large OCD stocks that they have farmed up and concentrated into components for several seasons look to get off world as fast as possible and explore every new part of the universe.
And what exactly is wrong with that? Doing so even with all three servers still will not come close to what the OCD was in 5.0. Why have the OCD on any server if your going to look down on those who utilize it for the purpose it was created for? Lets not harp too much on the purity of the game here, there are many vanilla pve servers out there for those who prefer that route. This server is advertised as PVP, and tools like OCD and AOM seem geared towards helping boost players capability to pump out ships for themselves and their faction to regularly engage in pvp action.
If it is the argument I have seen before by some that claim newer players cannot compete with large established factions and players who have stockpiled resources over several seasons… I will plainly say that they are not meant to. They are meant to walk the same path and grind up levels, fill their caches with resources they will need to get the next level. Or sign up with established players/factions and get a headstart that way.
I say welcome to another OCD to level up, Welcome to another OAM to level up, and give us something to level up, some progression to keep us on the grind and in the game. I may not use them everytime they are full, or fill every open slot, but it will give us something to do with the credits.
Oh and another thing, A big hearty WELCOME to another MARKETPLACE where we can all sell our goods. I hadn’t seen this mentioned before but the New server should by default have another marketplace. There just needs to be consoles to access it, and there players can bring their goods from both EU and NA to sell in Sanctuary.
also… are the OCD’s not tied to one servers? So wouldnt someone have to buy 3 copies of the donator package, 1 per server, to have it active across them all?
If you wanted them all to be lvl 5 without grinding the gold and doing it with ingame credits, yeah… so you could access the ocd for the one your on but it would be a different one that you would have to level up individually.
Looking at the PDA info it would be roughly about 8million credits to get to lvl 5 OCD? With 50k x 100 slots each compared to the 5.0 version where you had 700k x 100 slots. Add to that about a million per OAM slot to get the 12 of them to level 10 which you will have to fuel with its own AM cores… So its not a hand out or even really a buff in retrospect.
Some people ( not me ) with lots of gold stockpiled, lvl 6 ocd, and the 70 million carry over donation could easily afford that, but that seems to be the point of those donations and what the pay off for that long grind to 6 is for anyway.
Kudos for the workarounds, compromises, and new ideas revolving around this change up, its a hard pill to swallow for some but lets hope it turns out to be good medicine.
yeah… basically i was just trying to state its actually a good donation maker by enabling it as a 3rd OCD
I have read about 90% of this thread and have posted a couple times so far. I get the changes need to be made and all the hoopla. What I think is the server has various outlooks at play and the main outlooks that count are the server owners admins and those players that best benefit the accomplishment of their vision. This however sadly isn’t me. I joined in 4.0 and did log many hours with many big dreams but feel pray to my lack of understanding of wipes and other various things. By the time I had all the knowledge I needed to forge this full ocd miners ect ect life changed. I can no longer commit the time needed to be end game. By the time I get enough hours cobbled together to prep my pvp stocks the season is over. I also end up spending 80% of my time designing ships and wish I could just log in and go pvp. I know the next response join a faction. I see chat I see the pillars of the community talk, mmm don’t think I want my fun time resting on their shoulders. Some factions have rules and requirements I just can’t meet. Ah on and on and now as of july 7th I need to sublet a penthouse I won’t be setting foot in for the season Actually two cause the one I picked up for a friend wont have anyone in it either.
I originally came for the faction pvp idea to begin with and this is just a blah thing with no real merit.
The idea sold was come fight the evil pirates as the universal guardians so the traders can make a better world for us all.
Where do I find myself? Digging in the dirty the same as any trader. Running POI’s to survive like any trader. Flying into a fight to save a trader oh no I am not moving till you sign the alliance blah blah blah all useless steps. The path there is simple:
Law abiding society, freelancers, pirates. Law abiders are automatic no friendly fire period.
I.E the original hype was I would be taken care of by traders as long as I died on the swords of pirates for their success and that isn’t what we have here at all. We don’t have embroiled galactic conflict hell we don’t even have viable bases that work in pvp. I have 4 massive beautiful base designs that are simple in a word…useless. Just sit up high and rain death down without risk. Now I have not purchased a planet but I am a multiple time donor. For me my friends accounts ect.
In the end I just feel like the server isn’t geared for me and maybe I should just shelf and move on. We will see
is not happy at change to Size 3 size 4 was already to small, many cool s5 ships took a long time and lost quite a bit shrinking to size 4, and size 6 was impossible, now were getting even itchier, whats the point of getting performance enhancements if ya dont then plug them into more use for players, I was hoping given all the massive planet changes you would upgrade it to 5, all the ships and hv’s I spent many hours/days/weeks on designing at size 4 are now useless, unless you change your mind, tis not cool cos many concepts that work at size 4 just dont at size 3, size 3 is just to small, if as you say most people choose size 3 then theres no reason to prevent size 4, as most wont use it so your not gaining anything, otherwise its just getting to restrictive.
The OCD changes are very harsh at lvl 5 700,000 to 50,000, ever heard of a proportional response, not slamming a huge nerf hammer at everything in site, not cool, means essentially I cant store anything from this playsession in it as it’s already way overfull, and I gain nothing from current play, 500,000 is an adjustment 50,000 turns it from being a genuine place to store progress through wipes to a slight boost after every wipe.
Also the interest changes are too harsh means you have to waste allot of warp fuel getting to and from bank every day for a relatively pidly amount of interest you should vastly increase interest rates to compensate for the added expense.
I wasnt to happy with the weekly wipe of starter monthly would be nicer or even fortnightly.
Even the sanctuary change seems a to reduce some of the benefit of buying it in first place if you have to CSW to get there, theres a reason no one uses instanced housing in MMORPG’s but ones with game-world housing are always in full use.
Every single issue is an annoyance but combined they present a notable barrier to enjoyment of hws, tis little point in a smooth running stable server with no new players playing on it as its to awkward, restrictive and complicated, you need to balance your changes with the question is it fun, i think your somewhat missing that question when you make changes, all your reasoning seems to be based purely on server performance principals, which sure is important but there has to be a trade-off line between fun and performance which i suspect your tootsies are over the line on the performance side of it atm.
I have to disagree with the placement of donor planets in a separate server. Especially since OCD wont
be accessible. I paid real money for something that is repeatedly being changed and the value lowered.
When I bought my legacy donor planet It was to be mine forever. (unreasonable yes)
That was changed to I keep until BETA or end of the year. Whichever was longer.
This season the resources available were reduced and the Planet is only mine until end of year.
Now my planet will be moved to another server and I wont be able to use OCD.
We’ve now reached the point where something was sold and money paid. Then the value of the item
was reduced repeatedly until it is now worthless. Last time I did CSW my reputation reset to zero.
I paid 300 USD for a nice donor planet on HWS NA. I did not pay for a worthless rock on storage server.
(This should have been discussed with planet owners only. Allowing others to chime in is like asking none
land owners how much to tax land owners. Or welfare rats how much to tax those who work.)