HWS Weapon Config Review/Tips/Tricks

Yes, they are. We have tested firsthand and confirmed that it is possible to get lag shots. Even just one on one they still happen.

With testing both CVs and SVs, lag shots happen. There is no debate.


no one said “lagshots don’t exist” it’s a well known issue, but crying over lashots in SV vs. SV battles is hilarious.
SVs are totally manual, movements and fire, a whole different story from a cv with auto-aiming turrets shooting all in the same spot. (even if noobs use macros to shoot from all the weapons with 1 button)
They got your core with a lagshot? pure luck, won’t happen twice, rest is only a matter on how you build your SV.
Happened twice? wait for another one and then you can buy a ticket for some holy place and have your bad luck removed.

We also tested this and how you structure your internals also has no noticeable effect on lag shots. The “lag armor” or “whitespacing” of the past isn’t doing anything.

And I don’t want to argue but I DO want to point out:


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Hey guys. I think it’s important to really define what a ‘lagshot’ is.

In my opinion a ‘lag’ shot is not necessarily caused by internet ‘lag’ but by engine stress and overload. Which can happen easily enough. If a playfield is demanding enough then it is irrelevant whether or not there is any fighting going on, if a fight breaks out a ‘lagshot’ is more likely.

A LAGSHOT is when the game doesn’t recognise the ‘face’ that the projectile should be hitting. As a result the shell goes ‘through’ that face, until it encounters another ‘face’ (like that of a device or an air gap). Here’s a visual example



You can see how the lagshot has missed the first face. And this happens in all theatres of combat.

Furthermore we must remember that Eleon never ‘fixed’ lagshots. Their only attempt was a band-aid measure which was to remove core-targeting to make lag-shots less apparent. But they for a fact still happen; in all aspects of fighting.

This includes SV fights, and with the current config and the splash damage of weapons a lagshot is more likely than before. So unfortunately for all involved lagshots are still likely, apparent, and active; in ALL theatres of combat. SV/HV/BA/CV.

Nontheless I personally am LOVING the new meta and the challenge of redesigning svs (not that an SV redesign reduces lagshot chance as it still comes down to basic luck.

Best regards and i hope my somewhat pseudo-scientific definition of lagshots was acceptable for all on all sides. :slight_smile:


Well you could excuse my poor engrish knowledge, sometimes it’s hard explaining things.
Let me try to put it in simplest way i can:
lagshots aren’t a think in SVs fights = are not something you can cry about like in CVs fights.
Ofcourse this sentence refers only on SVs vs. SVs fights.

indeed, what i’m trying to say is that there is too much luck involved in a core lagshot between SVs you can’t really complain about it because lasers where enhanced.

Lemon just stop bothering with them. They are too dumb to understand logic and basic facts.
Lagshots aren’t a thing, deal with it. No one said “lagshots don’t exist” it’s a well known issue!


I think the attacks are unnecessary. You can disagree with someone without being rude.

That said, same thing here. What are you trying to say? Lag shots aren’t a factor in PVP but they exist?

I’m not sure why you’d think that, again with testing they absolutely affect PVP. Nobody here is “crying” about them, this was just a discussion. I will say that if you get a lucky lag shot in a SV fight then it’s fight over. There really is no skill involved, just luck. I think that is something a reasonable person would deem worth complaining about. While not as easy to replicate the same results in a SV as in a CV with targeting, they both affect the battle in unintended ways.

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you’re right, i should stop trying to let a rocks understand things ;D


about a core lagshots:

you vs. auto aiming turrets (bases or cv); chances are pretty high, AI knows where the core is and will not miss a shot. Run away without taking a shot is very hard.

you vs. Svs (manual aiming); chances are pretty low, it’s up to the attacking player’s piloting and aiming skills plus the defensive player’s piloting skills. lots of shots missed, runnin away is much easier than the previous situation, there is (should be) no clue about the enemy core’s location.

A reasonable player can complain about lagshots during SVs battles as much as he can complain about random crashes when you change playfield. (i never had any of those anyway)

The fact is. Our ships “RHINO M1z” are downed in a ratio of 1/8

Building method?

Pilot Skill?

Maybe all three?

Who knows.

The real fact is that now the sv vs fight are really funny. Well not really funny for who is downed :slight_smile:

I’ve been looking around in the rhino and it’s a pretty basic ship tbh, even painted it in our colors, should be nice to see how one does against itself.

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Cannot wait :slight_smile:

Do lag shots exist? yes
Did the new config create more of them? no
Can you protect yourself from lag shots? you should try but it’ll never be 100%
Are lag shots a MAJOR factor in SV v SV fights? not really

Lag shots are definitely here to stay, the new config might have made them more apparent because people are using weapons that can cause lag shots more often but certainly didn’t create them. The homing rockets of last season rarely if ever lag shot because of their slow velocity. Using gap spacing, shutters, extra RCS or other devices to protect your internal devices from lag shots actually does seem to have an effect, but I have had one clear case of a rail gun lag shot passing through 2 RCS and a shutter without damaging them and destroying the device underneath, in an extremely laggy playfield. I don’t think they’re a major problem. I can only count 2 times of all the SV battles I’ve been in this season where I can confirm I took a damaging lag shot. One was from a base turret that shot me out of my cockpit, while I wasn’t even in range of the base weapons so that was interesting even though I was able to retrieve the ship. The other was that railgun shot. The only shot the enemy landed on me before running away, so it was easy to trace the damage it caused.

While lag shots can be very annoying when you’re on the receiving end, especially if they hit your core or cockpit, this is a very rare occurrence, and you have just as much chance of causing the same lucky devastating shot to them as they have done to you. If you are getting lag shot consistently, you should consider rebuilding your ship with more protection or checking to be sure it is actually lag shots you are experiencing and not explosive damage traveling through blocks to damage your internal devices, secondary explosion damage from a fuel tank blowing up etc.


So Paxxo in case of Maruder Mk7 your down ratio against me 1v1 equally skilled pilot is actually equal. In group fight both of us usually shoot each other while tanking swarm of enemies.
I guess what would happen if i was not flying jack of all trades SV… Might need to push 7.5.

All this “lagshot” talk…sheeesh! Yes, it happens. Is it something frequent? No. More likely the cause is direct hits through holes or splash damage/chain reactions like N6 stated.

I did get hit with a railgun the other day however, that killed my cockpit in under 30s of combat while i was in a kolfskot. I found that intriguing as it hasn’t happened in the 4 months I’ve been flying that thing. Maybe a lagshot? Maybe not?

I would like to know if railguns are actually designed to pierce armor. I know the original design of that weapon was to damage blocks in a straight line while passing through armor. Before the weapon config we tested that and it was true. minimal to no damage exterior but tons of module damage and destruction interior.

So I guess the question is for Rex. Are rail guns supposed to pierce through layers like they used to? I dont mind it honestly if it was (even i fell victim to it) because guess what… Everyone has that same advantage/disadvantage. Oh and ps…the kolfskot survived without losing a single launchers hahaha.

Oh and p.p.s… keep the grudges and whining out of this discussion please, the egos are smothering valuable conversations.

CV battles seem to have become pointless again. The config doesn’t seem to be working for cv weapons at all. We had a 45min-60min battle of 6 vs 6 the other day. No one really lost their ship and most had only cosmetic damage. Im not sure if something was changed from the original config or not. The end of last season had amazing damage being dealt out. Now we are back to throwing millions of ammo into nearly indestructible ships. Waste of time for everyone involved. Ill be sticking to SVs until there is a change.

When i returned home after taking a percieved beating. I noticed only 1 cv turret missing, and a couple dozen blocks. The damage i was taking I should have been nearly cut in half after an hour of battle!

Just my thoughts, I know traders and PvE players want the opposite as i just stated. But think about it…there is nearly no risk of taking a proper cv into pvp. You can survive a really really long time and even if you lose your warp core you can always just use a gate to warp out. Please make space great again REX. It seemed much better at the end of last season.

With CVs and rocket launchers I’ve seen 6-8 meters of lag penetration.
I hope they fix that.

My guess is that it’s a mix of ping, movement and projectile speed

That is almost exactly the case. The faster the relative speeds of the projectile vs the target (like a 200m long CV traveling at 115m/s while swiveling/rotating as fast as possible to achieve ridiculous speeds on the extremities of the ship) and not necessarily the ping but the simulation speed of the server which has more to do with memory size and memory bandwidth and CPU power than connection speed, will generate the “lag shots”. If the ships were slow and the projectiles were slow you wouldn’t be seeing lag shots unless the playfield was on the verge of crashing. The server has to do many calculations to determine the exact position of your ship and each of it’s devices and blocks and also projectiles. When there’s a lot to do instead of slowing down the universe the game gets less precise at tracking all of these things and sometimes misses the event of a collision. It detects the collision a fraction of a second later. And by that time the ships and projectiles have moved slightly and can be located inside your ship without having impacted the outer surface. It’s the same mechanic that causes you to get ships stuck inside each other or in the ground when having a mid air collision or landing at high speeds.

I disagree, using them in two different fights they are pretty good at sniping away at the SV hardpoints. Also the extra 100+ range compared to laser/plasma is a nice bonus. It should be worth noting though that in both fights the enemy walked away, so I do not advise using them if you want to kill your opponent. Disarm? Yes. Kill? Not so much.

Or if the Rate of fire was less? Missiles and Art could travel very fast but due to slow rate of fire it would still generate less lag. Compared to say Miniguns.