What happened?
=> I cant stack more 6 teleporte base on my OCD
Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
=> Lamessombres
Server? (EU or NA or RE)
=> EU
When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)
=> today
How can we help you now?
=> ON HWS connect teleport are epic also with OCD 6 my limits are 30 000 for teleport, and now my limits for teleport is 6 …
Hey, this is intentional.
If you read the announcement a little while, both on discord and forum, you’d know that many items were added into new categories, because they weren’t grouped before.
well, if he is really talking about EU server, teleporters are epic category (50k with OCD10) there, ultra epic (10pcs with OCD10) is on RE
so, with his OCD6, he should be able to put 30k teleporters in OCD on EU
On EU and NA you should indeed by able to have 30000. @RexXxuS
Were the limits also updated for EU and NA servers, since on RE 6 would have been correct?