If it was just you, it probably wouldn’t be an issue.
But imagine this scenario:
The admins refund your alien core. Tomorrow 20 players with EGS Recycle less than level 5 come and make the same type of tickets, except these guys do it on purpose and lie about the reasoning.
Because the admins helped you out, they would also have to help out these 20 players (which by the way takes a long time to do)
Sadly the best thing you can do here is to learn from your mistake. I’m sorry, but I don’t think you should expect that the admins will help here.
Had this been caused by a bug or a server issue it would be completely different scenario, but sadly it would take a huge amount of time if staff had to help every time players made mistakes.
It’s not about punishing you in any way. The issue is, it would be a huge time sink to have to help out if more players come tomorrow with this same issue.
I would recommend you read this post, about when staff will help out: READ FIRST: Will You Receive Support? - Yes or No