Its still an “Alpha-Game” even if its out of the Alpha Phase. Bugs happen and we try our best to help the devs fix those bugs. But we cannot compensate for every bug even if we wish to. Some because there is just no time to replace every ones loss, others because there is not much information about it.
Your case is: We have not enough logs about the issue. According to the logs we see, you could have dropped the stuff and someone else picked it up, or you put it into a cargo box and just disconnected. But we do not know “where” the gold went. I am not saying you did this, but its just unclear for us.
Now if we would say: dont worry we will replace it anyhow, then guess who comes tomorrow. 100 people claiming they lost something, but in reality they just dropped it to fool us. You would not like us to help them either right?
Therefore we have to draw a line and can’t replace everything. We have to at least see in our logs prove enough that a bug could have happend and things are lost. (or as we encourage everyone: Make a Video recording)
And as in this example we can’t do that always. I’m very sorry.