Make pvp greater again or not

the rockets/project target velocities for the cv are: rockets 150/150 flak 120/140 laser 100/125 plasma 100/80 cannons 160/150 minigun 120/120 artillery 60/60 (normal/extendable)

and the sv flies with 200m/s , and there must change something and the resistance against adjustments are incomprehensible for me here


die raketen/projektiel geschwindigkeiten für das cv sind: raketen 150/150 flak 120/140 laser 100/125 plasma 100/80 kanonen 160/150 minigun 120/120 artillerie 60/60 (normal/ausfahrbar)

und das sv fliegt mit 200m/s , und da muss sich was ändern und den wiederstand gegen Anpassungen sind für mich hier unverständlich

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Its hidden over here:

This part is also toxic, because the last two times i helped you with explaining how to make screenshots and videos:

And as you can see here:

…a few more people have this opinion.

I guess you can find your simple solution in this answer:


Was redest du da eigentlich?`
Hast du dir dein Beitrag vorher gelesen bevor du ihn abgeschickt hast?
So wie es aussieht definitvi nicht!!!
@PestBoy hat niemanden beschuldigt…
Dass so ein kommentar von dir kommt war klar…
Keine Ahnung was hier wirklich vorgeht aber einfach mal dazwischen rufen.

Und ehrlich gesagt… soll ich dir sagen , was willst du ständig mit den scheiß Screenshots??
Screenshots beweist garnichts…

Und Video beweis ja wow … :slight_smile:

Weißt du , wieviele beweise wir damals vorgelegt hatten und oder in den letzten monate vorgelegt habe und nicht nur ich ganz U-T und andere Fraktionen mit den ich im Kontakt bin .und es ist nichts passiert!! oder immer wieder darauf hin dass es ein fehler des spiels ist!!!..

Behalte einfach deine sinnlose kommentare bei dir wenn du keine ahnung hast und vielen dank :slight_smile:


What are you talking about?
Did you read your article before you sent it?
The way it looks definitely not!!!
@PestBoy has not accused anyone…
That such a comment comes from you was clear…
No idea what is really going on here but just call in between.

And to be honest… should I tell you, what do you constantly want with the shit screenshots?
Screenshots does not prove anything…

And video proves yes wow … :slight_smile:

Do you know how many proofs we had presented at that time and or in the last months have presented and not only I completely U-T and other factions with which I am in contact .and it is nothing happened!!! or always pointed out that it is a mistake of the game!!!..

Just keep your meaningless comments with you if you have no idea and thank you :slight_smile:

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check out the cv weapon values again at wizzl and stop distracting from the topic because these are facts and you can check them yourself in the game, so come back to the topic.


schaue dir nochmal die cv waffen werte an wizzl und höre auf von den Thema ab zu lenken denn das sind fakten und die kannst du selber im game überprüfen, also komm mal zum Thema zurück.


Die einzigen die wirklich hierzu was schreiben sind Mitglieder von RED und dass sie soetwas schreiben ist doch klar … einfach mal mitdenken!!!

The only ones who really write something about this are members of RED and that they write something like this is clear … just think along!!!

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the rockets/project target velocities for the cv are: rockets 150/150 flak 120/140 laser 100/125 plasma 100/80 cannons 160/150 minigun 120/120 artillery 60/60 (normal/extendable)

Those are turret turn speeds, not projectile velocity. Are you sure you know what you are talking about?

On topic of “buffing CV weapons”. I was using SV with CV weapons in that fight. Enough said.


yes the sv “slazer” should bring advantages in the fight against sv but to disarm a cv with it without the cv counteracting is incomprehensible and that is since version 11 and you as a pvpler should actually see that and also stand up for fair conditions because pvp suffers a lot from it and that should be possible without hostilities.

ja das sv"slazer" soll Vorteile im kampf gegen sv bringen aber ein cv damit zu entwaffnen ohne das das cv gegenwirkt ist unverständlichund das ist seit der Version 11 und du als pvpler solltest du das eigentlich sehen und auch für faire Verhältnisse einstehen da pvp sehr darunter leidet und das mal sachlich ohne Feindseligkeiten sollte doch mal möglich sein.

So to this point in the thread, I haven’t seen any mention that the SV possibly being a Garage ship. With their excessive amount of weapons and capable of using CV weapons (unless it has changed during this season or last) a small garage ship sv can totally tear apart a cv in no time. Now add in 200m/s to the SV garage ship’s arsenal and you might as well not even bring a CV into PvP unless it too is a modified garage ship.

And I agree with @PestBoy and others that this post was not about blaming people for cheating or any other finger pointing. It became toxic when 3 Patrons and another turned it that way.


If both pilots are of equall skill and with thought out builds, CV will always win any SV with HWS config. Doesn’t matter garage ship or not. In case of this post, Pestboy could not afford to change direction to try and fight me because he was running away from my faction mate in CV who was barely out of range.

I just find it completely ridiculous that Pestboy is instantly making forum post once tides turn not to his favor. Not being able to combat log in time (“Why I died!!!”), not being able to understand how lagshots work (“Why i got lagshotted, it’s x faction’s fault!!!”)etc. And now this, with unreasonable rambling with no kind of proofs.

yes the sv “slazer” should bring advantages in the fight against sv but to disarm a cv with it without the cv counteracting is incomprehensible

Pro tip, if you expect to win without counteracting your opponent, then you are doomed to fail. And it applies to any videogame ever.


Okay too much foolishness in this post so i’ll put it to rest once and for all. This is an exploit @Politary, facts. Lets not waste our time on back and forth mediocrities and focus on fixing things that need fixing. And this exploit needs a fix. Its been around a while but this new update not surprisingly made it even worse. Thanks Eleon folks…

If i remember correctly @RexXxuS nerfed cv turret speed because the game couldn’t handle the turrets moving so fast which is not Rexxus fault but the games terrible optimization.

What makes it even worse is i’m hearing that what was used was a sv speed garage ship was used with cv or hv turrets? Which makes it even worse for @PestBoy because you can hit him with these turrets but he can’t hit you back because his driving a cv which is of slower speed compered to a sv.

Here is the video proof and facts of the matter:


This video shows nothing because of 2 simple facts.

  1. It’s not on HWS config.
  2. It’s made against a STATIONARY CV. If you don’t move at all or move in one direction, expect to get killed by more experienced pilot. CV shouldn’t and doesn’t make you invincible.
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just as it is shown in the video of Israel_T-C it was also the case and even worse, the gunners of the cv didn’t even shoot when the sv was at 300m and I moved the whole time. that’s why I see an urgent need for action.


genau so wie es im Video von Israel_T-C zu sehen ist war es auch der fall gewesen und noch schlimmer, die geschütze des cv haben nichtmal geschossen auch wenn das sv auf 300m ran war und dabei habe ich mich die ganze zeit bewegt. deswegen sehe ich da dringend Handlungsbedarf.

You didn’t change direction or speed of flight during the fight. And I didn’t get closer than 900 meters.

do you have any video evidence?


hast du ein videobeweis?

Do you?

Can you please show some proofs? We are talking about air? If you are not able piloting a cv dont harass all the server.

I don’t need it because in this case it also strikes several people as the video from Israel_T-C proves and there you can now stop rushing but remain objective but I probably demand too much because your opinion seems to be that the pvp of others is not important and the pvp should remain as it pleases you, but here are even more on the way on HWS, that is also the community.


brauche ich nicht da es in diesem fall auch mehreren leuten auffällt wie auch das video von Israel_T-C beweist und da kannst du jetzt mal aufhören zu hetzen sondern sachlich bleiben aber da verlange ich wohl zu viel denn deine Meinung scheint zu sein das die der anderen egal ist und das pvp so bleiben soll wie es dir gefällt, doch hier sind noch mehr auf HWS unterwegs, das ist auch die gemeinschaft.

what are you talking about? circling against a static target? take an sv i take my cv and lets see who dies first.

oh the herr paxxo turns himself in again condescending and insulting. Applause
the kindergarten is awake again, so much to disskusions at lowest neveau.
should the standard be on hws because that is tolerated permanently and permanently?


oh der herr paxxo schalted sich wiedermal herablassend und beleidigend ein. Applaus
der kindergarten ist wieder wach, soviel zu disskusionen auf niedersten neveau.
soll das standart auf hws sein da das permanent und dauerhaft geduldet wird?

Couple seasons ago group u-t guys catch noods on pvp, killing several times, leave spawn killing cv, and looking in general chat how they crying. Now its happened whit pestboy. So, its not funny anymore?