Marketplace Abuse

Now “home base” has a whole new meaning.[/quote]

Both of you mentioning something we already want to do as soon as we have more time.
Also for Auto Miner we will introduce a bit of balancing / pushing factions (you can get your stuff frorm auto miner for free on faction planets. everywhere else/lawless have to pay… but more details later)

It is a bit complicated to build but with kind of AoE (Area of effects) we can do a lot of stuff later…

I will absolutely keep using the market this way. When you give up your OCD to safely transport good without risk of having them taken from you then I “might” consider re-evaluating my use of the market. At the end of the day it is not a bug or a glitch. It is a clever use the the game mechanics for the market. Personally i think its silly that the market can magically transport goods across any distance instantaneously but the fact is that it does. Its part of the game. And you have no right to try and compel others to ignore this feature just because you don’t agree with it. If you want this changed you should be posting on the Empyrion dev boards not here. Beyond that if you don’t think its right then don’t do it. Don’t use your OCD and don’t use your auto miners. While you are at it you may want to give up the t2 drill too. After all… a magical drill that picks up ore with a laser beam? cmon. grind that stuff the real way with t1 and then pick it up by hand boss.

I have to agree with Teleprovider, all these market transactions look shady. I looked several times into the “Wanted”-List and always see the same names with the same requests for less then 1 credit. In the most cases i assume its a scam request, like Gold Ore 999 for 0.76 cr - a request thats open since a few days and gets refreshed every time. It´s not only the moving of goods, i see in this requests a try to trick new players into selling their stuff for less the prices. Like “Oh i need credits to sell my goods, but there is only one request for Iron Ore”. And i can say as a trader by myself, our faction uses the good old way to get our wares home - per ship. There are a lot factions who call themself trader but dont act like this.

When we give up the T2 drill we should add a timer at end of pvp encounter that disables ocd and market for a set time period after off-line party logs in. This might help prevent off-line raiding if culprit is stuck with the goods till other party logs in giving them a chance to counter-attack before goods disappear into the void of the market place or ocd.

Yep, I posted a while back that the faster-than-light moving of resources via the Marketplace was something I didn’t like. The idea to delay the transfer still has the issue of making the transfer invulnerable. My preferred solution would be to make the Marketplace location based, i.e., either a playfields(s) designated by the server, a block-based capability which can be set up by players or both. In either case, goods are specific to each location and must still be manually moved from one market to another (if multiple markets are implemented).

Like our good old Marketplace before Eleon implemented theirs x)
Yeah we hope they doing something like that. For now we can’t influence it really.

The problem I see with that solution is that you are basically punishing honest players for the actions of a few bad apples which is never a good idea.
You would likely just strangle the market as most people are unlikely to bother with traveling to other places to sell stuff.

I agree a solution needs to be found, I’m not sure how it could be done, but I do not think this is the way to do it.

One thing I can think of is a time limit.
Any offer below a set amount can only be set up for a few minutes at most.
An example is all the wanted posts for gold ore thats offering only 1 Cr or less for a full stack, you can only have one such offer up, only for 3 minutes and not be able to make any similar offers for 24 hours.

Where as any offers above said limit will not be affected and will follow the rules we currently have.

When it comes to gold ore specifically you can say that you should not be able to put up a wanted order for anything less than what said ore would be worth when converted to coins.

I’ll admit I’m guilty as a Trader of transferring one-time resources via buy orders, and I’ll also admit it makes the game stupid easy if I can get resources from someone on demand with no consequences, especially when your across the galaxy.

My intent is not to punish anyone. My thoughts regarding the current Marketplace design originated before “abuses” were even a topic. My main issue has been the immediate movement of resources between playfields, whether by multiple parties or one. I’ve felt this diminishes the survival aspects of the game, PvE and PvP. Of course, this is just my opinion as to what I think makes for good game play.

I don’t buy that defense. It presumes the mechanic fulfills and only fulfills the design intent.

Again, I disagree. Rex and Jascha have already demonstrated an ability to modify the game beyond Eleon’s ideas. While the Marketplace issues may indeed be intractable for the HWS team, no harm is done in asking.

What i love most on trading is when i come to Traders Resort on Destiny from far space and i trade raw gold with Zentax for raw ores. Its like on Wild West. Local market would be lovely, or market for one orbit. I would love to see traders ships roaming galaxy, stoping on maybe PvE safe places and other ppl coming there for trade as i do with Zen.

Problem is that Eleon will have to do clasic confirm trade trade window from every MMO. And thats not gonna happend anytime soon. Well you can lock up customer so his only option is to suicide so he cannot steal something so probably it can work even now.

But anyway, I think this is up to Eleon and our hands are tied here. For now ill enjoy option to get drill charges or multitool charges from base in no time for 1 cr :slight_smile:
Its not so bad guys anyway.

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I totally get utilizing a flaw in the game but this is just cheating to me.

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They could use the OCD instead but i think this is going to far.

I think this is more of an issue with the server limitations; many systems and planets have a limit of 1CV per faction, which seriously limits the movements of factions, doubling the blue crystal it’d normally cost to get there, hand out the stuff, then go back

wasnt this fixed with 5.0? well it had some issues where i lost some creds and didnt get the stuff i bought … virtual
i havent used it since then … will use it at one point but right now i have no desire to loose creds and not get the stuff i buy
i heard it was fixed but i have my doubts
however werent you supposed to go to a marketplace to place wanted and get items?
this is how i would like the marketplace to be
you go to your origin marketplace for example and place the wanted or sell in your marketplace but others can buy/sell from other marketplaces and you get the creds/stuff you bought in your marketplace … then go there and get the stuff
and you dont have to go to the markeplace it was placed at but then ppl cant abuse the market like that either … if there are no marketplaces in pvp zones they will have to carry it to a nearby markeplace area

Mal you just replied to a 3 month dead thread.
Just saying. Time stamps are useful.