New big HWS Feature | Star Fragment Memory [Cancled for now]

I’ve read the entire thread and thats why i decided to speak about it cause i saw that particular topic not being adressed ( the fact that active players can still abuse the marke with their OCD ) But i get it i’m new. I’ll just refrain next time.

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okay since you’re don’t understand the past hundred posts I’ll try and sum it up.

active players are supporting the community, inactive players are not. The host of a private server should not be obligated to hold on to things to people who are gone for over a year.

if HWS had the resources of a large company, none of this would even be discussed. there is a problem on the horizon that can be seen by those who have been doing this for years.

at this point in the conversation we are trying to determine what is considered to be active so our OCDs do not get wiped. not trying to explain why this discussion exists.

Ok ok, hang on a minute now.

What is exactly the problem that discerning active players from non active players is supposed to fix.

This :
The biggest issue with that is, that while active players are working with their OCD and OAM, inactive players, coming back after many seasons, got out of touch with economy. Carbon for example was very easy to get in the past and now it isn’t. Coming back with an OCD that is not updated to this economy change, causes some global imbalance and gives totally wrong assumptions of the resource value in question

or This :
active players are supporting the community, inactive players are not. The host of a private server should not be obligated to hold on to things to people who are gone for over a year.

Cause they are entirely different things.

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the point of calling something a main issue is that there are others in the equation too. both of those issues tie in together. someone who has been gone for 3 years had access to resource quantities that are not available in the current universe. then flooding the market with their very inexpensive materials would completely break the economy. this is fact because it has happened in the past.

I’m not going to hunt for the post but scroll up to the OCD screenshots of one specific player who has been gone for years. his 400k XL CV thrusters alone would cause a huge problem on the marketplace.

as a side note to this, why should he be obligated to hold on to this person stuff in the first place? why should he spend his time and resources on maintaining a database that is not needed. if someone is gone for over a year, it’s unlikely they’ll be coming back soon. but if they do, that’s fine too. they will have a much different game to come back to anyway.

The point of this entire discussion is to be active in the server. you will be rewarded by holding onto your stuff. if you are inactive for several seasons, your stuff will start to decay until you come back. once you come back though, the decay stops.

it’s not a very big issue. people are just blowing it out of proportion because of entitlement.

Right now we are trying to determine what each player considers to be active. there are many different ways to play this game and we are looking for ways and automated system can check for this activity to avoid stockpiles decaying.

Aye, then my original post that started this chain still holds. By letting people just do a quest (or whatever will get decided) to make them active won’t change one bit, people can just do the thing that requires for them to be active and then just be done with it and still carry over to the next season. That’s also why i said best solution is doing a pure wipe every season. Casuals won’t mind cause they won’t have alot, and the hardcore base will get everything back in no time, with everyone on equal footing. But i agree with you on this :

Yes, this would be the simple answer. unfortunately though it has been met with a lot of hostility of people saying it’s forced labor. they don’t want to do a list of chores, even though that’s a very small and simple list. you and I are on the same page here for this but unfortunately entitlement runs strong in this community. That’s why we’re trying to come up with other ways that can determine activity other than a specific list of chores. unfortunately, we have to cater to the entitled in this world today…

I think you miss my point here, and yes you are right with that the things suggested are met with like something is forced upon them. But what i ment is whatever is put out as a means of measuring as “that person is an active player” won’t make much of a difference, in truely measuringing activity. People can just do the required thing, and then never play outside of those bounds, and still carry over their OCD to the next season. Does that make them an active player then? That’s what i was trying to point out with my original post.

okay now we’re getting hung up on terminologies. someone who joins in to do the chores to prove that they are active, obviously cares about the server. those are the people we want to cater to. not the ones that say I’m going to fill up my sources and then come back when the game is good. that day will never come so you’re just wasting your time doing it.

there are many players that will play a couple of seasons and then take a few season break and play a couple seasons and take a few seasons break. that is considered active. someone who shows up once a year to bitch and complain that the game sucks and they can’t use the stockpiles they gathered years ago, do not care about this universe at all.

so if you want to focus on terminology, we can’t pick the right one for those who actually care about the server. it just takes too long to say that so active works for me.

not to put a such a fine point on it but those who don’t care about this community, shouldn’t be catered to at all.

and before anyone says it, solo players are part of this community too…

so back to re-railing the conversation to its prior turn off…

so far a list of actions that could be considered active:

patron status
Total RP gained per season
PDA mission run check
specific HWS mission/task list
supporter package

those are the ones I can think of without scrolling through the wall. please add more so we can continue progression.

How about:

  • x number of days logged in for y minutes for z season
    (x/y/z are variables)
  • x daily rewards claimed per season

I wouldn’t overcomplicate the metrics with specific ingame action measurement what is prone to bugs and misunderstanding.

Even just logging in X times a season clearly indicates the given player caers about his OCD and probably plans to come back later.

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I will be short on this “feature”…I play for fun and I have no intentions to land on every galaxy planet to find those star fragments…I think I’m an active player, I pay every month for elite patreon so I don’t know why I have to loose 20% of my ocd content for a useless quest…sorry, but it’s what I think about this.

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That’s great, now can you provide an alternative to a list of chores? something you consider to be active.

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I want to thank you all for your feedback about the HWS Star Fragment Memory feature / change proposal.
It’s great to see so much involvement and it shows once again how much you love your OCD!
I respect your concerns and decided that it’s not the right time to continue working on it.
I admit my mistake and I’m sorry!

It does not mean the OCD is an untouchable topic and the perception that anything can be stored forever for free should not be taken for granted.

But as long as HWS+ is not back to the glory it was, I will wait with any big OCD changes and instead balance anything crazy out, even if it means to correct some RE fails myself (absurd MarketPrices for example) or do occasional item wipes if any resource is out of balance due game changes.

TL;DR: Nothing will change regarding your OCD for now, since I respect your feedback and HWS+ is not back to its glory to justify this change there.

Thanks again for your feedback and have a good start into the last month of this year :v: