New rule regarding PvPvE playfields | Block limit result

Hey @everyone,

the drama of Armageddon has forced us to implement a new “Fairplay” rule to make it better.
Please make sure you have read and understand it since it is active now.


Also the Block Limits are active on 4th April the community have discussed about:

Your HWS Team


Ok i built my 3000 block SV, its still way too big, 1500 or 1000 blocks would really be better.

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For you perhaps, not for the vast majority of PVERS, anyway decision is made; we now just need to live with it, move on, and give it a try :slight_smile:

Best regards

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hi all, 100 blocks for sv ? it is like default sv tier 2 ? :slight_smile:

3000 blocks for an SV is fine imo - can always be tweaked down gradually if required. I’ve not had to make any changes to my favourite SV/HV builds as a result of these new limits.

No, not 100 blocks for a SV, but 1000. Still enough armor not to become oneshottet. 3000 blocks do not change the situation i experience on Golden Globe day by day :

Ugly brick SVs parking (more or less) stationary to each other and exchange salvos by salvos. When one runs out of ammo or has lost many guns he warps, runs or rushes to base for repairs. … so booooooring !

Hey mate,

Do you think a 1000 block SV will last any amount of time against a base or even 3 bases like what is allowed on GG? No, they won’t.

There are a lot of dynamics in the game that need to be considered, I think you could really benefit by joining a faction and observing/learning. You post a lot on the forums, which would be good if you could temper your opinions with real experience. Right now, it is just coming across as nagging and complaining.


That’s why I say autoturrets are the root of this balance issue, the next logical thing that will be done after everybody complain about their SV being slaughtered is to nerf bases. The struggle against game capped damage and server capped armor will continue.

That’s why we did a bit of testing beforehand :wink: The bock limits are sufficient that SVs can take a bit of damage, but not so that SVs can go in and tank bases - at least not without some danger of dying.

I am with Dark Miracle on that, 1000 blocks would be better, smaller sv’s , shorter battles

I’m still in complete disagreement with 1000 block SVs, and 3000 is fine, I can work with that. But 1000? Might as well just force everybody to use bare components only and one cockpit to prevent them from being used as armor.

And I have still yet to see him ever on GG…

He doesn’t want to go there because of the static battles of brick SVs that are almost stationary and are just shooting homing rockets at each other. Because that totally is a thing and 100% describes what happens in PVP hotspots.

If you love your 3000 block SV and if you are too lazy for moving and battle tactics i can understand the brick-lovers.

Players with good skill in gunnery and movement can easily strip down the base turrets in a 1000 block SV. Furthermore, 1000 block agile fighter SVs are more meaningful in SV dogfighting.

Concerning the 5000 block HV : Ok, come and fight my Kirov. LOL, this is really nonsense.

Lets come to 1000 block SVs and maybe 1500 block HVs. Stop boring no-risk fighting, and the current 3000/5000 block rule definitly IS no-risk-PVP, or more precise, no-risk-block-busting.

And, yes, i live on both GG. I hope my bases there are still alive :wink:

I do. In fact I stopped right at 3000 blocks, just because I can. That’s the limit. You say you live on both GG, whereas you don’t have anything on the NA GG, I know for fact because I am actively on GG almost daily, as recently as last night.

I call BS on this one. Post a video of yourself trying. Besides, if you are that awesome then the ‘bricks’ shouldn’t bother you, you can just strip their guns off and ignor the armor.