New Year - New Thoughts? HWS PvPvE [POLL]

What about Uranus Orbit? If Uranus itself is PvE, will the Orbit Stay PvP and not have the Base/CV limit?

I think perhaps one of the simplest changes would to remove most water on the starting planets so HV mining is fast and effective there. Finding meteorites can be annoying enough but then if they are in deep water you can’t HV mine. The problem is all the starting planets are mostly water.


That’s a good point - the water world is a bit much.

I see I see… just let’s ignore global warming… yeah yeah… may the sun burn you all and dry out all your plants and fridges and weapons and generators and… HVs, yes!


Can we at least ignore it on the NA server?


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i already posted this msg on the"Happy New Year announcement", but to make it more visible and expose my point of view of a supporter of the PVPVE i’ll repost it here :

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maybe the 10% should start a pvp server since 90% dont want pvp? all the time


What if you put the planets on rotation similar to gabriel/lucifer? It might inspire more faction vs faction warfare as residents would have all week to put up defenses and lots of fun stuff to happen on the weekends.

Edit: I mean open up the planets to all faction on the rotation set. Faction invasions sound kinda neat.


Wow, I hope this is just for the next server iteration. Why would you have one rule for the 1st 2-3 weeks and then change it? What about all the bases people have built there?

Are the admins just going to delete them?

Having origin worlds PVP creates a stepping stone between the PVE environment and the PVP environment and rewards origins for working together. It fosters creativity and cooperation. It was one of the best mechanics HWS implemented in 5.0


I think that if the vote is too close, leave it as it is. There is no need to change things when there isn’t a large majority of people who are on board with the idea. If the difference is like 6 or 8 people that would be ridiculous imo.

I personally like that it is PVP. There is a PVE server for people to play on afterall…

I think that is where the point gets lost. I enjoy the PVE side of the game quite a bit. But i dont want a 100% PVE Server. I would like to play on a server that supports me building up and then getting my butt kicked (or me kicking butt after i learn the ropes by dying a lot). If its all PVE, i cant learn and enjoy PVP. PVP loses another player. I cant afford to jump in and throw ships and learning how to not die, let alone get good at making others die. Yes, i could do all that on another server, but what you folks are really saying is “we dont want more players on our server, trim it to the 10% who really only like PVP”.

I dont think its unfathomable to think that in some universe there could be SOME planets that evolved beyond chaos and KOS mentalities to more peacful ecosystems… Is the WHOLE HWS universe intended to be a wild wild west where nobody can trust anyone and all things are free game? We may as well all be pirates at that point - why have origins at all? Which is cool if thats the intent of the server, but that’s not what lured me here; or many other from what I’ve read. Its my belief that it takes a healthy balance of PVP and PVE if you want a story like this to work - Trades build and mine… and trade, the story even has us being pacifists for the most part.

Many of us PVE’rs want to play with you PVPers and get killed and let you loot our dead cold bodies… Thats fun… Except when it takes you a week to get back there… My $0.02.


well said.
we need both in balance.
imo make alliances so its not pvp and i think that will be the nudge that makes growth possible but not over bareing.

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I just dont understand why you would consider changing the server rules after 2-3 weeks of play. Is that how conflicts are won now? By changing the rules?

How about we make Detroit always PVP since that’s where LBP hides?

How about we change the HW system to always be PVE since I lost a base there last week?

At the very least any change should not occur until the next server wipe.

I’f Pve wins could we have a poll to ask which origins get PvE Rex? i’m sure a lot of people would only like certain ones instead of all… Pve Freelancer and pirate and hunter origins makes no sense to me.

In this poll i think the two “No PvE” votes should be combined. They are like a trick question on a test, both will get the same result. (increase RP gain or Lower Lagoon System) They both have the same effect

I agree with most complaints in this thread, finding common ores can be tiring, As of now my PvP ships require 200k iron. I may not be a true veteran of the server, (joined at the start of 4.0) but the past two weeks ive been trying to grind RP more than anything, I stopped asking for fights to test new ships in fear of loosing RP. Granted I had a well stocked OCD, but I can not replace common ores as fast as i could before.

Right now im sitting at 105 RP 741 kills and 46 deaths.(The new POIs are Lovely) My only hope is to make it to one of the lagoon planets to farm my Iron required for PVP.

With all that being said i do worry that all that time spent grinding RP will go to waste with the “RP gain feature”

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This is the biggest issue i see and it makes me sad T_T


I think the obvious approach would be to promote a mixed pve/pvp setting on origin planet. There’s 50% for pve and 50% for pvp.

Perhaps a new rotation type, pve during weekdays, pvp during weekends. Slightly higher base limit than starter. No tax.
Overcrowding would solve itself during weekends.

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To me the obvious approach is to not change the rules half way through the game.

We all started playing on this server for 5.0 under one set of rules and that’s how its should finish itself out.

Normally I would agree but we can’t just be stubborn and lose player because of a not 100% well thought universe layout.

I was under time pressure and making mistakes is humanly. With such feedback we come to a better universe.


The better solution would be to just remove the RP requirements from the Lagoon planets and instead only use RP points for reducing taxes. You could also make one of the planets on a PvE/PvP rotation with no taxes for bases but taxes for ships.

I think the Origin planets are good the way they are, but the alliance change hurt the most people in the shortest amount of time.

The other issue that actually matters is the warp in points. These need to be addressed because in my opinion if we have 2 ships killed within a few kilometers from a warp point in a row, then it should be considered warp camping.

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