OCD Helper utility thingy

haha Yeh I need to add some checks for this stuff…
will do so soon and try to add more splitting options…
the update is a bit late, not sure why… but it should appear soon as new version 0.1.4

ok not sure why it’s still stuck in publishing mode… I think because it’s a new extension it has gone under some internal google review thing and may take a bit longer to update to 0.1.4
will give it some time today and if it doesn’t change, I’ll see how to contact them to check about it if possible…

А bit of criticism.
Please add col width for large screens (e.g. l8 and l4).
Remove from css this lines:
max-width: 600px;
max-height: 410px;
For auto-calculate column of item use next css property
display : inline-block;

the cell replacement function does not work at all , neither in the old version nor in the new one , the height is limited - this is bad , I do not want to see ads at the bottom of the page), but can the left window remain in place when scrolling ?

I conduct another experiment

Half of my items are now hidden and there is empty space, it used to be better :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok new 0.1.5 incoming (waiting for google to publish again), hopefully better results :smiley:

No idea why i used grid stuff… should’ve gone with this from the beginning… 100%

Apologies my friend! All fixed now i hope :smiley:

Swap should work OK… just drag and drop over another item… anyone else having this issue? it works OK for me…

I’m afraid i don’t see what you are trying to show me…

make a window on the right of this kind, to protect it from scrolling-that it stood still, this window corresponds to the number of cells in the knapsack

just pushed an update for this, here’s the highlights: (should be up in an hour or so)

  • dropped dependance on jqueryui @RexXxuS
  • started reformatting code a bit
  • added help window with some usage info
  • added reset button to clear backpack of added items (they get sent back to the left)
  • can now drag items back from backpack into ocd on left
  • compact ocd:get string when possible (eg when fullstack is being extracted, only send slot number instead of the size as well)
  • backpack has a fixed size now and you won’t be able to drag more items once that is reached
  • backpack window is now fixed in place while scrolling

let me know what u think of the new one, hope its good :slight_smile:

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Hey @Hayawen

awesome, thanks for keeping this alive!

Just wondering if the check on other pages are included in this patch?
I saw it is also on the main page

Once I am done with Commodity Trading 2.0 + Mission Dealer, HWS Connect v5 will start.

Woups! Fixed that now, will push it with next update!

And yeh, seems there’s a few people using it, so trying to keep everyone happy lol :smiley:

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There’s another issue than ocd put size. It’s limited how mant characters we can write ingame, so we can’t always get all we want :confused:

True, i found that out earlier, but i have not decided exactly how to deal with it… i will try to add a warning and stop accepting new items into backpack…

Hmm @Hayawen. How about a feature that allows us to save, get xx amount of xx item. That’d be great for making blueprints and stuff :slight_smile:

mmm yes, i like that one! will look into it!
though it may be a little while, working on something else atm :smiley:

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When you will be working on it can you also move that box a bit to the right to fix clipping?


New version 0.1.7 inc! should be there in an hour or so…

@Dr.Dark Let me know what you think of the save lists and if any comments on improving :slight_smile:

@DarthMyrten weird how i did not see that before… hopefully this fixes it!

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About the new save menu. Really like it. Makes life 10x easier. One bug though. If you don’t have any saves yet, and choose to make a new save, but then cancel, it’ll be bugged, and you have to restart it to make a new one. Also it would be nice if they actually saved. Right now they’re gone when you reload page. Is that possible to fix??

Also the drop in box, is still placed a bit badly. Could you move it more up?

@Dr.Dark Thanks you for the feedback, i will look into that bug & the window position and see what i can do about it…
However, What do you mean it doesn’t save? the whole point of it is to save :smiley:
it should be using your browser’s localStorage to do that & seems to be working OK for me, so i can’t debug it without ur help… could you check the console for any errors when you load the page? or when u save a new list? and show me that output please?

I get no errors at all. Only error is google ads.