What happened?
=> i’ve lost some items that were stored in my ocd during wipe. i had 96 cpu extenders t5 for cv/ba and now 7, and 93 for sv, also a bastion shield, a regenerative shield and an antimatter warpdrive for cv is gone
Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
=> VanTares
Server? (EU or NA or RE)
=> RE
When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)
=> during wipw, noticed 22:30
not sure we can do here something or @RexXxuS , since everyone had these limits and if we restore something here, we get quite some tickets about “I forgot some items”
If its a lot, maybe we can think about restoring a bit that makes sense.
i would be very greatful to you for that
…thats why i trashed some slots to be fair, to not transfer more slots through wipe procedure than i have. because 166 of 170 ocd slots were in use before trashing.