OCD: Lets Discuss

My only issue with an OCD is that a new player doesn’t understand how to use it. Therefore, they cannot determine what they have in the OCD or even why they would want to upgrade it.

After that initial phase, it is one of the draws to this server.

It should be noted that OCD was also invented as a way of helping players not have to “start all over” everytime major new features are implemented.

Once the game reaches Beta or an actual launch there is a real chance that OCD will get wiped and everyone will start from scratch… but who knows what the future will bring.

Yes and in a CV you can also have advanced constructors to replenish your ammo. Yea of course if I’m in a planned CV fight that I have maxed out turrets on its going to be different than if I get caught going through a PvP zone in a little scout CV that I’ve minimized and decide to fight anyway. Call new whatever you want that doesn’t make it true.

So… mid fight your going to stop flying your CV, open your P menu, que more CV ammo, then place it in the CV?

Exactly, definitely not gonna warp out. Even better you’d probably just sit there completely out of ammo.

Could be implemented as an actual game feature at some point as well.

If I remember correctly the first iteration of OCD was created to allow players to transfer their stuff to the next wipe, not to have a permanent storage.
Let’s divide the OCD in three parts:

  • A wipe transfer service, nothing you put in there can be recovered until next wipe, only accesible at ECC. There is a max storage size you can’ increase.
    At next wipe start you can take back everything from it visiting ECC.

  • A storage service, you rent slots with credits, not a flat buy of storage size. Big storage will be expensive.
    You can put stuff only at ECC, you can’t use drone to safely put things there.

  • A delivery service, you pay for each slot delivered to you with a prohibitive price for pvp, not requiring level, just credits.

There are no levels anymore, onlyt credits are required. Everybody start next wipe at same level. You can have different storage and delivery services.

What would be the point of this change? Just curious.

You don’t have to stop CV, press I before doing so. It takes 5 seconds to do. Open p menu (change your key binds to do it faster), select constructor in top custom group, queue ammo, shift click ammo, fill all. Never been cored in a fight? It gets you to do things fast.

Just as I have been saying.

Players are farming now for next wipe trying to out farm others factions, some players got full OCD from absurd autominers (and bug exploits with them) in the past, with a cap on transfer from the previous wipe to the next, the ressources gathered are to be used in the current wipe. I like balanced starts not poping behemoth war machines early, the race for ressources should start at the beginning of the wipe, not before.
No more market flooding and no more established factions from previous wipe farming.

Same with renting storage, keeping your stuff safe being expensive, you’ll be inclined to use your ressources more ingame. That’s the best gold sink there could be, garage ships are nice for that but they give players too much of an advantage, storage doesn’t, especially when you have to make your way to ECC to put things in storage. Let’s say you heard rumors of a raid against your main base, you take everything you can to stores it safely at ECC, but nothing happened, your decision could be unfair to your opponent, he could have taken your base and found almost nothing but there you lost money safely storing your stuff. Those rumors could have been used against you, knowing what you would do, your enemy would try to intercept you on your way to ECC.

Every service is accessible to anybody, you don’t have to farm for days until your reach a treshold, it’s pay per use, no level. If you want to get something delivered in Pvp, you can at anytime but you must weight the risks because of prohibitive price, you could lose your money and your stuff, it’s not a reward for time spent farming, it’s a strategic decision.

We are talking about Ammo, not a core. Also your constructor doesn’t automatically put the ammo inside the box. Nor does it make sure you have all the materials etc.

Second any pvp’er would carry 1 to 5 cores on him.

Third if are cored and need to use a constructor to make a core… you cant your cored.

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I was saying you can use menus to build ammo and load it fast while cv is still moving. I didn’t say to use constructors when cored.

kinda defeats the entire purpose of the OCD, at least what everyone on HWS enjoys about it. I’m opposed to this fundamentally.

While if I were to personally have designed the OCD it would have been more limited it wouldn’t have been that limited. I do like where @mcprouty was going with more specialty slots and some more levels with a few additional steps that aren’t as severe, right now I’m just letting the discussion continue a bit longer though.

Lets not go backwards, you also said that the idea of having PvP access come with the risk of having the potential to be hacked was a decent idea. Lets continue the forward momentum and not get pulled backward.

To be fair I thought that’s what you were saying as well when you were talking about, “…been cored in a fight? It gets you to do things fast…”

You flip flop on your own logic and try to change the subject. It only makes you look GREENER. How many ADV constructors do you have running in your combat CV to make 165mm, 150mm, flack shell, Pl, Ls, LsII, 30mm, and 15mm as fast as you are firing them? Have you ever even done this? Or is this just some imaginary hypothetical idea of yours? I suppose you are refining pentaxid and making fuel cells and O2 at the same time as well.

You know, you can make this stuff ahead of time and store it…in…I don’t know…maybe…YOUR OCD!

Didn’t flip flop anything and the subject is actually the OCD not the amount of ammo you take in a CV So the ones changing the subject just became clear.

Ok let’s talk about CV combat on this server…wait that’s right it consists of one side warping out and no one really fighting. Oh yea lol. Maybe it happens from time to time but for the most part it isn’t planned. For someone like me at this point I wouldn’t be in a maxed out turret CV, not because I’m green but because I haven’t planned for combat in a CV since PvP on this server is centered around planet combat in HVs and SVs.

EDIT: If you wanna troll me that’s fine but don’t pretend that It’s because you think I’m some kind of child to the server or game that doesn’t know what I’m talking about. Be truthful, I’m not being unrealistic or harsh, you just don’t like it.

Maybe after you complete this you will better understand the OCD.

I’ve looked over several designs that have been shared with me and have been working on my own, this doesn’t mean I don’t understand something, so all this confirms is you are in fact trying to troll and belittle me. Thanks for being mature about this.

@Chaplain_5-15, @Quasar, I’m quite disappointed honestly, you could take the opportunity to discuss ways to add onto the OCD in ways that others have started to but instead you have decided to try and attack me as a person because I’m new to the server and you think that’s an easy opportunity to rally other veterans to your side. Things aren’t gonna stay as they are forever because Rex wants to make changes and additions so it’s better to have calm discussion about how you would like to improve upon existing things rather than just attacking suggested changes the way has been done so far, at least that I’ve seen.

If the two of you want to join the discussion feel free but from here on I will be ignoring your character attacks as it adds nothing to the discussion. Thanks to everyone else that has contributed to the discussion as I feel we’ve had some great ideas come out of this so far! Can’t wait to see what else comes up.