Texts aren’t proofs my dear fellow.
This thread is a perfect example of why you can’t have gold meteorites drop during pve time
If someone is taking your gold and you don’t like it shoot them
- I was not even logged in the game when all this was happening i was just on discord with my faction
- the only time he actually responded to me was after i sent an epty threat as nothing was going to be done untill we spoke to the faction owner and make a dessission as a faction.
3 yes i spoke to the faction leader after the event and all i had off him was DO YOU KNOW WHO YOUR DEALING WITH and no compromise in the future.
4 it was like talkign to a brick wall and kept going round in circles about comming to a compromise
5 i totally agree with Booyaah gold should not drop during the pve time on this planet.
6 all this was just silly bikering and pka thought it could be sorted out by some respect and common courtesy but like i said it was a brick wall.
7 I WAS NOT PLAYING IN THE GAME AND HAVE NOT BEEN FOR A WHILE I AM STILL PKA BUT NOT SO ACTIVE AT THE MOMENT just a person who trying to be nice and help things move a little smoother but clearly it didnt go that way, and i am really sorry for that but when it came down to it it was a faction decission and not only becuase of there actions but also because of there lack of respect and THINK THERE MR I AM THE 1 AND NOONE CAN TAKE US DOWN attitude.
7 PERSONALLY not pka just my thoughts… THIS IS silly behaviour and its too bad that it could not be sorted out like grown ups. ( but i can also see that now pka may have some fun in pvp as its been too quiet since most of the pirets have disapered.)
8 have fun in your great battle and try not to make it personal its just a game after all!
Hi Silmerias,
With what Aciddemon1 pointed in that log you really should engage an admin. This thread could go sour with everyone’s thoughts and opinions. RexXxus, Black Vortex, etc… could take a look. Let your guys know not to engage on that level anymore and let the admins deal with it.
For Role play sake this is something that could be assigned to IRN or another non allied Guardian faction to investigate further.Since PKA is a guardian faction however and all Guardian factions Ally with each other there would be a conflict of interest.
Just a heads up Obsey, the factions in this dispute are on the EU side. In this scenario IRN (na) wouldn’t be much help here. But the idea can still be applicable, no opinion on that part.
-BYA Till Eulenspiegel
Hey Thanx. I thought IRN had a EU side too. My bad.
I miss the role play.
I don’t think so. But I could be wrong. I am still fairly new myself. Only faction that I know of currently that is cross region is pka. Any ways we’ve gone into the bushes.
Obvious manipulation to try to not loose the public face. You should be ashamed by yourself, trying to use your girl position to justify your lies is even worst. Good job really you won the price.
or sorry for not being politically correct in what i wrote! im a girl get over it and to make you happy ive changed it to person now i hope this pleases you! i did not use me being a girl i used me trying to be kind seeing i always try to be a kind and caring person who normally help people as much as i can and try to sort thinsg out by compramising! ( sorry you took it the wrong way) please let me just set this claer to you ALL I DID WAS TALK and try to sort it out like a kind caring compramising person so both partied would be happy. BUT it did not work that way. Please keep me out of this. The rest I dont need to say as i dont have to explain my self to you. end of discussion!
@Loke Still waiting for that popcorn mate! XD
Hmm the popcorn is spoiled, too much salt … way too much salt
So not that I enjoy this verdict, but Rex’s official answer is “this is against the rules on all planets Except Armageddon. Armageddon is a hostile planet, love it or leave it”.
So, yeah. No rules broken. /stir
im a girl get over it
Thanks, you just proven me right, you are the only one to don’t get over it.
end of discussion!
And you just proven again that the leadership of PKA are arrogant.
But you are right, you definitively, personally responsible of what happen because you have 0 skills in diplomacy and should be removed from the PKA leadership, in-fact, it’s even worst you may be the only reasons of all this situation.
You keep saying everywhere you are a girl to justify everything you say or have to say and now you get to the emotional to manipulate people by saying you take it personally. You are waiting people to defend you because you are a girl, to manipulate and keep them to your lies.
Which mean you probably have some issues with your status in the end and when you thought to talk to any random “poor trader” (as your early mentioned it one day when I was on discord because PKA see others people like small unorganized entities with no respect to them), you had an hard time.
You started the conversation by taking me high pretending you were here from the Alpha 2.0 and my members were disrespecting your organization because they were mining gold YOUR gold asteroids. How funny this is, in 11 years in the space game MMO I never had worst candidate.
Let’s now talk about facts.
- There were a member level issue between PKA / FST that led in leadership issue because of your diplomacy skill level.
- I contacted you to talk about the situation to solve the problem asking for a talk with the PKA leadership.
- You started to take me and FST high and try to justify your miss-respect by the fact you were here from 2.0 and the bigger group in the server.
- I asked to talk to your leader directly since you were involved in this and should have been biased.
- You explained me that it wasn’t necessary because your husband was Gareth. I still don’t see the relation.
- Then I asked you to talk on vocal since it’s better / easier for any relations, diplomatic issues, and talk.
- You made me wait and loose my time by pretending you had something to do first.
- You refused to talk pretending you had microphone issues and said “No worries now the alliance is safe” how funny lol.
- Then I given you the URL of our presentation on the forum in the process of you to know us better.
- You took it as a threat (lol what the hell) with obviously no reasons and started be really miss-respecting.
- I never been unrespectful and told you that with this kind of behavior we were not going to solve anything, and I also explained you were mistaking about me giving our presentation.
- Then I asked you to get me in contact with Zappie since you weren’t able to talk to me, then I could have a talk and solve the problem as I early said sharing the gold wasn’t a problem to us.
- You told me ok, and says he will be available later.
- I said “cool thanks, feel free to contact me anytime”.
1h later, a post on forum from Zappie announce the alliance break.
So in the end, my final guesses are :
First guess, someone malicious talked to Zappie and lied from the ground to him about everything and she is the reason of this result because she wanted to proves something ? And now we are at war.
Second guess, PKA wanted to mine gold and keep it for themselves by thinking we were going to leave after the announcement which was a terrible mistake. Now it’s worst than ever since we do not share with PKA anymore and keep mining.
Terrible, you guys are terrible.
All i did was to copy and past all the conversation to zappie and so he made his own decision after talkign with the rest of the faction what i said to him was it goes against the story line and so i think it woudl not be good to go against a trader but as im inactive it was there final decission to make
. So you really need to get your facts straight and stop trying to attack me personally its a very low blow on your behalf!
OH and zappie came on line just as i was finishing my conversation with you i asked him where to get back in touch with you and he said leave it to him.
as for the leaders me zappie gareth and archangel are the ones who created the faction. and we work as a team and make decissions as a faction ( i did not at this point)
why would i need to get to know you better as playig pvp in a different game this does not tell me anything about you on this game we are playing other than you can play pvp and not just pve.
i didnt say you were disrespectfull. But the behaviour of your faction at the time was. no one i know liek it when somone esle mines the same metio as you ( personally i would not have cared but thats me) members of pka did not appriciate a member of your factions jumping on every metio that pka were and there was 2 of your faction on the same metio and 1 of pka. and were following a member of the pka through the planet.( as i was told)
Dont stop this. Go HARD! We still have popcorn and
so now you are the one threating pka even though all we did was break the alliance! (we are not activly going to hunt you down! ) all we did was breake the alliance!
Using caps lock will not give to your words more weight. And you just proven me again that you guys are incompetent leadership and take people / other organization from high. Stop crying about personals attack, you have been my contact since your leader is too afraid to talk and to assume what he did. You are involved in this and your behavior is in the middle of the problem remember that YOUR leader moved the issue to everyone to the forum instead of had a talk. It’s you own fault.
- A leadership is in an open communication with the others.
- A leadership doesn’t break alliance for a player level issue.
- A leadership use diplomacy to solve problems peacefully at leadership level (at least once).
That in mind,
so i think it woudl not be good to go against a trader
OH and zappie came on line just as i was finishing my conversation with you i asked him where to get back in touch with you and he said leave it to him.
So now you are agee that your leader don’t give a shit about other factions and he / they did a mistake by removing us from the alliance. Good point thanks.
so now you are the one threating pka even though all we did was break the alliance! (we are not activly going to hunt you down! ) all we did was breake the alliance!
So explain me why your members declared war against us ? So tell me, when I give you the URL of our presentation it’s a threat, what about saying we are going to kill you ? How do you consider it ? Let me guess, a war right ?
So since your players behave like this to us, how should I consider it ?
Also can you please write in English correctly please, it’s a pain to read you ? It’s not my native but I do the effort for the others by respect… Oh well… PKA and respect…
when did they declare war? sorry if i missed this!
all i can say to this is dont shoot the messanger! Ipassed everything on to zappie. let me post our conversation hear for all to see
and liek i said i dont really play and so im on discord with my faction and thats it.
[11:58 AM] Silmerias: Hello Andrea, it’s seems you had an issue with us (FST) about the farm in armageddon.
[11:58 AM] andrea2741: yea we did its all headet and all pka can talk / fight about
[11:59 AM] andrea2741: its needs sorting its stupid and childish on both our factions to be honest
[11:59 AM] Silmerias: Who is the PKA leader ?
[12:00 PM] andrea2741: we have been playing since 2.0 patch and have always played in the same faction and makde the decissions together and as a faction
[12:00 PM] Silmerias: So let’s talk, you have min in vocal ?
[12:01 PM] andrea2741: yea but its kind of broken
[12:01 PM] andrea2741: look i cant really sort this out now as i need to speek to zappie and arch who is also a min person in our faction even though he flotes in and out lol
[12:02 PM] Silmerias: If you aren’t able to talk, then ask zappie to contact me when he have free time. We will talk.[12:02 PM] andrea2741: lets just say nothing will happen to the alliance now
[12:03 PM] andrea2741: and if pka members shoot at you plz let me know
[12:03 PM] Silmerias: IF PKA shoot at us, things will goes wrong I can tell you
[12:03 PM] andrea2741: yea i know and i dont really want that
[12:04 PM] andrea2741: we are guardians at the end of the day and we protect traders even if they are not plesent to play with
[12:05 PM] andrea2741: all this has gone out of hande and silly just cuase some ppl want action and somone prevokes them
[12:05 PM] andrea2741: i was relaing messages from pka members last night once i slept on it then i thought that something neede to be done
[12:06 PM] andrea2741: inc adding you on to our discord
[12:08 PM] Silmerias: I’m waiting the invitation.
[12:09 PM] andrea2741: give me a secone to sort a mic out okay
[12:13 PM] andrea2741: speekign to arch now can you give me 10 min/
[12:15 PM] Silmerias: Contact me when you want if I’m available.
[12:15 PM] andrea2741: okay thanks for your patients
[12:18 PM] Silmerias: Oh by the way, I want to be sure you guys are fully aware about who we are then it will probably help the understanding, do please read this before anything else : [FST] FrogSwarm (French)
Forum HWS | Homeworld Server
[FST] FrogSwarm (French)
[image] WHO ARE WE ? Forged in the EVE-Online’s flames, scattering tears and white flags across the universe, we were known as the mighty French Alliance T C F - Tau Ceti Federation in EvE Online from 2006 to 2010. Former of the RSF - RedSwarm Federation coalition composed of GOON - GoonSwarm Americans well known group from the Something Awfull community also called Goon Squad and RED - Red Alliance Russians bears with big ships and big guns. We, RSF, were the actors behind the well known 'Gr…
[12:27 PM] andrea2741: to be honest eve on line means nothing to me and is tatally a different game and the servr play is dirrerent dut the the power and lack of shoudl i sy
[12:27 PM] andrea2741: say
[12:28 PM] andrea2741: so it means nothing to me all i know is this game and we have been in it since the 2nd patch and have been mad mda mra we are the oldest faction on the server and rex has even said that he needs us to stay good cause if we go bad we will tip the server balance within the factions seeing as we are the biggest factions [12:29 PM] andrea2741: along with swp as the oldest factions and along with suudge aven older that achillies
(i ststed this soyou know who we are)
[12:30 PM] andrea2741: and that all i know as for our members only me gareth zappie and arch are the oldest the rest are new kind of to pka
[12:30 PM] andrea2741: i have run thinsg by arch i just need to speek to zappie and he’s in work now but will probably be on tonight
[12:30 PM] Silmerias: Are you on the defensive ? I told you to read to learn our goal and understand we are a PvP group, not just some random traders since you clearly think it is
[12:31 PM] andrea2741: so for now i think the allaince is safe!
[12:32 PM] andrea2741: we are not on efencive or offencive at the moment we are justas we are we are also pvp experienced so stop tryng to rub that its not scaring me or impressing me!
[12:32 PM] andrea2741: defencive*
[12:32 PM] andrea2741: liek i said everythng it just as it should be untill i speek to zappie
[12:32 PM] andrea2741: then the rest of pka
[12:33 PM] Silmerias: With kind of answer I’m afraid we unfortunately can’t sort anyhting right now.
[12:33 PM] andrea2741: i know and im sorry for that but i cant make any dissisions without askign zappie 1s
[12:33 PM] andrea2741: but we are still allaince with you
[12:35 PM] Silmerias: We still are also, but be sure zappie contact me for fixing the issue, we will not change anything until then.
[12:38 PM] Silmerias: Cya later o7
SO you can see from our conversation i was trying my best to get into contact with zappie and archangel the older players in pka as i knew what majority of pka thoughts on the matter was.
it was not my decission what happend after.
so have fun!