Provoke and toxic

why are we wasting support ticket time and resources for something that clearly needs to be discussed without the public eye watching. this place was intended to be a place to receive assistance. not more drama outlets. too often have the salt wars ended up airing dirty laundry here. demands are rarely met with welcome arms. best you guys hash this out and leave the admins to trying to fix in game issues rather than play schoolyard teacher.


PestBoy. You got it all wrong. You see, you know nothing put writing toxic.
PKF is not allied with RUD and never will be.

About espionage we have nothing to do with it since long time.
But by you mentioning it only means that you are using espionage. Admin/Owner confirmed Ice infiltrated couple of factions. The very player you kept hiden instead of reporting it. I told you in global chat your covering for banned player. And what happened moments later.
Should i copy/paste what you told me that day.

So now i will tell you. Stop spreading fake info about PKF since you obviously know nothing about us.
If you have problem with one of our member or even leader, then use that players name. NOT the entire faction. Leave PKF out of it.

Your toxicity on server global chat is becoming very annoying. Every time your not on server there is peace and quiet and EVERYONE is coop-ing. Until you come, then global chat gets full of toxicity/insults and God knows what from all sides.
It is getting annoying. Not only to me. Many players written it is getting annoying.
Take it to private chats or make discord channel for such talks… i dont care.

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yes yes of course if i complain it is not important, well then live on in your anarchy

and again insinuations of this big fraction JVI RED PKF RUD against me because I say something

PKF is not big. Its only Senor and me. The others are New Comers to server to learn about HWS features and some learning the game.
That is the reason why i said stop saying PKF. PKF has nothing to do with anything about this.

If Senor or REK or any member write something to you or did what ever… Yes report that player.
But really. Keep PKF out of it. In it are only New Comers.

first the taking of evidence

how could flicky and jvi use the information and misinformation that RUD Snupy and WummBrumm collected from us in teamspeak (because they faked joining U-T) when you OUTDOORLY have NOT to do with them

PKF and I have nothing to do with it. Repeating.
That is Senor ODD of Flicky, NOT me and certenly not PKF.

What ever he writed there he did it on his own, without me knowing. That is on him.

Simple as that.

this entire post is a time wasting complaint that we as a the public helpers do not need to see in this forum. this matter needs to be a private conversation between all involved parties with a moderator of sorts. the rest of us do not need to smell the sewage from this “series of incidences.” plz end this here and take it to your own house.


write side or wrong side. all those who intentionally air trash for all to see are in fact, wrong. not more needs to be involved on this HERE

perhaps the guys saw what disgusting person (my personal opinion, not JVIs) you really are and they run the hell out of U-T?
and again, how did JVI used that infos? which infos? who is JVI? what person is that? are everyone in JVI included in this big “conspiracy” in your head? i have personally never had anything against you, except the fact that you always blame JVI for anything, anytime…and anyone that is in JVI is labeled by you and Insap several times as a coward, noob, cheater, monkey and all other assorted names that you give to all of us in JVI faction.
you sound a bit to much like “it was jews, it’s all they fault” lately, you should really seek some professional help, they can help you, trust me, they did to me…

nice idea, we should be sure to include all 120+ people that pest mentions here (should we invite Ice to or is he already back?), no need to solve this openly so everyone can see what for persons are people involved…

edit: sorry, the monkey part was Insap, not Pestboy…

not one of us needs to see any of this constant childish bickering. adding to the problem by continuing is counterproductive to any reasonable goals. either take this private or ignore it. this time would have been better spent helping those in need. not bothering mommy or daddy because so and so did such and such. geez grow the eff up EVERYONE involved.

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i dont need spys if i ask Questions people awsner why ? cause im a respected person on HwS who never need have spy anywhere its called “mates , old comrads , old pvp buddys” but you confirmed the shittalk about the admins of HwS behind there back … so its true … there are lot of people who are upset about your art of warface you just make old tactics “if you cant beat them report them till they get banned” Stop wasting time & ressource of the support ticket…
Use the “Ignore” Function in Empyrion should Solve the Problem <-

I got infos about what you talking “me” no other person if i read your stuff i see instant that you try every method to get everyone banned who you got a problem with …
so if i talk with people im a spy ? (… looks like DDR /stasi times…)

soory but this is childwar … like said grow up and be silence if you are on HwS just for get people banned and abuse the support system for it … shame for yourself and the admins should take you out …
All out of HwS no one Cares and actualy i never heard of RUD we only allyd with jvi/red thats all but have not even to do anything with them via third programs (means ts / discord) what ever we just enjoy the game on HwS if you dont like HwS like i said you got the Option to Unistall it Leave the Forum and stop that Shitstorm / Witch hunt… just stop cause your speech pointing on everyone the finger shows that you got a big problem.

I am adm in a fing kindergarden…

BOB’s answer stand as the answer to this tread.
We are 6 days from a new season, and some people just do not understand what every topic as this do to the preps for season13.

Deal with it like men, and use private chat. It is even ingame.


oh now it is kindergarten, why was i punished the other day when it is kindergarten and is spying now ok and the resulting problems?

No one Spying here ! Stop with that Fail accusing people what they have done.
Stop change the Rolles grow up and be men stop search things where are nothing about it … pls @dQgnflua close this thread with speaking to rexx or jascha cause this will get a endless child story here -.- that guy do not even know why spying is …
If i talk with other people and they show me screens and telling me what this guy do its no spying… all outside of HwS there are no reach for Rexx Jascha Hwp etc.
Let they out of your kindergarten… prepare for next session or stop playing empyrion and start relaxing / clear your mind.

so I understand it now so right? if I am provoked and up to the point of not being insulted as a woman beater and racist and should also accept espionage is here on hws right and if I accuse then it is wrong in principle? Isn’t the law the same for everyone? If not then give me the ban right now.

please close and/or remove this time wasting post so the rest os us don’t have to deal with this anymore. honestly, this is obviously nothing more than another attempt to use a community support system as a dramatic finger pointing soap boxing stand. i don’t understand how any of you feel this bullshit was necessary at all. there should be a severe punishment for anyone creating or feeding bandwagon hate posts like this. including myself for trying to be a voice of reason to deaf children. this SUPPORT section’s sole purpose is to assist those on need of help. those who choose to use it as another venting outlet should find some other place to spread this crap. it is not needed in ANY social environment.

bottom line if you can’t get along, maybe u shouldn’t play together. or at least here. not one community member here has any need to waste any more time on this. rex and the team have no reason to even waste their energy on looking into any of this. they are not your parents or teacher. their focus should be on the new season. the “last 1up” game was something my children stopped playing decades ago. you ALL should as well. shame on anyone that continues this.


then explain to me your inclination and feel! i was not allowed to justify myself nor do you not see the chat process and the punishment without criminal proceedings is not nice.

I asked him if he was a pervert when he likes to refer to others as kid.

because of this contribution I have asked here for HELP but will probably not find any unexplainable reasons for me.