I would like to know how Zanzibar is even allowed as a playfield in this server?
Every PvP playfield follows a basic template that works and has been so successful that discussion like this have not needed to happen in some time (excluding the hard crust topic).
The basic idea of a pvp planet is you can be killed, you can dig up the resources, everyone has access, you can trade in the racoms and their are special POI’s . The only planets that are excluded from this are the ‘stargate planets’ which either lock in some way or is pve for a time.
So why is there a pvp planet with indestructible terrain? - Even Arma can be dug up in pvp
Why are all the resources in one small area? - no planet has this, even on Eton and GG a player can sneak in and take some resources if he is sneaky enough, this cant even be done with the indestructible terrain.
What about server performance? - Knowing that all the resources are in one area and therefore all defenses would be in that area why wasn’t proper restrictions placed on the playfield with the fact that the NA server hardware has not been upgraded yet.
What about inflation? - There was a huge discussion on inflation last season and i would like to know how allowing a planet like this to exists was beneficial for the economy when a single faction can produce 1 million resources twice a day for themselves.
This planet was clearly made to be fought for in one way and one only, with a zerg or mega alliance which is ironic since that faction who owns it says they destroy mega alliances and mega alliances ruin the server. Why encourage the very thing your against?
If the arguments for it consist of ‘because we paid for it’ it shouldn’t apply here as this isn’t a pay to win server but this seems to be ‘a pay to win planet’ they way it is set up.
‘‘Its to encourage PVP…’’ Except the faction that made the effort to attack it had their rp bases dug up for attacking it. If we attack it we will cop toxicity and salt only to be offline raided first chance given (because offline raiding promotes pvp in their eyes).
This planet doesn’t promote PVP and to actually attack it now to prevent this planet from causing inflation will be seen to only justifies its existence which isn’t a valid argument. Just because i use weight and volume doesn’t justify it staying, however this seems to be the mentality a lot on this server.
This planet needs to be removed along with all the resources gained from this set up and redesigned to match the working template of this server. Then we can see how much PVP it generates…