Questions from a soon to be new player

So I’ve been playing this game in single player mode for quite a while now and I’ve finally decided to try out multiplayer. I’ve been reading all of the guides that I can find. It’s a lot of information to take in, so I’m guessing a lot of it will take a while to learn. There seems to be a few things that I couldn’t find reading the guides, or perhaps I just overlooked it.

First of all - etiquette. Stuff that’s against the rules is mostly presented well. I’ve played enough multiplayer games to know that what’s against the rules and what’s good form are not always the same thing. Is there an etiquette guide that will help prevent me from getting a bad rep? For example, is it bad form to run from a fight? What about warping away? (Can you even warp if you’re getting attacked/pvped?)

Also about tackling. Is this all forms of restricting ship movement? Or just preventing them from moving all together? Just as an example, making a CV that’s a big hollow cube and flying it around an SV or parking it on top of a HV would still be considered tackling?

Is it considered bad form to park a bunch of HV’s on a CV and use them as turret batteries?

Are their other ship designs that are considered poor form? (Strange sizes/shapes/colors designed to make shooting them problematic?) I did read about the light/lag causing rule, so I mean aside from that rule.

Can you spawn a wall to help evade death, or is that bad form? IE somebody is chasing me so I spawn a base that’s just a big chunk of concrete blocks between them and myself?

Is spawning decoy ships allowed? IE, getting chased by somebody, so spawn a blueprint of a more tempting target that turns out to be just a hollow hull made of cheap materials?

Also I wasn’t clear on the size class rule. Does it apply only to blueprints that are spawned? Or can you not increase the size of a thing beyond the limit under any circumstances?

Looking forward to getting into the game in the next day or so. I’m very impressed by all the effort that I can see went into this server. I’m also pretty terrible at pvp so I’m sure you folks will enjoy having another n00b around to loot :smiley:


Hi mate. In terms of rules they main things are no griefing (such as tackling ships and camping warp points) and no glitching or exploiting (naturallty). For a full list of rules go here: HWS Guide - Forum HWS | Empyrion Multiplayer Homeworld Server and find the ‘Rules’ section on the top left. (Also there’s nothing wrong with warping away :slight_smile: )

Tackling is Illegal on HWS :slight_smile:

Considering HVs don’t fire when docked to CVs this is a non-issue.

Anything purposefully built to offend (Swastikas and such) or Sexually explicit designs are not allowed. (No flying Penises!)

You can try without any bad Rep but on some PVP playfields you have to build bases by hand :slight_smile: (not all)

Totally fine. THis is a cool idea that we already do! Nothing wrong with that :slight_smile:

Only on Donator planets are size-class limits more of a guide. Everywhere else specific limits are enforced.

In the heaviest PVP playfields a block limit is enforced (3K for SVs and 5K for HVS and 100 blocks for CVs).

Welcome to HWS SIR! Anymore questions and please don’t hesitate to ask them. You made the right move coming onto the forums first. I think you’re going to fit in here just fine :slight_smile:

Best regards and goodluck!

PS: You can find me on discord under the same username should you have any burning questions/issues. :slight_smile:


Not all contact is forbidden but intentionally restricting movement by making contact with another ship is forbidden. For example you can not just ram a ship and push onto it to keep it from warping away but you can fly around it and get in the way (without touching).

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So basically, avoid contacting them (initiating contact?) for the purpose of preventing their movement? Does this also apply to structures/bases? So if you make a base type structure surrounded by a field of like dragon’s tooth type structures, that’s not tackling because it was already in place? Or like a base that discourages attack by HV by having a big hole in the middle that they will fall down into and can’t climb out of.

I read one of the new player guides earlier and am having trouble finding it again. It was giving some information about the most important things you should know. It said something about buying a free autominer of each ore type? I need to start bookmarking the guides that seem the most handy so I don’t loose the links.

A base can’t tackle and can’t be tackled.

The guides you want to look up first are (in order of importance):

  1. Origins and RP - I recommend going Freelancer for new players
  2. Orbital Cargo Drone (OCD)
  3. Orbital Auto Miner (OAM)
  4. Elemental Bank
  5. HWS Marketplace/Blackmarket

So taxes. Do taxes apply for anything that has been in a taxable playfield during the course of the week, or only for things that are currently in the playfield at time that the taxes are calculated?

Oh, and do you have an acronym cheat sheet somewhere? I look up information on things and run into acronyms a lot, then have to go looking until I find out what the acronym stands for.

Taxes are applied at 9am server restart (CET/CEST/Berlin timezone). If you have anything in a taxed playfield at that time you will get taxed.


  • HWS = Homeworld Server(s)
  • HW = Homeworld sector or planet
  • OCD = Orbital Cargo Drone, can have a number behind it (e.g. OCD3) that refers to the level
  • OAM = Orbital Autominer
  • AM core = Auto Miner Core
  • EB = Elemental Bank, can have a number behind it (e.g. EB3) that refers to the level
  • RP = Reputation Points, a currency unique to HWS, used to buy special services
  • EBM or BM = Elemental Black Market (the marketplace on the website)
  • Epics or Epix (if you are a teen) = Enhanced T2 Weapons
  • EGS = Elemental Galactic Services, the name under which the server special features are marketed
  • EGS HQ = Elemental Galactic Services Headquarter, the hub building on ECC planet
  • ECC = Elemental Capital City, both an orbit and a planet. Hubworld, location of EGS HQ.
  • BH = Blackhole, one of the primary CV fighting grounds. Contains the planets Arma and GG
  • GG = Golden Globe, a planet that has a surface made out of gold. One of most contested playfields
  • Arma = Armageddon, a planet that has deposits of every single resource. Also heavily contested.
  • CSW = Cross Server Warp, allows you to take ships, your inventory and progress over to HWS NA/EU
  • PKE/PKW = Peacekeeper East/West. Untaxed PVE orbits near ECC. Great place for a space base!
  • HWP = Homeworld Police, assistant admins. Currently that is gareth_8000 for EU and Juniper for NA.
  • HTH = Hope that helps :wink:
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Thanks very much for all of the help and info. Looking forward to starting later this evening. There was a… water cooling incident… and the new hardware arrives today :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t know where you got this from. Tackling started when SV’s immediately pin cv’s with the message “you have an undocked ship” or the like. CV on CV is just tangling. It may be bad form, depending on the situation, but bumping into another cv with yours is not the same behavior as exploiting the sv undocked check.