R.I.P. PvP

This stunner guy brought it to the point. I also suggested size one for SV/HV.

But i dont think that Rex will listen to reality and let the crybabies cry even louder when they lose their size 3+ block SVs.

This guy is pretty toxic. No wonder some of the other PVPers left. Who wants to deal with that?!

ROLMFAO - how pathetic you are that mere words upset you so much. How was that for toxic SCRUB.

You can call us TOXIC yet we are no worse than anyone else. You call us out expect us to defend
ourselves. Clean the toxicity out of your own faction before you worry about others.

For those that donā€™t know Nauttdogā€™s faction is UMC. They had a donor planet called Concordia II.
Player Faction RAT took over their planet and UMC made no effort to help the owner defend.
The owner asked Colin if we would come in so we did. Once we had removed the RAT infestation we
decided to occupy the planet and did so right up until the last wipe despite multiple attempts by several
player factions to remove us.
I guess UMC had some internal issues with this as that planets owner is no longer in UMC and spends
his time stalking planets we occupy.

Call me Paul Harvey because now you know the rest of the story.

any post now you know who will add his two cents. Iā€™ll respond then admins will close this topic.

I love that you hold as a point of pride that you held an abandoned planet during the slowest period HWS has seen in a long time. If it had really been an issue, the owner could have just set it back to private. No one kicked you off the planet, because no one had any interest in your toxic gloating, win or lose. So no one really tried. Turns out the best way to hurt a pvp player is to just stop fighting them, and let them stew in their own rage.

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Did I call it out or what. Now all we need is admins to close this topic.

mcprouty I guess you didnā€™t read the part where I stated Multiple factions made multiple attempts to remove
us. Including UMC. Perhaps if you actually still played you would know this.

Lol fair enough, you got me. I just cant seem to be able to stand by and watch you distort reality to suit your narrative. I have no interest in seeing it end though, it provides me hours of entertainment. Your threads get closed due to your own actions, I would rather watch you make a fool of yourself for longer in most situations.

Warnings were made.

Again tired to play the babysitter.
What is worse to play moderator in the off topic section.