RE pvp issues and improvement suggestions

the PE server just has a problem in the form of a very weak RP farm. We can just solve this problem by adding farm rp to the pvp element. (how - need to think a lot to avoid exploits)

Perhaps this can be tied to origins, so that players choose where they get more RP - in pvp or in pve. (must be balanced!)

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yes, it is very hard to acquire the HWS XP RP golden eagle mega doubloons or what ever they’re called now on the RE server for upgrading the ocd and bank.

There is a poi in the space there that drops some, but it could do with a rework and rebalancing.

having some sort of scaling reward of having base in pvp area would be good i think, so you get more RP for each day its there. instead of the current system of just a flat 3 rp points per day, and a few pennys. which lets be honest, isn’t worth the trouble.
1 point the first day, 2 the second 4 the 3rd, 8 the forth, 16 the 5th etc.

for balance capping out on the 7th day at 256 RP per day.
that way you’d have to defend it and have some drive to do so. rather than just dropping down a slab of rock with a radar inside like people do atm.

also need to add analogues of obtaining the same amount of rp in the pve component

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I agree 100%

I think the “phoniex” system and poi, along with the ECC portal missions could be easily adapted to accommodate that.

they could also be injected into the loot table to just show up in normal poi raids. or on certain corpses.

I’ve suggested that rex add a trader that exchanges “data” for them too, as in all the data hacking and exploration items, exchange rate wouldn’t even need to be that good, just that there is a way to do it at all would be nice.

More PVP playfields is a good start. The single player grind sucks for me. RE seems way more grindy than any Empy config out there. Why grind in RE for a single PVP field?

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I’d agree there, was hoping for something were there can be a bit of cat and mouse. the big planet is a change i guess, takes longer to scan if you’re doing it alone.

Be good with something like the 5 planets of the legacy homeworld system, and they dont have to be such meme planets, “ice world, lava world etc etc” they can just be spat out of the Solar system generator tool in a few seconds. let em keep their random names.
just pick idk, some of the more interesting moons and stick those around the “homeworld” planet.
could be right out the random generator SSG, wouldn’t matter.

if you wanted to be clever you could check the logs to see what the most frequently visited types of poi are on the server and populate it with those then slap some unobtanium sites around or something.

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Can’t we just get some high-end trading stations that offer high-end commodities like in the old days?

It gave us a reason to go to PVP and sell the stuff for profit at the potential risk of getting yourself and your ship atomized by competing factions.

It is not much to ask…

I suppose that would create some natural player trader vs player pirates.


RE is super fun. Isn’t it possible to prioritize what could be done rapidly and do it?
I can not see the complexity behind the tasks, but maybe adjusting temperatures and radiation is not that long and changing the loop described by OP is not that hard.

Again I had no idea about the complexity, but I know that it will please the PVP and PVPVE community here. A lot of players will try this playfield if given opportunity (remember that ninja mining guide bob? :D).

Have a great day :slight_smile: :smiley:

that’s me that is. :slight_smile:

How do people feel about this - RE having SILVER globe instead of golden globe?

no one really needs gold enough to go to golden globe for mining it, theres enough from the sphere and generally just out there
but silver everyone is drooling over, I’d suggest putting some regenerating voidium sites there and the magmacite sites that are currently there and just drop all the gold in exchange for silver :smiley:


cant believe im actually saying this but he has a point and is kind of right regarding the golden globe being silver anyway

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