Sanctuary Server down again

Alright fellow Sanctuary guys. Sadly it took longer than expected and announced by the provider.
That was the hardware diagnosis:

Hardware diagnosis:
There was a problem with the watercooling system so the server was probably overheating, the issue has been fixed.

So overheating would make sense for a sporadic server restart.

It’s the last time we try that server over night now.
Fingers crossed it is not going down :expressionless:

Otherwise a new server is needed.

HWS Sanctuary is up again!


Good job guys, lets put some pressure on the server!

Ok so messages from ppl locked in bases start incoming, as corrupting of faction file did no good to us all.

Please Rexxx can you tell us briefly what should we do to start sorting things, some problems:

  1. You told ships etc might be corrupted, shall we delete small ships, maybe deconstruct bigger to delete all old stuff? What about base, its huge and full of stuff
  2. I wasnt there but it seems like ppl cant access ??? faction staff, open doors etc. We need advice how to proceed to not do any more dmg and make fixing this as easy as possible.
  3. We will probably need your help with removing old TCH/??? if we wont be eable to do it, its second row of hydrogens etc, to be honest i dont wont to have 40 unacessible hydrogens on backyard.
  4. Autominers. I already lost around 20 on first server crash, placed down another 30 or more, if i wont be able to access them ill probably be sad, also farming those cores took some time.

I dont know what else, simply, tell us what to do and how to proceed to not add more work to you so all can get to normal asap. Thank you.

for the general faction stuff please read @Jascha post again

For corruption. Well if it works for you then it’s good to use I guess. Just if you see any weird problems you might recycle it.
Auto Miners? Hmm, the planet surface wiped?!
That is not so cool indeed.

I would suggest waiting for the coming night or maybe two nights.
If only the water cooling was the problem and it didn’t cause more collateral damage we can start a bigger refund campaign if possible.

With Alpha 6.5 (planned for tomorrow morning), I can do all the factions with a few clicks even if they are not online. I’ve finished all functions needed for that today.
So If possible leave as much as it is now. Tomorrow morning i would then set each planets player and structures to their faction. The only thing might be that you have to set things to private later if needed.

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Hydro generator problem is most of all about keep planet clear, its possible not performance demanding, more like everylittle counts. Also i wanted them just in front of base, it seems that ill ahve to runn further and further, but not game breaking.

Autominer. Nothing confirmed so far, first round was lost during server crash at 20:00 (i call it since than like that :slight_smile: ) I was kicked from faction somehow and all of them became unaccesible for all faction. Now im affraid about new ones, because of faction corruption.

Ok ill tell ppl to take it easy there, will check structures and clean up mess, we will see if it works, i hope it is for good of us all. Thank you.

And thanks Jascha. Seems like you are becoming more powerfull with 6.5 :fearful: Spooky

OK Alpha 6.5 is here… what now.

Well I added all factions again (as freelancer :expressionless: but that should not change anything since you have your player faction).
Only thing that might be gone is the Founder/Admins. Just check, should actually be right. In case its not let me know.

Just a report from Sanctuary.

Some constructors/furnaces are stucked, seems like replacing them is all needed to fix.
Hydrogens are accesible, restoring of faction did no dmg.

Autominers are acessible but some of them or all of them are stucked, next product in 870851, so in a year or so :smiley: Replacing solves it.

Seems like faction Owners are gone - for the love of God dont leave me as only admin of TCH on Sanctuary, i dont deserve such cruel fate! Make Andrea Owner please if you can.

CSW 6.5 is a blast! Considering inviting you for a coffe @Jascha :heart:

P.S.: If you will be ever bored please visit my beutifull base and destroy those before crash placed hydrogens.

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Huston we have a problem, please advice. Everytime i make Advanced Constructor on Sanctuary, it goes to Output, I shift+click on it to move to inventory and it disappears.

I replaced all stucked, not working Constructors, and im making these new ones(disappearing) in those fresh ones. Seems like all other output (SV doors right now) dont disappear, only adv. constructors.

So i moved to different planet constructors appeared in my inventory, maybe after dieing, damn spiders, now its SV constructor what is stucked, sigh.

And it unstucked after leaving and returning to playfield. Well so far its I would say confused a bit, but it seems after some errors its getting to normal.

Ok another day on Sanctuary.

Made it 3 times to -220 from planet to orbit, finaly i was taken to space, now i jumped 3 times from CSW space, but im still in CSW space. Its a bit of mess. I jsut hope ill make it home somehow.

Reloged, jumped 2 more times to different system, still im in CSW space, im locked in time and space probably.

Ok waited for 20 minutes, tried to jump 2 times away again, still in CSW and thats all no more pentax. Just port me somewhere please.

I am also having issues with playfield transition in the sanctuary server (CSW was great!).

  1. I could not warp out of CSW playfield (warp was happening, cystal going, but I appeared back in CSW after warp). However after a relog I successfully warped.

  2. On approach to Kratos Donner planet, as I entered the planet playfield it re set with me (and my ship) approx. 10K out in space again. This repeats, re logging has not helped - I have not been able yet to get on planet.

  3. Constructors stopped processing there ques. Empting the production queue, turning off and on and then re queuing the production did sort the issue.

I video’d points one and two (see below)

As far as the CPU and memory goes nothing strange is going on.
Hmm weird. maybe try after the server restart again.

Finaly made it out of CSW, restart helped it seems.

Problem appears to have resolved itself now.

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