I don’t really like to play on HWS anymore. The battles I have been in have been just lag fest battles. Tonites battle ACP vs PKA + ? example of 3 FPS. I come in with a beefy sv, I manage to take a few potshots , land at our bases but due to lag couldn’t tell an enemy hv was right there, so I die, wait 2 minutes to log in. Respawn in one of our towers and managed to escape our over run bases. While escaping was kinda of fun because PKA had backed off a lil the lag became manageable.
So what could be done about this lag? Eliminate alliances, plain and simple. I know its a shame, I thought it was great when they added that feature but now after doing several seasons with large groups of allied factions fighting each other the lag just makes the game sooooo miserable to play.
Think about it , this game really handles maybe 4 vs 4 player battles, any more than that and the lag starts to get crazy. Alliances make it even crazier. Take Gold planet for example, PKA with their several factioned alliances(same for my faction ACP) Each faction putting 3 bases, now you have several dozen gun bases, dozens of HV’s and SV’s , plus all the terrain removal = horrendous lag.
Eliminate alliances and limit faction sizes to maybe 7-8 players, I think we will see battles that are actually fun.
Another suggestion: Gold planet make it so that no faction bases are allowed and that only sv’s and hv’s are allowed(hopefully after 8.0 sv’s can tow an hv down to planet
Another thing is the POI’s. I haven’t raided a POI since Rexxus put player guns on them making them super powerful and deadly. How about on starter planets poi’s set to normal.
And finally anti grief , probably the main reason I don’t like to play on HWS anymore. Anti grief is used by most servers to prevent people like me from digging under a base. Ok I get it but it would be nice to be able to use your drone and multi tool near a enemy base.
Some of the best battles I have been in were under ground in tunnels, its freakin fun, I miss it on HWS.
Once I was shot down over a enemy base(pre anti grief) I was able get out of my cockpit but still inside the sv and place a core down and fly away. Where as now if that happens, well you guys know , your dead.
So fine if you don’t want anyone digging near an enemy base, I can live with that but at least get the devs to get it so that we can use camera drone and the multi tool.
Nuff said…