Security Announcement of EGS Bunker & Bases in PvP

As you already noticed or read my chat here and there: it is NOT safe to have stuff inside EGS Bunkers or PvP bases. DSL is not fast enough or programmed in such a way that HVs are always first to render and start shooting at stuff inside. Seconds later the Base is rendered too.

I try to get a hotfix coming asap to prevent turrets from shooting as long as stuff around is still in the so called “DSL proxy” (not finished rendered structure).

I offer an one time restore of structures if this happened (Bunker users) but you were warned. Until this is not fixed you do it at your own risk!

To have a “hotfix” on our side and because it will happen more and more now, I increased the Alliance Base limit temporary to +2 to have a workaround protection against this (to align it with Homeworld; Golden Globe and the other Homeworld Moons have a 3 Alliance Base limit instead of 1 now)

Sorry for the mid-season change but we can’t stick our heads in the ground and accept exploits / bugs from Eleon until they are fixed.

Your HWS Team

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Ugh, welcome back Russian attack bases on EU.

Hope you unleashed the ban hammer.

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If there is video evidence of someone doing this… I am hoping there will be severe punishment?
It is certainly being done in the last day or so on NA server.