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Hey @Hayawen :slight_smile:

thanks for reporting.
Can you name me some POIs?
Especially the ones who shoot at you?

I implemented a new feature to manipulate the Radar / HUD marker. In orbit you see the Supergates at 30-70k meter for example and some POIs do not be seen at all now - motivating the “Discover” factor.

But it should fit - if I got for example OCD level 6 and have two 20k stacks of common items ocd:sort should merge them into single 40k stack since limit is 60k, but it doesn’t and to merge them I have to get second stack out of OCD and put it back.

well can’t really name them since like I said, they don’t have the box and name appear… I am getting close and walking into some even… nothing…
will upload a screenshot I took later when back on PC…

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Hmm, then @Jascha has to check once he feels better.

here’s a screenshot of one POI, i had another but i seem to have lost it… if you need more i can get, there’s quite a few them…

ah, Polaris one. Yes, then it’s intentional


Didn’t know there were turrets but similar like in real life car driving: always keep your eyes open :smiley:

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Its a good Idea and I wrote it down now, but it never did so. Sort only sorts the slot numbers.

Ah, I was under impression it also used to merge them, but I guess it was the result of putting new items.

hello again!
Ok, so following ECC Caves quest… Got up to Cave 9, took portal from RMX. Took some elevator up and out the hatch…
1- hatch won’t open again, can’t really seem to find any leavers… so i’m stranded kinda…
2- there is a small boxy house with a door a note above it saying i can find the code elsewhere… i have the code, but door doesn’t have the code entry option, only says Other Faction…
so like… is this bugged or yet another hidden feature? :smiley:


  • Cave 7 is floating 1 block above ground than it is supposed to be…
  • I Think i got the code to RMX (well just 9 not sure about, but tried all 4 possiblities), floor gate thing wont open… if possible to double check its working… i double checked the cave counts… hopefully i’m not blind :smiley:

ECC Auto Mining Station

Teleporter underwater, and partial wall missing.
Also, when players allow troops to walk out, they march under the base (underwater) and no new guards spawn.

Hi @Hayawen!
Thank you for your report! I checked the POI and found following:
1- the hatch should not open from the outside, that’s right.
2- the code for the door was not set - I fixed it now and will be updated today I think :slight_smile:

3- Cave 7 fixed, update soon - thank you!
4- The Gate should work - tested it in Single Player right now. You can send me your counts per PM and I will check, if they are right :slight_smile:

5- The Reward is active!!! - Have fun! :smiley:

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Hi @Kamen_Cider, thank you very much! We fixed the Auto Miner Factory now :slight_smile:

btw: You can shoot the underwater walking guards with Laser Guns.

When I’m in orbit and press M the planet on map seems to be rotated more than it’s in the game:

Yeah, that is a wrong interpolation from Class 3+ planets I think. Can’t fix it.

There is another door bud

so, following Phoenix quest this time… I am at the coords and the gate is infront of me, however it doesn’t register as being there…
if I type SG:warp:ph it says I need to be near Gate…
if I type SG:? I get generic list info (all destinations)

I’ve seen the gate registrer me nearby penthouse planet. I don’t know where gate is actually at, but that might be why?

Yep, just had the time to go the cough coords, just above penthouse planet and sg:? indeed returns Phoenix…


sorry, missed it.
I fixed it now.

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No problem! thank you for quick fixes as always!

Ok got one more, not sure if it’s a bug or intentional, if intentional, it would be even more evil than that flying city trap :crazy_face:

About the Explorer quest… finally having found those elusive mules… next step was to exterminate some zyrax… figured loosing the rep is ok for quest, I’ll gain it later… But then the next step… u send us to the POI in Homeworld… all went well, it didn’t shoot at me or anything so I figured all is safe… went looking for those apartments… Found them! yay! got reward… 5 seconds later I get shot by the NPC!!! It’s a zyrax base? :smiley:
would’ve been nice to be shot at Before receiving and instantly loosing reward … so one might have a chance to repair reputation and come back…

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