I just asked someone to check if they saw it too, and they did. Not same position as me though, but they see the exact same ship.
maybe call Mulder and scully?
Seems like restart fixed it.
Mode: PVE
Location: Cross Server Warp
Localized: Don’t know
If applicable:
Reproducibility: Don’t Know
Severity: Annoying
Summary: So basically I CSW to EU warped to ECC went to planet did everything I had to do. Came back to ship at which point it said no core present. I re-logged
came back in and eventually showed a core there which was good. However shortly after this I ran out of fuel which is strange seeing as it is an NPC core. Since then I have ran out of fuel 3 more times. It seems as if something has happened to my NPC core and now it is not functioning as an NPC Core. Not sure if I should try and replace this or not?
Steps to Reproduce:
Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information:
Mode: PvP
Location: PvP Playfields
Localized: no
Reproducibility: Sometimes
My own private bases shooting my factioned ships and shooting at allies.
Started happening today
Location: Binomi Space HWS US
Server time: 18:30ish
Summary: This is the 2nd time actually, but this time i decided to report it. I left 1 Faction CV (31730398), 1 Faction SV (32379604) parked on it and went with 1 Private SV (24866443) down to planet… spent around an hour or so on a few POIs. Once back to space, i could not locate my factioned ships anymore, they disappeared from both the game’s registry and the hws one… turns out they both turned PUBLIC, not sure how… this has happened to me at least once before around a week ago or so…
PS: I am the only member in my faction, so it couldnt have been someone else…
Location: Freelancer-HQ - Coordinates: -8163 / 1623
Server: EU
Server time: 00:33
I’m trying to harvest wood, but as soon as I come to a certant place or near big trees they disappears and reappears in front of me and the collision for the ground bugs out as well and I almost fell through the ground several times. The same happens to a friend of mine.
Try to set grapics to 0
Location: Any
Reproducibility: Always
Severity: Minor
Summary: Sorting OCD no longer merges stacks
Description: I’m pretty sure that ocd:sort used to merge stacks up to the limit so if I had 2 stacks of 10k of the same item sorting would merge them into single 20k stack. Now it’s no longer the case
Steps to Reproduce:
Have two stacks of the same item in OCD with total size below limit and use ocd:sort command
Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information:
My OCD after ocd:sort (I’ve waited few minutes for HWS Connect to update before making screenshot)
Hey there Rex & co
not sure if anyone reported this yet, but while exploring Atlantis just now, I have come across multiple POIs that are completely unmarked… meaning they don’t appear on map or minimap and even on screen, they have no colored square+name… they are active and some have hostile turrets shooting at you…
I think this works intentionally.
You have no OCD “volume” so to speak. If it does not fit, it does not merge.
Hey @Hayawen
thanks for reporting.
Can you name me some POIs?
Especially the ones who shoot at you?
I implemented a new feature to manipulate the Radar / HUD marker. In orbit you see the Supergates at 30-70k meter for example and some POIs do not be seen at all now - motivating the “Discover” factor.
But it should fit - if I got for example OCD level 6 and have two 20k stacks of common items ocd:sort should merge them into single 40k stack since limit is 60k, but it doesn’t and to merge them I have to get second stack out of OCD and put it back.
well can’t really name them since like I said, they don’t have the box and name appear… I am getting close and walking into some even… nothing…
will upload a screenshot I took later when back on PC…
Hmm, then @Jascha has to check once he feels better.
here’s a screenshot of one POI, i had another but i seem to have lost it… if you need more i can get, there’s quite a few them…
ah, Polaris one. Yes, then it’s intentional
Didn’t know there were turrets but similar like in real life car driving: always keep your eyes open
Its a good Idea and I wrote it down now, but it never did so. Sort only sorts the slot numbers.
Ah, I was under impression it also used to merge them, but I guess it was the result of putting new items.
hello again!
Ok, so following ECC Caves quest… Got up to Cave 9, took portal from RMX. Took some elevator up and out the hatch…
1- hatch won’t open again, can’t really seem to find any leavers… so i’m stranded kinda…
2- there is a small boxy house with a door a note above it saying i can find the code elsewhere… i have the code, but door doesn’t have the code entry option, only says Other Faction…
so like… is this bugged or yet another hidden feature?
- Cave 7 is floating 1 block above ground than it is supposed to be…
- I Think i got the code to RMX (well just 9 not sure about, but tried all 4 possiblities), floor gate thing wont open… if possible to double check its working… i double checked the cave counts… hopefully i’m not blind