Stuck in space, dying

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> Collected “HWS Daily Loot”, got 30 rare containers and 30 RP. Because of this I got to much RP for Eden Sector so I got kicked out somewhere in space. So I died from cold and hunger; lost my loot, epic rifle, got no rare containers and I’m stuck somewhere in space, nowhere able to go…

Our base is also in Eden, also not able to get back there…

Player(s) with issue:
=> Racekonijn

=> EU

Time (cb:time):
=> 18:23 on 20/1

=> Eden

Structure Name(s):
=> ISS

Structure ID(s):
=> 1143309

How can we help you now:
=> I would need to get back to our station ISS. All our stuff and ships are there please.

Welcome back @Racekonijn

well, as announced and written in the Guide:
Eden is restricted to MAX. 50 HWS RP. As soon as you got more than 50 RP you are not allowed to be there anymore.

Eden is designed for beginners, for a temporary stay, for players, who don’t care about HWS RP and what we have to offer.

The next stop is Earth X which you can enter as soon as you have MORE than 100 HWS RP.

See here:

I gave you your inventory back and teleported you to ISS for now but set your RP back to 49 so you can prepare your decision to stay or leave.

Remember that before grabbing Alien Containers you can put your Origin Epic Weapon away, so they won’t get converted to HWS RP.

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Thanks Rex, back at the station, i’ll have to tear it down and rebuild somewhere else.

I’m just missing the 30 rare containers from the daily loot. Any chance having a look where they might be pls?


No problem.
Yes, let me know when you are ready to leave and I apply the 30 RP to your account again.
I didn’t do it now, or you would have got teleported away again.

Ready here :slight_smile: We dismantled the station and evacuated to an other location.

I put 30 yellow Alien Container in your backpack now.

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