Suggestion Tool for "selling / deconstructing" Ships

Ehhh - not if you have autominers.

depends, salvaging 1 20k block ship will give you 200k iron and decent sathium you would need a great number of autominers to give you that amount in 1 day.

Nothing would prevent you to do this anyway until a better option ist availbla

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True I guess more options is always better.

Hmm for now yeah :confused: soon with the API it is easy.
Other things like trust don’t work… like placing your wished cost in the ships title xD

so yeah, the cheapest block + device for now

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I do like this idea I had thought about this a while back and is one of the things I suggested for a player run shop on auxilio but more a 2nd hand dealer so they could basically trade in anything including ships if they chose too. From what I’m developing for aux ATM I will have approx 6 shop fronts available for rent, I will own one personally and will sell canned foods among a few other helpful thibgs :wink: fill that market gap that has existed for a long time. Anyways anyone interested in the idea can check the forum post Vortex Industries 6.0
Listed a few suggestive businesses there also for the less imaginative :wink:

Well there goes my Scrapyard business!!! LOL

Haha not yet, plus looks ATM like you could provide a better rate as the sever would need to go by cheapest blocks atm, not good for complete combat steel lol

Hm, thats VERY strange, that server didnt know the structure cost in resources…

Btw, u could Ask devs make some mini-fix with making logs on this actions (spawn from factory). I didnt think its so hard.

This is a great idea - if the difficulties described above can be overcome. Either this or the full repair option (incl missing BP Blocks). Maybe both in the future?

I’ve a large CV laying on its side near one of my bases while I slowly tool it day-by-day. Unproductive time I could be spending elsewhere - like looking after my kids! :slight_smile:

Hmm must not be so much. Easy is a little small fix that the server could see aktual HP or weight of the ship (Cause steel block has other hp or weight). Than a Little formular and tadaaaa you have it. Need only one of that two informations. Ist not perfekt but better that the rest. Calc Fails are Taxes for that^^

Everthing iss better than destruct a 20k ship…

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Is there anything coming like this? We have still lot of Ships to scrap

better start multi tooling :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you on the NA server? If so, I have a scrapyard in Armageddon orbit that will scrap all your ships for you.

Related to this somewhat, but a little off topic, is the information available to have structure commander show the last visit time or date for a structure? Would be very good for helping to make sure you don’t miss a visit to a base or similar by an hour or minutes and end up with it deleted.

Actually completely unrelated and also answered in others posts. :slight_smile:

Look in Structure commander, under the “Last Visited” column. That should do it for you.

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Oh sweet. That must have been fairly recently added?

Yes need it hard. having entered too much ships…

Soo… Are you on NA?

He is EU. But nothing stopping you from going in a cheap ship CSW fetching one ship at a time and going back xD

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