Survival Boost

For the HWS EU + NA Server:

Every hour you play on HWS, you get ingame 100 Health, 20 Stamina and 50 Food for your player character on top of your current stats (so on top of your base = 500 and HWS Connect Skill Tree stats).
Up to a max. of 10 000 Health, 2000 Stamina and 5000 Food.

For the HWS RE Server:

Every hour you play on HWS, you get ingame 10 Health, 2 Stamina and 5 Food for your player character on top of your current stats (so on top of your base = 500 and HWS Connect Skill Tree stats).
Up to a max. of 1000 Health, 200 Stamina and 500 Food.

BUT as soon as you die, you lose your Survival Boost (not your base + earned Skill Tree stats).

We want to reward your play hours on HWS but also motivate you to make the best out of your Survival skills and don’t accept death so easily. :smirk_cat:

You can always check your current situation in HWS Connect under Player Info (it updates almost every second)