I haven’t complained about a garage ship before, but this one I feel I need to after buying it. First I will review it, because it isn’t all bad.
17 well placed CV drills
1 Furnace
The Drills are well placed and having a furnace is great. I would say as a mining CV it gets a 9 of 10 on function.
Ugly box
POOR thrust
Xeno Steel
No point defense
The inside layout is a maze
Too much glass
Half of the cargo and constructors are on different sides of the CV.
First after I bought it I realized that the thrust was WAY to poor, so I started to rework the thrust and spent a few hours fixing this. I had to add cannon turrets so a space laser drone wouldn’t destroy the CV. I wanted to streamline the inside but due to the warp drive being in the middle of the CV this will require several more hours of rework. Also there is an over kill of generators and tier 1 thrusters and glass. Now I am a HUGE fan of Xeno Steel and I have used it in all my SV garage ships I have built. That said, this is a CV; so why wasn’t Combat steel (since weight isn’t as much of a factor) or Armored concrete? They are both MUCH cheaper and have either better armor or the same. Please make a mark 2 with at least one Large thruster in each direction, streamline the inside (no maze), some point defense even if it just 8 cannon turrets and 8 flak, one construction/cargo area, upgrade to armored concrete.
I personally added a garden with Wheat and Plant Fiber so I could turn it into a mobile ammo factory. I realize this is not it’s intended purpose but many of us will buy it for this reason.
The creator of this ship is one of the members in my faction. This was his first HWS Garage ship. The reason it doesn’t have a defence is because it has so many drills, and he wanted to make a cheap miner CV. If you don’t like the ship, Don’t buy it ;D
How is 17mil for a miner CV cheap? Probably 75% of the people don’t have the capital to even think of buying this garage ship. I am sure there are cheaper alternatives to this.
There are defently cheaper options, but like i said. This is his first HWS Garage ship. He’ve probably learned some things this time, and if he every tries to get another ship through again, he’ll probably make it a lot better.
COnstructive criticism must be taken in the spirit it was given. It’s not a personal attack… Without hearing from actual users, there’s no chance the ship will be improved for use in the general population. I think the eval that started this thread was eminently fair and should help the designer as was intended.
No personal attack, I don’t know the person. As a designer myself and I have had feedback on my designs as well, I made the recommended changes. The current ‘Raider’ is in its Mark 4 form, I already submitted the MK2 of the Companion. All changed based on feed back like I just provided. I feel this ship could be ‘The ship’ I buy with the changes I recommended.
There’s more than enough discussions already in this forum, if we bring in politics too, it’s gonna be pure arguing 24/7. But the way i read that, it’s a little harsh. You might see it differently
Constructive critique is good overall, even tho they can come off as arrogant. Chaplain’s garage ship’s are not perfect either. I’ve got a raider that only goes 40 in space gathering dust in my hanger lol.
Anyway, I didn’t make this to tear anyone down. I did it because I LIKE the ship BUT it has some flaws. Anyway here are some pictures of the changes I made.
Just an example. If I had more time or had it in creative it would be better but this is what I have done thus far. Less boxy, some turrets, much more thrust, less xeno, less glass, extended the back for a 36 plot garden. (This is not garage quality just an example)
I think you made some really good and constructive comments @Chaplain_5-15. I can’t say I was as nice but I agree with pretty much everything you said about the current ship.
I disagree with adding stuff to mining ships that are outside the scope of mining, though. If you want a mobile factory (good idea for a garage ship!) then the purpose of the ship should be mobile factory, not asteroid miner. Too many ships already try to do too much IMO.
Sorry that I only reply now. I was gone for a trip. Thank you very much for your feedback, like Dark said it was my first attempt. While receiving feedback can be an art in itself, I am grateful for your constructive tips! In the future I will take those things into account!