Traders - or people who abuse this Faction Tag

Yeah… Seems like people are just using Trader faction now to avoid being attacked by Alliance on default. Also not to mention the trader loot is pretty significant compared to the other factions so…

If we get a trader reputation system, maybe we could distinguish the regular trader with a black market trader?

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We’ll play with anyone. We build bases so people have bases to attack, since there are so few of them in PVP space. However, any time we defend ourselves, we get slammed with comments about how traders “aren’t supposed to be aggressive”.

Yesterday,a group came to attack our base, claiming that we attacked them after they flew directly into our defensive turrets, ran away, turned around, and flew directly back into them.

It’s fine if people want a fight, that’s why we play PVP. What’s not cool, however, is when they respawn next to our base, over and over and over again, equipping themselves with weapons from OCD and the marketplace, and spamming chat with accusations of griefing and breaking Trader guidelines because we won’t let them into our base with weapons. A few times in the past we have even offered to fully compensate factions for lost vessels destroyed by our turrets.

I’m only responding to this because our faction has been mentioned. Our stance has always been we don’t attack first (some of us will engage lawless first). If anyone feels otherwise, then there is some misunderstanding between our perspectives.

We’re not here to make anyone bitter, or angry. We build these bases to draw people out from PVE areas. Have a go at taking a base and have some fun. These bases are essentially free loot (for what it’s worth), on our dime, since most people just wait til we’re all offline to take them. That’s fine, these bases are built with the mindset that all bases fall, but don’t call us pirates, lawless, or griefers, or accuse us of exploiting a faction tag, just because we defend ourselves and are equipped to do so when we’re online.

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Just make ScreenShots, and send it to Rex. I think they’ll be punished for their flame and abuse… Tag means nothing, if u run directly in the turrets =\

If it persists over the next few days, it’s something we may consider. We’re not interested in getting anyone in trouble (which is why I’ve left out names and factions), and we understand that sometimes conflicts arise through a misunderstanding of intention. We also understand that the game can get the adrenaline pumping and cause spontaneous reactions.

We’re all here to play a game we enjoy. The concern is how these accusations of griefing or tag abuse may get us into trouble with the admins and other players, or even influence the direction of future faction design over less-than accurate information.

Thank you for the suggestion, though. We will consider it, but hope we can resolve this on our own. In the meantime, it’s produced several interesting battles, which I hope the other side is enjoying as much as we are.

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As an admin I wouldn’t not mind spending the extra time enforcing the Story. I like it. It’s obviously has some advantages that are being exploited.

If you guys would go over to the Trader NPC thread and give some feed back on what you want. This could solve the Fa:supply unbalance.

I would like the idea of a black market trader, aka one who deals with all factions, not just Trader/alliance/hunters. I’ve actually done a few deals for pirates (with some restrictions) that didn’t totally get me screwed over. It’s not easy to do though lol

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You can add SsT to the list of faction tag abusers.

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Yeah, bumping this for any offenders you see in chat. Please remember to document statements with screenshots when possible.

A post for posterity

Maybe you should stop to tickle the people till they fart?!

I tried but people keep running away :smiley:

g1pz doesnt even stop for a hug anymore

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It would be helpful to have the trader pack change with reputation, so if they switch factions, 1 Rep won’t get them much of a pack. Make it so it only goes up once a week like the pack does? OR have the pack upgrade at Rep 7? so on and so forth… It’s a bummer for me to hear about people using the Trader faction to attack others, I’v been having fun mining, creating and selling. I’d love for some folks to test my builds in battle sometime actually, but I’m more of a gatherer, hunter, builder myself. We are traders, not care bears… sigh, and this aspect of the game is very enjoyable for me!

Another Trader-Tag-Abuser:

Calls himself a trader and acts like a pirate, stealing ships and stuff…

I didn’t steal. I rescued. Its still around and ill trade it back. If I were a pirate I would have stole everything and destroyed the ship. Also it says kb rules help other traders… doesn’t say for free. No way would it still be there if I hadn’t have interviend.


‘And stuff’ what other stuff. So dramatic aren’t you.

Like I said I will never be a trader again to stop ppl like you crying about anything related to traders.

It was left out in space - its salvage.

Stuff left in space, on the playfield, dropped by accident is SALVAGE. As long as you didn’t shoot the guy whilst online - thus initiating an attack then all is good.

You don’t want to lose your stuff, don’t leave it lying around where ANYONE can take it

If you would like to help the trader, you wouldnt steal his ship to sell it back to him… Thats totally what a pirate or a lawless would do.

Considering this is really only between Me and Kalsius why get involved WhizZle? Like i said i know the rules. I won’t be a trader again i don’t want to upset you as its something you feel so strongly about.

Maybe i come across your ship next time, I’ll just raid it and gloat if you like…(As a lawless) before we start popping blood vessels…