We need CHANGES! Some offers and Criticism from SWP

As a member of SFA we switch from Traders to Alliance to help the server about pvp. And make it better.

We like to play fair and I do like the OCD because it saves time to focus only on pvp when its time to rebuild all again and just go out to fight again. Even on my last serious fight against the LBP I run out of fuel and never used the OCD to continue getting fuel from there and play. I preffer to just die by my mistake and lose my ship because that is a fair play. When I lose I lose and the winner gets all my containers full of ammo same as energy and extra pentaxes. Also on my backpack I carry warpdrives, elevators and more stuff that it can be lot as a reward.

We also dont say when we do it but we plan always at least one event each week to get together and go out to patroll mostly all orbits looking for pirates. Sometimes we get stuck by the warp, others the pirates that we found just run out and also we find no one.

Right now we are all focus on get ready for when 5.0 drops, expending mostly time on get all the resources we need for all the things we are working on creative mode. Testing our plans and ships in our test server.

Im writing this as an invitation to plan some fights against the pirates so if you are a pirate and on the NA server please let me know or add me on steam so we can plan fights on the future. Not saying this to the LBP because no needed we already have them on the list…why? because they are the only faction that when fights come they dont run out, they stay till the end and thats how we like to play.

Hope that the next patch can bring lot of fun more and new things that we can do this way better. Im agreed that there must be more reward but also that this is just alpha. And Im very pleased on how the admins are working on here and about OCD like i sayd…if not exist it will be more time minning stuff than the time you can go and fight. If some people dont like to play fair thats another thing.

Want to have some action against the Alliance please write me a PM… Also because we dont fall on provocations anymore, because some factions like to do this and once your there…they run out…

This post was brought you by… SFA is still recruiting…