We need CHANGES! Some offers and Criticism from SWP

I enjoy doing my scout yo rid the gold world of pirates but I am a one man band most of the time so it’s pretty hard! However I’m still alliance and it’s my job to make it “safer” I suppose? Although I have to agree almost 100percent with Alex on this one I’ve a Base and CV on alliance world, one thing I have seen is alot of cvs that are set to private on the alliance world… Totally dodging taxes right there!! Anyway I setup a Base in pvp it has yet to be found

Im not Russian. I hope u didnt want to go more with your insults and some kind of racism?

if u didnt see this problems - that didnt mean that there are NO problems!©

Yes but i still dont like to loose to bugs all the time. I am NOT blaming you its just the game core thats realy bad right now.

Dont accuse me for being a credit farmer i do a lot of stuff but just not fighting.

Alex- you are a old player. In pka now its mostly new players. We have maybe 3-4 older ones for the moment and 10 new ones that we are helping up.

The thing you dont understand is that its no use to try and follow the roleplay. Its just no fun loosing ships after ships after ships. Even if i can keep building them i just dont have any fun in it. I have tryed fighting but its just so broken in some areas that there is no meaning to try.

We are now helping new players mostly…And doing some fighting when we get bored…

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Its Alpha. We know that, u know that. I catch lost connection in 50% of my fights. Its sad, but sit on PvE planet and w8 while devs create some miracle - looks more sad… I hope u understand this too.

I didnt say that its exactly u. I didnt notice ANY nicknames at all. We all know who where.

(I read global, I know about your moves/helps in start systems. Dont worry)

Than why Alliance?))) Go traders. Farm and trade. This roleplay game, create some sense for continue playing this. But this unbalanced RP-system, create tons of fake-factions, which are created only for easy farm and abusing roleplay system… I didnt see any sense in such game. at all.

I hope u gonna get “bored” more :yum: For this moment, we only patrolling systems.

well we do gather up an attack force from time to time… So you never know when you will run in to us…

I believe this is considered exploiting and it is not allowed to shoot BA turrets outside of their range. But of course you can’t prove it when they do this while you are not there… But ninja-mining for some reason is allowed it seems.

[quote=“AlexAKM, post:7, topic:2565”]
Man, they will get billions before 5.0 … [/quote]Do not underestimate another person’s greed for more :wink: . Even if they have billions they will want more. But the players who had a lot of RP from previous times, well… They gotta be filthy rich now yeah. Right now you get more from RP but once they remove that, even the rich will farm gold again. But I’m not gonna do that on gold planet… Too bothersome and I lose more in ammo cost alone than I can farm there. There are safer ways to make gold still.

My biggest reason for no PVP-ing (I’m alliance):

  • Not enough active players online in faction.
  • If there are enough active players online, they are either servicing miners or don’t have any ships > 50k iron ingots.
  • Nobody hires us.
  • 5.0 wipe is incoming soon. I don’t want to spawn an expensive ship now.
  • It costs me ~3 hours a day just to service my miners and hydrogen and visiting market place, smelting pentaxis (pain now that we can’t afk that…) etc… A lot of time is wasted on that. I don’t really need the ores but, more is better and perhaps I spawn a 2048383 block ship in 5.0 if turret targetting still hasn’t changed and I will play god :smiley:

u waste 3 hours for nothing. Just wasting time every day. For what u collect resources? For OCD? Ok, u got dat OCD full (as I know, u already done it). What next?..

afk players, which stay online just for farming credits. We know.

lol. After 5.0 there gonna be wipe for 6.0… And u again wouldnt spawn any ship, bc soon u loose it too???

P.S.: I couldnt understand this. Collect tons of resources, waste ALL FREE time for it, and didnt be able to create some battle ship for 50-100k iron?!.. wtf?..

I saw this EVERY day for whole month. Every one knows that, and use it vs us. U think someone try fight without that?)))

The rules are very vague right now. Some players in our faction believe that it is illegal to ninja-mine (abusing market) and others believe that this is allowed (me). Police didn’t give an answer to it (yet, if ever) so we don’t really know.
Not to mention turret-range-abuse and spamming BA’s, and the even worse cases. Game is just terribly and terribly balanced for PVP right now and so many bugs…

But if I were you I would at least try to report them. But they would have to punish half the server I bet so probably not gonna happen. But sometimes they punish for certain imbalances/abuses/exploits and not for others so I would just try to report them if I were you even if they are not in the rules/laws. You can always get lucky…

And yes Police and admins are overburdened :frowning:

Regarding ore prices:
Prices are mainly so low due to the T3 (shared) autominers, multi-accounts, and the new fuel that double the output from almost all miners. Before you had to service them twice a day, now only once a day. Most players were lazy and serviced them only once so I got twice as much ore back then but I had to spend a lot of time servicing them.
On top of that the NPC packages and donator packages supply you with all the rare resources you ever need.
Silicon and Copper and ere and zas are almost never used at all, yet we get boat loads of it thrown at us now. Even without the OCD those should have no value. Only some noobs buy them from the eleon market.

The resource imbalance are imo primarily caused by:

  • Donator packages & (a bit) donator planets
  • Npc packages (never manually mine sathium and such)
  • T3 autominers
  • Multi-accounting combined with shared faction access
  • Fusion fuel (halves the time needed to service miners)
  • The abundance of deposites everywhere.
  • O2 and penta are worthless because of obvious other reasons.
  • Macro’s (a bit)

Shooting BA turret with HV artillery is an exploit now?

Don’t think everybody is trying to abuse the game, I don’t use OCD and don’t care about RP points, we switched from trader to hunter for pvp, if we switched to pirates we couldn’t fight SWP.

Every time I log in, I struggle with bugs, each session I lose full inventories of stuff, I lose new ships from bugs, I spend hours rescuing teamates from bugs and when we can pvp, we get even more bugs, everything you do is a gamble against bugs. Every time I play I feel like I’m doomed by the gods.

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Who said this? Pirates could fight vs EVERYONE.

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[quote=“chobo, post:36, topic:2565”]
Shooting BA turret with HV artillery is an exploit now?
[/quote]Not this one. This one seems actually intended. But the others probably are not intended. But it’s all a rather thin gray area.

well its not worth crying over spilt milk lmao at the end of the day its not a finished game and every thing is experimental.i agree with a lot of which Alex says just dont like the way it been put over as if it someones fault,and i know for a fact a lot of peeps aint fighting much because of the device blow up glitch and no damage on the outside lol i been done over 5 or 6 times and aint got a shot off lol but only found out that its a bug couple of days ago lol Alex you say that no one wants gold no more have you actually been outside of homeworld lol did you know there are 2 planets i know of which has gold meteors on them lol so mabe you need to change your strategy lol instead of waiting for peeps to come to you you go looking for them lol make something good of a bad 4,4,3 lol and hope 5.0 is better lol if not leave but i have been on other servers and they are shit everyone comes back to HWS as there is something for someone.and dont forget its not called PHWS lmao Pirate Home World Server … heheheheeheh whoop whoop no animals were harmed in the writing of this discussion whoop whoop

Good luck with that.

3 hours looking for a fight on NA with 3-4 people spread out in multiple systems.


That was one good thing about 5AP. You hang around gold planet long enough they’d come out to play.


I created a hunter faction when i first started the game and was learning. And WHY would i give up the credits per hour to join another hunter faction? I want to PVP, but AGAIN, until i can fly with other factions without shooting them, there is little point on taking on overwhelming odds. And I am not going to start making your crying ass happy just because you want more fights.

My bad, I had to read the guide again, old belief.

Nothing to add. Another useless greedy boy. I hope Admins decrease bonuses to all small factions, than u get some meaning of word “roleplay”.

LOL. N1 try, continue create MORE reasons for your “farmer” gameplay… So funny tries.

Some one blind, or my Eng so bad? Where I wrote about “Give me more PvP!!1111” ??? Show me this pls, windbag.

We hear that a lot…“I want PvP but… I don’t want to fight LBP’s 6+ CVs/ insert other reason here!”

People want PvP on their terms. So you don’t really want PvP. You just want to win.

We’ve engaged people with unfavorable odds because we thought it would be fun and we wanted PvP.


All projectiles have greater range than their description, I can’t tell exactly how much but I’m sure they go in a straight line then start to drop due to gravity on aplanet when “max” range is reached and the speed of your ship add to their max speed for even greater range. Whitout this kiting would be op.