We need CHANGES! Some offers and Criticism from SWP

Yes some players don’t fight for the sake of pvp, they fight to win. There’s no rule against it. But it is another reason for Alliance to often chose not to fight.
And I always have this feeling that the people who just want PVP join pirates. And thus pirates will be more active in pvp.

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But it puts you at a severe disadvantage. I’ve been on the losing side of 2v8 or 1v6 engagements and they taught me just as much about PvP as fights with even numbers. Sometimes more. I’m rapidly seeing why alliance and hunter factions are so woefully inept at PvP if they will only pick fights they think they can win without even trying to push the boundaries of their safe space.

There’s a reason our faction can reliably win fights even when outnumbered 2 to 1.


Greedy has nothing to do with it.Im not giving up a benefit, especially not to make you happy. The stupidity of your logic is baffling. They decrease it you think im any more inclined to take on your 25+ person faction? Not likely. If you understood this conversation would make sense. And its not like there are any bounties being given out on your head. BOY? I love it when kids give my old ass the label of boy.

Ill be a farmer anyday if it pays this nice, im good with that :heart_eyes:.

As for PVP Ive tried twice, and first off i want to tell you Remak (spelling) was great. I really enjoyed not only fighting him but his assistance afterwards. Raidon pounded our ship while we were on the ground, wasnt much of a fight. But i did learn about ship building from both of them. Again part of this “roleplay” you so desperately want us to do cant be done until we can ally with alliance or Traders to protect them. Im not going to get through to you, but I’ll repeat myself again.

That is the funniest thing you have said. You wont shut up but im the windbag :grin:

Another funny line. No one fights on other peoples terms. You have 25+ in your team to my 2. So if i could ally with say another group and make it more even…ya im going to do it. The fact that you are saying your pvping without wanting to win is again laughable.

Ive seen your ships, and Ive seen most of the people’s ships that arent pvping much. There is no comparison you know how to build one that is solid. They could have 2 to 1 on you, but if you dont know how to build a ship, numbers wont matter. It will teach them to bring the right ones though.

Que the HUGE reply and laughing taunts of AlexAKM.

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We generally cruise around 1 CV per system if we are looking for fights. And guess what - past engagements people ran from that 1 CV. 1 on 1.

We aren’t all going to mobilize to engage 1 CV - because it’ll be dead by the time we’d get there or it will have run away. We mobilized for 5AP because we knew they may get help quickly and actually fight us - but nobody else has been worth the effort.

Here’s a typical converstation from our Discord:
“Contact in Alliance…CV”
“Need help?”
“No - he’s running.”

“Did you get him?”
“Nope he’s in atmo.”

“Contact in Homeworlds…he’s warping…I think Trader -following”
“Nope he’s not here…sigh

That was pretty much last night.

We have never in our history had 25 people online. Even at our peaks we’ve rarely had more than 6CVs out.

The irony is that the very reason our numbers decline is because we cannot get a fight so I guess the best way to kill LBP is to keep it up and not fight us and more and more of our members will go back to EVE, Elite, War Thunder, Hearts Of Iron 4, Underail, Subnautica, Diablo 2 (Yeah I know wtf right), World of Warcraft ( @Xanif gross) - that’s the games people are playing in our Discord…

It’s gotten to the point where people don’t even bother to log in and just post in discord:
XXXXX- Last Sunday at 10:31 PM
call if you need backup
XXXXX- Yesterday at 2:48 PM
if y’all need me, I’m always here. Waiting, watching…

Cause why log in to sit around hoping that somebody will fight you?


This is just an additional reason why people should fight even if they know they will lose.

If LBP gets into a fight and we lose a ship, and by lose I mean the ship is captured and blueprinted by another faction, that is a HUGE blow to us. Our ship designs, with all their vulnerabilities to be analyzed, are now out in the world. If a trader or alliance lose a ship to us then what did they really lose out on? A ship design that doesn’t work is now in the hands of your enemy.

Why do you care? What did you actually lose? The mats of your ship? If you’ve been carebearing it up since the start then you can stamp out another one immediately.

Anyone who fights us has very little to lose and so much to gain and, still, everyone cowers behind their PvE faction planet cursing the fact that LBP has ships that work and they don’t.


N1 try. Even in our best time, we didnt get more than 10 people online. For last weeks, its 2-4 CV max… Cry more about 25+ people - this will help u. Im sure.

Your speech didnt show u as old man. Thats schoolboy speech - "Im greedy and farmer, and Im dont care about it"©

Join group, or invite to your group. Nope? Than cry more about ally which even didnt notice by devs in future patches. N1 excuse, as always.

pffffffffff… If u couldnt hold your WORD - than who are u? I still w8 dat quote about “Give me more PvP!!1111”. Cmon, show me that.

P.S.: Couldnt talk with such… Greedy minecrafters, which creates ONLY lags and bugs in systems, which use faction tags only for farm (no help, no trade, no fight)… Useless element on server. No fun for any one.

Come to NA.

I promise we can pew pew.

One of the reasons I chose to lead lawless is, I don’t need anything but a pve sector for vacationing. The rotationals are fine for that otherwise most of our stuff is open to attack if found. My faction lived on neo planet for 2 weeks shortly after 4.0 start. To think most of you are so obsessed with gold your closest foothold base is 100kish deep in space while my faction made attacks on gold and the other planets from right next door. Until they turned on the cv frontals we weren’t sure if we’d ever get kicked off. At one point we had a main base The Cave its never been decored its just a shell now unfortunately and most of the upper mountain has been leveled to her floors, 3 support bases and almost 15 deployed battle hv’s to give frontline backup and to cover our cv’s blindspots. The only other place anyone tried to make a foothold was sathium it didn’t last them hardly at all. Someone put turrets to cover there ams on erestrum bout it.

As for gold lol. I’ve only had good luck there once got like 20 mets in a row and all the rest of the money I’ve made has been from sathium, neodymium, erestrum, and zascosium. It doesn’t matter if some factions have some of these in abundance others do not or get shot down will all there resources and need replacements. I’ve also made way more selling resources than mining gold. The game also offers other ways to get currency. On NA blue crystals are getting more and more popular as more of the piles disappear. Even on neo/zuccria places that had places with almost 100 piles clustered now only have 20 so the price will go up or people will blitz there bc autominer.

As for my group it has been developing in stages. Base and hv building on neo with heavy duty transport cv’s. . Then we went with making a few combat sv’s now next step is battle cv’s. I’ve already modified a captured vessel from a pre alpha war and tested it last night on tomcat. I coulda bugged out he had teammates there but when I saw it was only him to fight it was on. It was a good fight I got to see how all the new changes work and how splash damage is still the same if your moving into it the damage goes on into your ship just like it did in pre alpha.

I also havn’t done a cv fight since pre alpha. We used to unless there was some issue we didn’t have to worry to much about shots going through our armor then again we only had steel blocks and armor plating to save us.

As for the alliance system, yes, its hard to escort traders atm and little stuff like that. But, as I’ve tried to state multiple times in NA global if you guys would organize you could take on a big faction despite all these problems.

Example: Big faction takes gold planet. All the other main factions that want access get in a chat and organize a multiple wave assault. Either go in one faction at a time and notify the next upon success/fail or 2 at a time. You could have forces build up over planets like neo and z planet. Then you have them go to gold if they have even loose organization they use a few people with sv’s as scouts as they land get hv’s out or whatever that factions battleplan is. Then start wiping out there bases doesn’t mean you have to setup your own foothold if your wanting gold. Then while group A is fighting you have group b assemble in system waits for group A to retreat/warp out if they fail. Then they attack. You ensure that the defending faction has very little time to repair and setup new bases. You also in this case have friendly forces nearby if things go wrong and persay the zone goes unstable and your barely able to get to orbit with even a sv.

Could the faction reclaim it yes but how fast they can do that depends on how much resources they put on the line to hold it and if they are defending they can’t mine.

I am a pirate and have no problems going to get gold off the gold planet.

I see a lot of exploiter ships lately. If I see a ship that looks questionable I just screen shot it and warp out.

I saw a ship that was two floating balls. The center was empty so all the turret shots would hit nothing. I also see a lot of ships that have extremely long single block arms to avoid turret shots. Just keep on reporting the violators. The HWS staff is great and respond very quickly and fairly.

Ok - but there is no rule against that. Until turret mechanic are addressed an awful lot of ships are “exploit” ships.


The floating ball ship is against the rules as per the no floating blocks law so you can report him for that.

As far as not putting important things where you know turrets shoot, I’m curious as to how you think that’s an exploit.


The funny thing is that if turrets shot a random block every time it’d still be better than what we have today.


It is against the rules.

Guide 4. Law NR 1 Structures.

“Core placed far away to prevent main ship/turret damage”

The ships I am referring to had there guns WAY out front on a single block extended far away from the main ship which had two arms going left and right with boxes.

The core was so far away from the ship the turrets would never be hit. That is a rule violation and it is pretty clear what they were trying to accomplish with this kind of ship build. It Is also clear what the spirit of the rule is trying to prevent.

Whoa there tiger - where was the core though?!

I’m just sayin if the core wasn’t far away not agaisnt rules!

unless the core was in the gun box, which is wasn’t, then it was against the rules. The guns were approximately 20+ blocks straight out on a stick. The only reason someone would do that is to avoid them from being shot at.


Hi guys! I can tell you one thing. Some of you are suffering from Long-term Empyrion Frustration Dissease. Belive me, i’ve been there.

Strongly suggest to take a break, go out, do something else, chill out, put your time into something which works :slight_smile: this game being alpha can make ppl crazy.

Reason why a lot of ppl are not putting everything in is obvious, its waste of time for nothing. I come online time to time just to collect some stuff, not even trying to leave planet and at first sign of some bugs or trash interface or controls i leave before it overhelms me. I belive that there are more like me, old Empy players waiting.

And im happy about that, im on forum everyday, watching changes HWS is doing and reading what happend. Still like the game and love HWS but when i see CV battles videos…just no, for god sake no. Not now in any case, its ridiculous.

One more thing, as i see it more from outside i can tell that its much more about accusing each other from chating/exploiting than ever. Well its bugged, deal with it and wait a bit. Dont let it poison you. Belive me, i’ve been there.

Im sure 5.0 will repair many anoying things…and introduce many new bugs to explore and enjoy :slight_smile:

Chill out. good luck, have fun and take it easy :wink:


[quote=“Darkwulf, post:58, topic:2565”]
It is against the rules.

Guide 4. Law NR 1 Structures.

“Core placed far away to prevent main ship/turret damage”
[/quote]It’s not when your ship is simply max size in length (https://s18.postimg.org/mqszmg7qx/20161129190544_1.jpg). The core is not “far away from your ship” because your ship is everywhere.

And then look at these 2 ships:

These ships are still operational. They may not have any/much turrets left but they still work, they still fly. Simply by moving the core around. It appeared that they disconnected, that’s probably why they were standing still. Leprikon cut in half but still flies. And these aren’t even good designs. Good designs are many more times more cheesy.

And then there are ship designs that have several ships (1 core) connected through small pathways. Turrets are also useless against these design but these ships are allowed by the Police. They only made that rule for people who would made a 100 block arm for the core and then put the core in a tomb of 20 layers of armor away from a (tiny) ship. But in 5.0 this should be fixed. But like I said before, unless they fix turret targeting, 5.0 is not gonna fix anything regarding this.

You only need a core, cockpit, 1 generator and 1 thruster to attempt to fly away . Don’t even need RCS/fueltank to remain operational. And if the lag is on your side, you can escape with just that. So broken design. And you can always place new components down from market/cargo box and then again just fly away. Game allows you to insta place a lot of stuff just like that, no build-time nothing in combat. Also broken. Early Access…

And there is no rule against makings arms for turrets/guns. It would be a useless rule anyway because you would just make your ship bigger then to avoid that rule anyway.

It’s all allowed and if you don’t use these tactics, you only place yourself as a disadvantage. Just gotta learn what is allowed and what not and then push every limit. This will win you battles.

[quote=“Elfias, post:63, topic:2565”]
Strongly suggest to take a break, go out, do something else, chill out, put your time into something which works :slight_smile: this game being alpha can make ppl crazy.
[/quote]Yes this. The bugs, pushing of limits, imbalances, unfair punishments, ganking, large factions, exploits being used against you and you can’t proof it, loss of items, ships disappearing, offline raiding, dc-ing in battle, etc. etc. It can drive people mad. It did to me at least. Taking a break is the best option.


Already done. If they wouldnt fix dat “not enough memory” error, there would be no game… Last patch ruin all my game.