We need CHANGES! Some offers and Criticism from SWP

Thanks @Xanif for refuel our orbital station in trader system. :sweat_smile::laughing:

And thanks for my new HV around AllienWorld :heart_eyes:

I dont know what this universe will do if we dont have you Xanif…I love you!!


Aww did you break the HV on X7?

Rude. I left it powered down so it’d not bother anyone.


Screenshot or it never happened


I was going to write something but picture is worth thousand words.

So let me introduce Empyrion PvP, thats why i think noone is that eager to do it.

I would say its a bit…crippled.

LOL, wait, so my comments don’t count, but you just HAVE to mention them and that they don’t count… nice…

I think what I am hearing is that you don’t like “my playstyle” and think it’s completely wrong?, but have no legs to stand on for a debate about it, so use ad hominem.

I never said I was afraid of losing all my stuff, what I said was:
I like that I can build up my stuff Before I lose it all to PvP, and that I minimize my losses to the pirates. Both those statements were “in character” as a Trader…

Yes, right now I am playing solo, BUT I HAD five people in my faction, they all quit because the pirates were ignoring the “don’t take everything from the noobs” rule and they had no “proof” of it, so gave up.
Most people don’t want to play with cheaters, perceived or in reality.

I am not worried about shit like that. Life happens. I am a “casual” who works 60+/hrs a week, love the concept of this server, support it financially, and play when I can. I haven’t even been on for more than a few hours this week because I’ve been sick, working anyway because I need the money. So sue me for my “playstyle”.

I am not looking for martyrdom or sympathy. It’s called life. I play GAMES for FUN. Yes, I place rules on my gameplay, because I actually have standards of conduct. If it looks like a bug or an exploit, I don’t use it. Period. This is currently how I find it Fun. It gives me goals and with this server, the ability to actually “catch up”, eventually.

Show me that rule.

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First one in 6.4.1 Pirates
Stealing from people without wiping them out completely.

… and that is what I am talking about… that attitude, that I have to prove anything to you…shouldn’t you, as a pirate, know this?

I too would like to see that seeing as right in the pirate faction guidelines it says, quoting from reference HWS Guide chapter 6.14:

"The Pirate faction is a selfish but proud faction. They don’t care from whom they are stealing stuff but they do it with joy"

Yes. You do have to prove it when you make things up. The components that a ship is made of are extremely valuable. The rules there is in place to prevent griefing. Killing someone repeatedly when they have literally nothing on them.

I’m wiping you out everything on your ship because I can use everything on your ship.

I have no idea where you got it in your head that pirates would do anything different.

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I don’t have any such misconception, and that is my point. You are assigning things to me that do not apply.

That is why THEY quit…
THEY decided that spending a few hours to make a SV and CV to get out of the starter system just so some asshat can take it all for their own gain was stupid, why do it a second time? THEY felt like there was no point of being slaves to someone else game. So they quit.

The fact you do not see this as a problem IS the problem.

No. The fact that you manufactured a game in your head to play that nobody else on the server is playing is the problem.

I’m glad you’re enjoying the game you’re playing because nobody else is playing it.

Don’t blame pirates for your own mistakes.

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Amazing… I am talking about other people and you still want to make it about me…

I GAVE you the quote right from the rules and you chose to ignore it and comment on the second part of my post.
You never even cared that they might have been killed over and over? That they were accused of “wasting ammo” because they kept coming back, hoping to get at least their packs and flee? No, it’s all about you getting stuff. YET this whole thread is filled with posts saying it’s not about the stuff. But that’s your defense you stick with.

I am one player with his own rules of conduct. I am NOT saying you should adhere to them, I never said or even implied that. I tried to explain how I ended up in this situation. I really thought this thread was about finding out how and why the system is “broken”… but according to you it isn’t. ok.

I am going back to playing the game my way and having Fun. Good luck to you all.

This is exactly what I"m talking about. You came up with your own rule set that the rest of the server isn’t playing with and now you’re salty that others are playing the game the way it was designed.

It’s not your backpack anymore. It’s my backpack now. I fail to see how this is a difficult concept to grasp.

I’m glad you’re enjoying the game but it’s not the game everyone else is playing and you don’t get to be salty because you chose to ignore the rules and make up your own.

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I was explaining how Other’s were salty. I even SAID this wasn’t me, it was the others…
I actually showed you the RULE, because you aren’t supposed to “ruin someone else’s gameplay”, just make it difficult.
6.4.1 Pirates
Stealing from people without wiping them out completely.
6.4.1 Pirates
Stealing from people without wiping them out completely.
6.4.1 Pirates
Stealing from people without wiping them out completely.

You fail at basic reading and comprehension.

I am not salty in the least. I MEANT the good luck part, because, as I see it, you are your own worst enemy and don’t even see it.

You keep quoting that rule but you don’t understand what it means. It means that you shouldn’t follow people around killing them over and over again to wipe them out completely from the game. It’s there to stop griefing. It’s NOT there to specify that “Oh, I killed you. Come get your backpack and be on your merry way.”

I don’t know how you keep coming to the same conclusion over and over again but it’s fallacious.

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You are arguing with a crazy person.


Man if you have your own rules that fine…but them when you lose think that you will lose like all on this server does. Thats also why there is all the things that you dont want to use…to made that balance.
Cant be set a special rule just because you choosed to play diferent.



I do get it now.
HOWEVER, I was (and I AM) saying They didn’t get it.
They felt like they were being vilified for being victims, because of people quoting the “wasting ammo” clause…
so they quit. That’s a problem and could use clarification?

ALSO you never even stopped to ask if that’s what happened. Were they killed over and over and targeted when they spawned on planet?
IMHPO that’s because you don’t care even if it WAS what happened.

PLUS, YOU, personally, NEVER specified anything about the rules, OR even said I was interpreting it incorrectly, until the Last time…

Why would you expect me to have any other idea about it?
ie. I cite the rule as you asked, and you apparently ignore that part of my post?
To the point I feel like I need to post it a few times in a row in hopes you see it?
I’m totally at fault for that? Communication is a two way street.

and that is why I gave up on this thread…
I never said anything remotely like you what are trying to attribute to me,
i.e. OTHER people should play my way…

I was explaining how I see things as I role play a trader… why the hell would any Trader worth their salt carry goods when they don’t have to? Traders are not here for you to be disposable loot bags… that was all I said… I was made out to be a bad guy because of it. So I explained to one person how I play and a little of why… suddenly I want Everyone to have to play that way and am crazy. nice.

Apparently the only recourse to my posts were personal attacks.
I was hoping for better, but expected no less. It’s the intrawebz. LOL

At this state of game development and the amount of people there can be in server at maximum. I honestly think whole faction system should not even implemented yet. You are universe alone and thats it, would have been best choice. Think about big faction if all members is online at the time its possible half of whole server capacity at the moment, who do you fight, no one. And after all then everyone would be in the same page and you allways could find someone to fight for. Survival is the name off the game, well for 20, 30 or even 40 people or more sized factions, is very far from what i call survival,its survival only for others. If i would be developer of game, whole faction system would left instantly and coming back only much later.
dont get me wrong in many games i like factions and in many of them myself, but in this game it just not work at the moment of best interest of all.